University of Virginia Library


"The decision of the University
to co-educate was a momentous
one," he said, "and was
made after a great deal of consideration
and study."

Mr. Shannon continued that
the new policy was recommended
by the special commission he appointed
last year to examine the
pros and cons of co-education.
"The commission," he said,
"came to the conclusion that the
University should admit women
only after an intense debate on
both sides of the issue."

(Sources in the administration
have suggested that the final decision
of the commission was decided
in an arm-wrestling match
between Dean T. B. Woody and
Dean of Women Mary Whitney,
but there has been no official confirmation
of this.)

Standing with the president at
the conference were his wife
Eleanor and their five children,
Virginia, Carolina, Georgia,
Louisiana, and Eleanor. He was
obviously pleased that his daughters
would now be able to attend
the University of which he is
chief administrative officer.