University of Virginia Library

'Walked On'

Prefacing the resolution was
Wendell Johnson of the NAACP's
Youth Council, who said
"In the downtown area there are
only a few Negroes in positions
-less than 30, and most of these
as shipping clerks. We feel
walked on, and shouldn't be just
because of the pigment of our
skin. One employer even answered
our questions by saying
'we don't hire the handicapped."

"We also hope for Negroes to
be able to buy any house they
can afford. Right now they evict
any Negroes from public housing
at will-even one woman whose
rent was five days overdue."

George McMillan began the
Council's debate with "In understand
your goals but don't feel
clear on your means. Just what
exactly do you want us to do?
If it's to accept your goals, we'll
support them; but if more, we
want to know the means you
have planned."