Board of Visitors minutes April 06, 2001 | ||
WHEREAS, Stephen Stratford Phelan, Jr., of Alabama matriculated in the College in 1993; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Phelan showed early promise as a student, as an athlete, and as a leader among his peers; and
WHEREAS, this promise was realized in every way as Mr. Phelan distinguished himself in the classroom, on the football field and in a wide variety of student organizations; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Phelan received the Grey-Carrington Award among other honors, and took his Bachelor's degree from the College in 1997; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Phelan matriculated in the School of Law in 1998 and was elected the Student Member of the Board of Visitors in 2000; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Phelan has performed his duties faithfully and with distinction;
RESOLVED, as Stephen Stratford Phelan, Jr., completes his term, the Board thanks him for his service and counsel and wishes him well as he completes his studies in the School of Law and begins theological studies.
---------------------- Board of Visitors minutes April 06, 2001 | ||