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The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty

Mr. Edwin W. Arnold as Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering, for three years, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $7,900

Mr. Ralph C. Bralley as Instructor in Speech Correction and Audiology, for one year, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $6,300

Mr. Douglas T. Day, III as Assistant Professor of English, for three years, effective 1
September 1962

Mr. Ernst S. Dick as Assistant Professor of German, for three years, effective 1 September

Mr. Richard T. Eppink as Acting Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, for one year,
effective 1 September 1962

Mr. Frank E. Flora as Lecturer in Education, for one year, effective 1 September 1962, at a
salary of $6,000

Mr. Richard D. Gilardi as Instructor in Law, for one year, part-time, effective 1 September
1962, at a salary of $3,150.

Mr. Eugene N. Lane as Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, for one year, effective
1 September 1962

Mr. Richard P. Lawlor as Instructor in Law, for one year, part-time, effective 1 September
1962, at a salary of $3,150

Mr. Bertram F. Levin as Visiting Associate Professor of Economics, for one year, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $9,100.

Mr. Charles R. McDowell as Visiting Professor of Law, for one year, part-time, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $7,500

Mr. Robert E. Nelson as Assistant Professor of Education, for three years, effective 1
September 1962

Miss Priscilla F. Richardson as Instructor in Law, for one year, effective 1 September 1962,
at a salary of $6,300

Mr. Muvaffak Seyhan as Visiting Professor of Chemistry, for one year, effective 1 July 1962,
at no salary from the State

Miss Herta H. E. Spatzker as Instructor in Nursing, for the period 1 June 1962 to 3 September
1962, at the annual rate of $5,720

Mr. Robert L. Strong, Jr. as Lecturer in Russian, for one year, effective 1 September 1962,
at a salary of $7,600

Mr. Knox Turnbull as Visiting Professor of Law, for one year, effective 1 September 1962,
at a salary of $14,200

Mr. Walter J. Wadlington, III as Visiting Associate Professor of Law, for one year, effective
1 September 1962, at a salary of $9,100

Mr. Howard D. Winters as Instructor in Anthropology, for one year, effective 1 September 1962,
at a salary of $6,600