University of Virginia Library


Dr. Emmett, as Chairman of the Medical Committee of the Board, submitted a report in its
behalf in connection with the services of Dr. Lentz as Administrator of the Hospital, and developed
at some length the activities of his committee in considering Mr. Lentz' qualifications and the reasons
for its recommendation that Dr. Lentz be not continued in his present position. After a very
full discussion of the matter, in which Mr. Darden, President, participated, the following preambles
and resolutions were, upon motion duly made and seconded, unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS, at a meeting of this Board, held on the 13th day of October, 1950, the matter of
the retention of Dr. Lentz as the Administrator of University Hospital was referred to the Medical
Committee of the Board for consideration and investigation; and

WHEREAS, the Medical Committee has this day reported to the Board that it has held meetings
with respect to this matter with the Executive Committee of the Hospital and has had an expression
of their individual views with respect to Dr. Lentz' fitness and competency and has also conferred
with Dr. Lentz, and has now reported to the Board that, in its judgment, Dr. Lentz is no longer capable
or qualified satisfactorily to discharge the duties of the office of Administrator of the Hospital
and has recommended to the Board that his services as such be terminated at such time and in such manner
as the Board may think proper and appropriate;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that upon the basis of the report and recommendation of its Medical Committee to the effect that
after full investigation they have concluded that Dr. Lentz is no longer capable or qualified satisfactorily
to discharge the duties of the office of Administrator of the Hospital, the President be,
and he hereby is requested to ask for and if possible obtain Dr. Lentz' resignation from the position
which he now holds, and that in the event of his unwillingness to resign, his employment by the
University of Virginia be, and the same hereby is, terminated effective January 1, 1951, and that the
President be and he hereby is requested and directed as of that date to relieve Dr. Lentz from the
discharge of any duties heretofore performed by him.

RESOLVED FURTHER, that Dr. Lentz' compensation be continued at the same monthly rate now
being paid him to July 1, 1951.