University of Virginia Library


The President reported receipt of the following gifts and grants





From the Seven Society to install a drinking fountain in Madison Bowl  $ 77.77 
From Mr. David McCord Wright, 1750 books and papers for the Alderman Library,
valued at 
From Mr. and Mrs. Cammann C. Duke, 300 volumes and manuscripts for the Alderman
Library valued at 
From Mr. Linton Massey, for support of the Bibliographical Society  $ 500.00 
From the E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, for a post-graduate fellowship in
chemistry for the 1955-56 session 
From the E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, for a post-graduate fellowship in
physics for the 1955-56 session 
From an anonymous donor, for scholarships in the School of Nursing  9,500.00 
From the Union Carbide and Carbon Company, for a pre-doctoral fellowship in physics
for the session of 1955-56 
From the U. S. Rubber Company, for a fellowship in physics for the session of 1955-56  1,500.00 
From Colonel John R. Fox, books for the Alderman Library valued at  203.50 
From the United Daughters of the Confederacy, for the Woodrow Wilson Scholarship  450.00 
From the W. K. McClure Foundation, for a scholarship in Foreign Affairs  1,200.00 
From the Henry L. and Grace Doherty Foundation, for the Woodrow Wilson Department of
Foreign Affairs 
From the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, for a fellowship in chemistry  3,000.00 
From the C. Bascom Slemp Agency, for the purchase of equipment for a chemistry
laboratory at the Clinch Valley College 
From Dr. John T. Bate, to be added to the Bate Student Loan Fund, securities valued at  1,265.00 
From the General Electric Company, for a scholarship in the College  500.00 
From the V Club for the V Club Scholarship  244.00 
From Mrs. William A. Powe, to the Social Service Department of the University Hospital  300.00 
From Dr. Francis H. McGovern, for the Medical Library  250.00 
From the Class of 1902 Fund, to cover a scholarship in the Law School  400.00 
From the Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. Foundation for research in physics under Professor
Stephan Berko (NO PUBLICITY) 
From the estate of the late Mrs. Ida Ellis White to be used for the perpetual care
and upkeep of the University cemetery 
From the Student Aid Foundation, balance due for athletic grants-in-aid for the
1954-55 session 
From the Student Aid Foundation, for athletic grants-in-aid for the 1955-56 session  25,000.00 
From the Alumni Association, for athletic grants-in-aid  10,000.00 
From various sources, to be added to the Tuttle Memorial Fund  115.00 
From the Fund for Adult Education, for the establishment of the University of
Virginia Liberal Arts Center for Adults 
From Mr. Theodore Barnes, to establish the John Toole Memorial Trust, securities valued
From Mr. and Mrs. Peter Belin to establish the Sheppard Royster Cooke Loan Fund  200.00 
From the estate of the late Mr. John W. Herndon to be added to the Rucker Home for
Crippled Children Fund 
From Mr. Forrest Hyde, for the Samuel Baker Woods Award  250.00 
From the General Motors Corporation for a graduate fellowship in physical chemistry
for the 1955-56 session 
From Mrs. John W. Harris, for the installation of a memorial window in the University
From the Charlottesville Branch of the American Association of University Women, for
a scholarship in graduate studies 
From the Trustees of the Sarah G. Winthrop Fund to be used for the Law School  1,000.00 
From the following persons, for the purchase of a cobalt cancer machine 
Mrs. Mary R. White  1,559.25 
Mrs. H. Lee Boatwright  899.88 
Mr. John G. Boatwright  500.00 
Anonymous donor  500.00 
From Burlington Industries Foundation, $500 for the Burlington Industries Scholarship
and $500 to be added to the general funds of the University 
From the Muscular Dystrophy Association, for research in pharmacology under Dr. C. L.
From the Department of the Navy, for research under the direction of Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau  32,500.00 
From the American Tobacco Company, for research under the direction of Dr. Alfred
Burger of the Department of Chemistry 
$ 2,000.00 
From the Department of the Air Force, for research under the direction of
Professor Alfred Burger 
From the Department of the Air Force, for research under the direction of Dr. Vincent
Hollander of the School of Medicine 
From the Department of the Air Force, for research under the direction of Dr. G. C.
Pitts, of the Department of Physiology 
From the National Science Foundation, for research under the direction of
Professor L. G. Hepler, of the Department of Chemistry 
From the Upjohn Company for research under the direction of Drs. Parson and
Crispell of the Department of Internal Medicine 
From the R. E. McConnell Foundation, to further the studies of allergic diseases, under
the direction of Dr. Oscar Swineford of the Department of Internal Medicine 
From Smith, Kline and French Laboratories, for research under the direction of Dr. W. P. Anslow
of the Department of Physiology 
From the Common Cold Foundation, For research under the direction of Dr. Catherine
Russell of the Department of Microbiology 
From the Pfizer Laboratories, for research under the direction of Dr. C. J. Frankel,
of the Department of Orthopedics 
From the United States Public Health Service, for research under the direction of the
following members of the Medical faculty 
Dr. C. L. Gemmill  8,088.00 
Drs. Klingman and Suter  15,972.00 
Dr. D. C. Wilson  10,000.00 
Dr. Thomas H. Hunter  6,152.00 
Dr. P. Y. Patterson  8,694.00 
Dr. D. C. Wilson  15,000.00 
Dr. William Parson  11,385.00 
Dr. W. O. Klingman  5,175.00 
Dr. G. C. Pitts  5,806.00 
Drs. Klingman and Suter  10,000.00 
Dr. E. D. Brand  8,510.00 
Dr. C. E. Wheeler  9,027.00 
Dr. J. L. Guerrant  4,715.00 
Dr. W. A. Volk  7,130.00 
From the Ciglia Oil Burner Company, for research in chemical engineering under the
direction of Professor R. M. Hubbard 
From the Department of the Air Force, for research under the direction of Professor
J. W. Cole of the Department of Chemistry 
From the Virginia Heart Association, for research under the direction of Dr. George
Minor of the Department of Surgery 
From the Department of the Navy, for research under the direction of Professor
Stephan Berko, of the Department of Physics 
From the Department of the Army, for research in physics under the direction of
Dr. A. R. Kuhlthau 
From Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Rust, property in Florida valued at  85,000.00