University of Virginia Library

Officials Indicted

Since then five UMW
officials have been indicted, or
have pleaded guilty to the
Yabionski murders.

Mr. Boyle, 70, is running on
his previous record, which
includes the collection of
interest on delinquent money
owed by coal companies. This
money was used to increase the
union pension fund. Last
March the UMW president was
indicted for embezzling union
funds which were given to
union-supported political

The two major planks of Mr.
Miller's platform are increased
pension and medical benefits
and stricter enforcement of
mine safety rules, Mr. Miller
charges that under Mr. Boyle's
tenure in office an average of
one miner has died every
working day in the mines.

Mr. Miller claims that he will
raise pension benefits to $200
a month, decrease the UMW
president's salary from
$50,000 to $25,000 per year,
and hold elections for all union