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The Rector responded to the President's letter by reading to the Board a statement addressed to President Shannon by the Rector, as follows:

Perhaps we should pause a moment or two to reflect on the seriousness of Dr. Shannon's announcement, but I think it is quite clear to the Board -- as it is to me -- that we are confronted today with a great loss, as well as a great responsibility.

Dr. Shannon, I am sure, has read the surprise -- and the disappointment -- in our faces. On a decision of this magnitude, such a mixture of surprise and sadness was inevitable. It causes one to grope for words.

But I know, Edgar, that I speak for the Board and for the University community at large -- a community you have helped stretch to the limits of the Commonwealth -- when I say how grateful we are for the good and faithful service you have given us.

The University can be proud of you -- as we are proud of you. You have demonstrated to this Board your complete dedication to the University. It always came first -- in the good days and when it rained, as it does today, not only outside but in this room.

On behalf of the Board I want to express our deep gratitude. You have helped carry out the purpose of our founder, Thomas Jefferson, for this institution in a way that all who know us can take pride.

We have indeed become, under your guidance, a national university, not just in law or medicine, but in the full range of the liberal arts. You helped attract a faculty of the highest quality while developing a program and plant to challenge and inspire those who teach and those who learn.

You have put new and important emphasis on the University's role of service to the State, extending the influence of this institution into new areas of great but neglected need.

You have gained recognition in the councils of higher affairs of this nation in a manner that has not only brought honor to you but glory to the University.

And by the timing of your announcement today -- well in advance of the departure we regret so deeply -- you have demonstrated again the qualities of a man Virginia is proud to have as the president of its university.

The standards you have set will not make it easy for this Board in finding a successor. It will be a challenge -- but we will do our utmost to meet it. As prescribed by the Manual of the Board, I will appoint a committee at the appropriate time to work with the faculty in nominating a successor. We ask your counsel, Dr. Shannon, throughout.

Fifteen years ... it sounds so long, yet it seems so short in terms of your presidency. I am sure that this is because of the inspiration and excitement you brought to the task and which you carry to the job each day. When the days are full and life is lively, time passes quickly. So it has been here.

We will miss you. I know that I can say for all of us that we are deeply grateful for the privilege of working with you and seeing the University grow and prosper.

In the days that you will still be with us -- and in those quieter days beyond -- we wish for you and your family great happiness and the knowledge that this University will always remember you with a fond and grateful heart.

At the conclusion of the reading of the Rector's letter, the Board rose and applauded the President, following which each member shook the President's hand.