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The American Stationers Company invite the attention of Teachers
and School Committees to the following list of School Books published by them.
It is the design of the Company to devote special attention to the publication
of the best Books on Education for Academies and the Common Schools of the
United States, and to be engaged in such only as will stand the test of criticism,
and receive the approbation of discriminating Teachers; and also to
have their Books manufactured in a faithful manner.
Emerson's North American Arithmetics—Parts I. II. and III.
Emerson's First, Second, and Third Class Reading Books.
Emerson's National Spelling Books—the Old and the New.
Emerson's Introduction to the National Spelling Book.
Emerson's Progressive Primer, with beautiful Outs.
Goodrich's History of the United States, improved, 60th edition.
Goodrich's Questions to do.
Emerson's Questions and Supplement to do.
The Child's History of the United States, with Engravings.
Bailey's First Lessons in Algebra, and Key to do.
Bailey's Bakewell's Conversations on Philosophy.
Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, expurgated edition.
Vose's Compendium of Astronomy.
Balbi's Universal Geography and Atlas, for High Schools.
American Common Place Book of Prose.
American Common Place Book of Poetry.
Cleveland's First Lessons in Latin, on a new plan.
Walker's Latin Reader, with a free interlinear translation.
Wanostrocht's French Grammar, 24th edition.
Bossut's French Word and Phrase Book.
La Bagatelle, in French, for Beginners.
Voltaire's Charles XII., in French, with English Notes.
Hentz's Classical French Reader.
Whelpley's Compend of History.
Nichols's Elements of Natural Theology.
Ray's Conversations on Animal Economy.
Webber's English Grammar, for Academies and High Schools.
Parley's Bible Geography, for Common and Sabbath Schools.
Worcester's First Lessons in Astronomy.
The Juvenile Speaker.
Newman's Practical System of Rhetoric.
Davies's Bourdon's Algebra.
Davies's Legendre's Geometry and Trigonometry. { West Point Mathematics.
Davies's Surveying.
Davies's Descriptive Geometry.
Davies's Shadows and Linear Perspective.
Davies's Analytical Geometry.
Mansfield's Political Grammar.
Pinnock's Goldsmith's History of England.
Pinnock's Goldsmith's History of Rome.
Pinnock's Goldsmith's History of Greece.
The Scientific Class Book.
Parley's Bible Geography, with Engravings.
Nichols's Elements of Natural Theology, with Engravings.
Ray's Conversations on Animal Economy.
The Young Florist, or Conversations on Natural History.
Parley's Bible S orles, with Engravings.
Parley's Book of Poetry.
The New Missionary Gazetteer, with Engravings.
Parley's Ornithology, with numerous Engravings.
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