University of Virginia Library

No Page Number



Aministrative Board.


President of the University.

Professor of Secondary Education,
Director of the Summer School.

Professor of Latin.

Dean and Professor of Mathematics.

Professor of Education.



Registrar for Department of Public Instruction.

Local Manager.

Superintendent Buildings and Grounds.


No Page Number




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Page 6
ORA HART AVERY  Household Arts 
(Instructor in Domestic Science, Athens, Ga., High School). 
(Instructor in Physics, University of Virginia). 
ALBERT G. A. BALZ, M. A., Ph. D.  Psychology and Philosophy 
(Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia). 
(Adjunct Professor of Romanic Languages, University of Virginia). 
MARY R. BARNETTE  Penmanship 
(Instruction in Writing, Hughes High School, Cincinnati). 
GEORGIA MAY BARRETT, B. S.  Primary Education 
(Director Training School, State Normal College, Valdosta, Ga.). 
ROBERT MONTGOMERY BIRD, B. A., B. S., Ph. D.  Chemistry 
(Professor of Chemistry, University of Virginia). 
(Professor of Latin and Greek, Hollins College). 
WILLIAM EDWARD BRAY, B. A., M. D.  School Physician 
(Adjunct Professor of Medicine, University of Virginia). 
W. BREWER BROWN  Self Expression 
(Former Associate Sir Henry Irving, Director of Expression,
Birkbeck College, England). 
MARY COX BROWN  Home Nursing 
(Instructor Home Nursing, District of Columbia Teaching Center,
American Red Cross). 
(Director of Vocal Department, Elizabeth College, Salem, Virginia). 
HARRY H. CLARK, M. A., LL. D.  Education 
(Professor of Secondary Education, University of Tennessee). 
GARDNER L. CARTER, M. A., Ph. D.  Chemistry 
(Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Virginia). 
(Assistant Librarian of the University of Virginia). 
J. E. DOBBINS, B. A.  Education 
(Instructor Technical High School, Atlanta, Ga.). 
WILLIAM HOLDING ECHOLS, B. S., C. E.  Mathematics 
(Professor of Mathematics, University of Virginia). 
(Assistant Supervisor of Drawing and Manual Arts, Columbus,
(Professor of Germanic Languages, University of Virginia). 
GEORGE R. FERGUSON, M. A., Ph. D.  Education 
(Professor of Education, University of Virginia). 
(Director of Music and Supervisor of Music, in Pittsburg Public
(Professor of Latin, University of Virginia). 
(Instructor Savannah, Ga. Public Schools). 
HENRY F. FUCHS, B. S.  Music 
(Professor of Violin, Harmony and Appreciation, Hollins College). 
WILLIAM MENTZEL FORREST, B. A.  Biblical Literature 
(John B. Cary Memorial Professor of Biblical History and Literature,
University of Virginia). 
EDNA GIFFIN  Secretary, Y. W. C. A. 
(Member Field Student Staff Y. W. C. A.). 
(Adjunct Professor of French, University of Virginia). 
P. H. GRAHAM, M. A.  Astronomy 
(Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Agnes Scott College). 
W. J. HAYES, B. A.  Agriculture 
(Instructor Charlottesville High School). 
BESS HERRING  Assistant Kindergarten 
(Director Physical Training, Southwest La Grange School,
JAMES N. HILLMAN, B. A.,  Registrar for Department of Public Instruction 
(Supervisor of Teacher Training, Department of Public Instruction). 
JOSEPHINE HOLT, B. A.  French and Spanish 
(Instructor Modern Languages, John Marshall High School,
Richmond, Va.). 
EDNA HORNER  Household Arts 
(Teacher Home Economics, Richmond, Virginia Public Schools). 
H. CLAY HOUCHENS  Manual Arts 
(Instructor Manual Arts, John Marshall High School, Richmond). 
LUCY R. HOYT  English 
(Instructor in English, Columbia, S. C., High School). 
JAMES GIBSON JOHNSON, M. A., Ph. D.  School Hygiene 
(Superintendent of Schools, Charlottesville, Virginia). 
FREDERICK JUCHHOFF, M. A., Ph. D.  Finance and Accountancy 
(Professor of Accountancy, Toledo University). 
(Professor of Biology, University of Virginia). 
HENRY C. KREBS, B. A.  Education 
(Superintendent of Schools, Somerset County, New Jersey). 
(Professor of Hygiene, University of Virginia). 
ALBERT LEFEVRE, B. A., Ph. D., LL. D.  Philosophy 
(Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia). 
RABBI DAVID LEFKOWITZ, B. S.  Jewish Education 
(Rabbi, Hebrew Union College). 
F. M. LEMON, B. A.  History 
(Instructor Charlottesville High School). 
JOHN LEVI MANAHAN, M. A., Ph. D.  Education 
(Professor of Educational Administration, University of Virginia). 
LOIS HAYDEN MEEK  Elementary Education 
(Primary Model Teacher, Washington, D. C. Public Schools). 
J. MOORE McCONNELL, M. A., Ph. D.  History 
(Professor of History and Economics, Davidson College). 
(Adjunct Professor of Latin, University of Virginia). 
KATHERINE McCORMICK, B. A.  Physical Education 
(Assistant Physical Education, Mississippi Industrial Institute
and College). 
JOHN CALVIN METCALF, M. A., Litt. D.  English 
(Professor of English, University of Virginia). 
JAMES NEWTON MICHIE, B. S.  Mathematics 
(Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Texas). 
EDWIN MIMS, Ph. D.  Lecturer, English 
(Professor of English, Vanderbilt University). 
GRACE ELDRIDGE MIX, B. S.  Kindergarten Education 
(Supervisor of Kindergarten Education, State Normal School,
Farmville, Va.). 
(Art Instructor, Norfolk City Public Schools). 
JAMES MORRIS PAGE, M. A., Ph. D., LL. D.  Mathematics 
(Dean and Professor of Mathematics, University of Virginia). 
(Librarian of the University of Virginia). 
ARABELLA S. PILCHER  Household Arts 
(Supervisor of Household Arts, Richmond, Virginia, Public
EMMA ODY POHL  Physical Education 
(Director Physical Education, Mississippi Industrial Institute
and College). 
(Late Assistant in Art, Horace Mann School). 
(Director of Music, Hollins College). 
IDA EVANS ROGERS, B. A.  Elementary Education 
(Supervisor of Instruction, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.). 
EDWIN H. SCOTT, B. S., M. S.  Agriculture 
(Professor of Agriculture and Biology, Georgia Normal and Industrial
W. G. SHACKELFORD, M. A.  Mathematics 
(Professor of Mathematics and Dean, Virginia Christian College). 
(Adjunct Professor of English, University of Virginia). 
YETTA SHONINGER, B. S.  Elementary Education 
(Associate-Professor Elementary Education, George Peabody
College for Teachers). 
(Yale University, School Fine Arts). 
(Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Richmond, Va.). 
MARY BELL SMITH, B. A.  Physical Education 
(Physical Director, Forest High School, Dallas, Texas). 
BENJAMIN SLEDD, M. A., Ph. D.  English 
(Professor of English, Wake Forest College, N. C.). 
T. R. SNAVELY, M. A.  History and Sociology 
(Adjunct Professor Economics, University of Virginia). 
FRANK G. SPEAR  Decorative Art 
(Head Department of Drawing and Applied Design, John Marshall
High School, Richmond, Virginia). 
MARY JANE SULLIVAN  Commercial Courses 
(Instructor Commercial Department, Charlottesville High
ETHEL SUMMY, B. S.  Elementary Education 
(Primary Model Teacher, Washington, D. C.). 
(Supervisor of Music, West Chester Normal, Penn.). 
GEORGE A. WAUCHOPE, M. A., Ph. D.  English 
(Professor of English, University of South Carolina). 
ROBERT FRANKLIN WEBB, B. C. S.  Commercial Courses 
(Principal Commercial Department of City High School, Charlottesville,
(Assistant in Biology, University of Virginia). 
(Assistant in Physics, University of Virginia). 
(Supervisor of Music, Roanoke Public Schools). 


Page 7


The University of Virginia Summer School is conducted for teachers
and students in high schools, academies and colleges and for
those who desire professional training for primary and grammar
grade work. It also offers many courses for college credit, and
others to meet the needs of students preparing for college entrance
or who have conditions to absolve. It takes as its peculiar province,
not the ordinary summer institute, but the solid and substantial
training of high school teachers, college teachers, college students,
and teachers of any grade who wish to procure professional work.

LOCATION.—Charlottesville, the seat of the University of Virginia,
is in a picturesque and healthful situation among the foot-hills
of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It is at the junction of two great
lines of railway, the Chesapeake and Ohio and the Southern, and is
thus of easy access from every part of the country. The sanitary arrangements
of the University are excellent. The climate is invigorating,
healthful, and free from malarial conditions, the average elevation
of the surrounding country being about six hundred and fifty
feet above sea level; the water supply is pure, being drawn by gravity
from a mountain reservoir six miles away; the system of drains and
sewers is complete. The average monthly mean temperature from
1901 to 1911, taken from the records of the weather station at the
University Observatory, was: June, 71.4; July, 76.8. There are three
golf links, a well-conducted country club and many other attractions
for summer visitors.

EXCURSIONS.—Under the directorship of a competent guide,
there will be excursions to neighboring points of interest such as
Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson; the Natural Bridge; Luray
Caverns; the Grottoes of the Shenandoah; the battle fields in
Virginia; and any other points to which a sufficiently large number
may care to go. The proximity to Washington and Richmond and
Old Point Comfort (three hours' ride to each) should make a visit
exceptionally interesting. On designated clear nights parties will
leave Cabell Hall at 8 o'clock to visit the McCormick Astronomical
Observatory, where they will be shown the stars through the large
telescope in the Observatory.

and other entertainments will be announced during the session of
the Summer School. The Clifford B. Devereux Company will give
three plays and The Players Club one or two plays. The whole
course includes about twenty numbers and the price of a season
ticket is $2.50 making the cost about the same as moving pictures.
Irma Seidel, Violinist, will give a Concert, and Paul de Launay, Concert
Organist of Paris, France, will give a full week's Organ Recital.

BOARD AND ROOMS.—Board and room may be had at prices
ranging from $5.00 per week, where several stay in the same room,
upward, according to accommodation and proximity to the University,
the average being $5.50 to $6.00 per week. Most of the boarding
houses immediately adjoin the University grounds.

One hundred single furnished rooms and one hundred and twenty-five
furnished double rooms in the University dormitories will be reserved


Page 8
in the order of application. The price will be $6.00 for the
full term of six weeks for a single room, and $9.00 for a double
room. The price for the second term will be $3.50 for a single
room, and $5.00 for a double room. All checks for rooms should
be made payable to E. I. Carruthers, Bursar. Every double room
must be occupied by two persons. No reduction will be made for
parts of a term. Applications for rooms must be accompanied
with the full amount of the fee, which will be returned for good
reason and room released if application is made before June 10th.
No rooms will be rented to any person who does not register and
pay the fee in the Summer School. Rooms that are reserved will
not be held later than July 1st. No room will be open for occupancy
before June 21st. Roomers must provide themselves with
necessary bed clothes, towels, etc. Rooms will be in charge of
Mrs. M. P. Harris, an experienced matron and chaperon. Some
members of the faculty will be located in each set of dormitories.
No cooking allowed in rooms. The rooms on Dawson's Row will
be reserved for men. The location of these dormitories in the
University grounds and the social advantages resulting from bringing
so many teachers close together make this arrangement a very
desirable one and the rooms are eagerly sought.

The University Commons, conducted by Mrs. S. I. Carter, will be
open for summer students and will provide table board for three
hundred and fifty persons at the very low price of $5.00 for a single
week. $18.00 a month or $4.50 per week, if paid weekly, or $25.00
for the first term of forty-one days and $20.00 for the second term
from August 2 to September 6th. A lunch counter will be run in
connection with the Commons, open from 9:30 A. M. to 11 P. M.

Application for dormitory rooms should be sent promptly with retaining
fee. For list of boarding houses, rates, etc., see page 44, or
write to Secretary Summer School, Box 149, University, Virginia.

for the first term will be entirely free to all Virginia teachers in
all the regular courses, both elementary and advanced, leading to the
professional and first and second grade certificates. To meet local
expenses the State Board of Education has fixed a registration fee
of $1.50 for a six weeks' term for all of the Summer Schools of the
State, and this fee will be charged here. There are a few special
courses offered to meet certain demands but not necessary for certificate
credit, for which fees will be charged to all who take them.
The fee for each is designated in the catalogue. Small fees in laboratory
courses will also be charged all students who register in them.
For the second term a fee of $6.00 will be charged Virginia teachers.
Other fees will be the same as the first term.

Students from Virginia who are not teachers or preparing to teach
next session will be charged the same tuition as non-Virginia students.
Teachers whose residence is in Virginia but who are teaching
outside of Virginia will be charged the same fee as non-Virginians.

fee of fifteen dollars for each term will be charged each student
who registers from outside of Virginia. This fee will entitle the student
to enter any of the courses outlined in the catalogue (except a
few special courses which are so designated). No student, however,
will be permitted to take more than three advanced courses or


Page 9
six elementary courses without special permission in writing from
the Director and without paying an extra fee of $5.00 for advanced
courses, or $3.00 for elementary courses.

Note.—Teachers outside of Virginia are not limited in the choice
of their courses to the regulations under which Virginia certificates
are issued, unless they desire to teach in Virginia and apply for a license
issued in this State. In this case only State certificates from
other states issued by a State Superintendent or a State Board of
Examiners, and approved in advance by the Department of Public
Instruction of Virginia, will be recognized as a proper basis for professional

Teachers from other states will receive credit for all work done at
the University Summer School in accordance with the certificate
regulations of those States from which they come.

Medical Fee.—A small medical fee of 50 cents will be charged each
person who registers in the Summer School, which will entitle him
or her to free medical attendance by Dr. W. E. Bray, the Summer
School Physician, hospital phone, 548; residence phone, 565; office
hours at the hospital 11:30 to 12:30 and 4:00 to 5:00. Greatly reduced
charges, if it should be necessary, will be given at the University
Hospital, under the following regulations:

Medical Attendance.—Any student who is temporarily ill from
causes not due to his own misconduct, is entitled, without charge,
to all necessary medical advice from the Summer School Physician;
and, if necessary, to nursing in the University Hospital at a reasonable
charge for the maintenance while there. This exemption from
charge does not apply to cases requiring surgical operation, and for
special treatment of the eye, ear, nose, and throat, or to constitutional
disorders from which the student in question was suffering at
the time of his coming to the University. Nor is the University responsible
for the expense incurred through the employment of private
nurses, necessitated by severe illness of students, or through the
maintenance of quarantine precautions in contagious cases. Any
student sent to the University Hospital by the advice and under the
care of a physician other than the Summer School Physician will be
required to pay the regular hospital charges for private patients.

Recitations will begin in all courses Tuesday, June 24th, at 8:30 a. m.
There will be no classes on Saturdays except on June 28th,
and July 5th and 12th, when classes will meet at the usual hours to
make up for registration day and Fourth of July. The length of
recitation periods will be one hour, ten minutes of which will be
allowed for transfer from one room to another.

DAILY GENERAL ASSEMBLY.—Daily from 11:30 to 12:15
there will be a period in which the students may have the privilege
of attending a gathering of the entire body. At this time there will
be devotional exercises, music, short addresses on timely topics by
prominent speakers invited for this purpose, or some other interesting

SUNDAY VESPER SERVICES.—Experience has shown that no
Sunday service held here during the summer has been more attractive
or more appreciated than what has sometimes been called the
Sunset Service. Holding this service at this hour enables all the faculty
and the students of the summer school to unite in one common


Page 10
service without at all interfering with their attending the churches
of their choice in the city. The service, which is always kept within
one hour, begins at seven o'clock. When weather permits, the service
is held out of doors on the North Rotunda steps. Otherwise in
Cabell Hall.

REGISTRATION.—Monday, June 23rd, will be devoted to the
registration of students. All students who can possibly do so should
register on this day.

Those who fail to register before June 23rd will be permitted to
attend classes and register as promptly as possible at other hours.
The Registrar's office, located in Peabody Hall will be open continuously
from 8:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Students should consult freely
with members of the Faculty in case of difficulty in choosing courses.
No certificate will be granted to students who fail to register before
Tuesday, July 1st, except a certificate of attendance.

No student will be admitted to any course without a registration
card naming the course in question and properly signed by the Registrar
and the Bursar.

THE GENERAL LIBRARY.—The General Library is open to
the corps of instructors and the students of the Summer School from
9 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. 3 to 5, and from 7:30 to 10 p. m. The collection
contains about seventy thousand volumes.

All books withdrawn from the library must be charged at the
desk. Usually books are lent for one week but there are exceptions,
and the loan expires on the date stamped in the book. Prompt return
not later than the date on which the loan expires is expected
and borrowers will be fined ten cents for each day delinquent. Students
are expected to give prompt attention to all communications
from the librarian.

REST AND STUDY ROOMS.—Madison Hall, the beautiful
building of the Young Men's Christian Association, and during the
summer session headquarters for the Y. W. C. A., will be open to
students and Faculty of the Summer School from nine o'clock in
the morning until ten at night. Students will have access to the current
periodicals in the reading room. The other rooms will be used
for rest, for study, for recreation, and for social gatherings. North
of the building there are nineteen tennis courts which will be
equipped for the use of the students.

Open to every woman in the Summer School, this club is organized
for the purpose of promoting a pleasant social atmosphere, giving
an opportunity for social service and religious development, and for
study of methods in club work and church work. The activities include
"stunt parties," camp breakfast, Camp Fire Girls demonstrations,
weekly meetings on religious and social questions and special
lectures on rural life questions. A secretary devotes her entire time
to the work and has charge of the club headquarters at Madison
Hall. Her office hours are from 9 to 11 a. m. and from 2 to 3 p. m.

STUDENTS' MAIL.—In order to insure safe and prompt delivery
of mail, every student should have all mail directed to University,
Virginia, giving always the street and number of his or her
boarding place or the number and location of his or her room in the
University. The local address should be filed at the post office
promptly upon arrival.


Page 11

TEACHERS' POSITIONS.—The University Appointment Committee
receives demands for teachers each year. This committee
would be glad to have well qualified teachers who are in attendance
upon the Summer School leave their applications with the Registrar.

THE SUMMER SCHOOL NEWS.—The News is a college newspaper,
edited and managed by students of the Summer School. It
contains all official and student organization announcements, campus
news and notes, editorial comment, etc. Its object is to acquaint
individuals with the life of the whole student body, and to unify the
interests of all.

RURAL LIFE WEEK.—The time between July 7 and 12 will be
devoted to the study of rural life problems in general, and to the
Community Centre in particular. A special effort will be made to
secure a large attendance of farmers, and farmers' wives, and community
leaders and distinguished speakers from all sections of the
United States will participate in the Conferences.

of the Woman's Land Army will have a training camp for
women agriculturists in connection with the Summer School consisting
of short Workers' Courses of two weeks each, and a short course
in Agriculture from July 1st to August 1st. The training camp will
occupy the Barracks erected for the S. A. T. C., and the management
of the camp will be under a trained director. The fee for the two
weeks course, including board is $10.00; four weeks course, $25.00.

FOURTH OF JULY PAGEANT.—Each year an elaborate pageant
is given in connection with the Fourth of July Celebration. An
extensive celebration will be a feature this year.

each course will keep the class grades, and attendance, hold the
examination, and average the class grade with the examination
grade, returning to the Director the general average grade of each
student in each course. Absences or delayed entrance will be
counted against the student. All examinations must be held under
the Honor System. A certificate for each course completed with an
average grade of 75 per cent will be signed by the instructor and the
Director of the Summer School, and mailed to the student. Each
student who wishes certificates sent, should file with the registrar
not later than July 20th, a large self-addressed stamped envelope for
mailing them.

Credit Allowed by Other States than Virginia.—Application has
been made to other Southern States for credit equal to that accorded
by the Virginia Department of Public Instructions. Credits are now
allowed toward the extension of the certificates by certain other
States. All persons wishing to arrange for credits with their respective
school authorities should correspond with the Director of
the Summer School.

University of Virginia College Credit.—Below are stated the conditions
upon which credit in the University of Virginia may be
granted for work done in the Summer School.

(a) The student must satisfy the entrance requirements of the
University of Virginia and matriculate before he can receive credit


Page 12
in the College for any work done in the University of Virginia Summer

(b) The Dean of the College will accept the completion of the
courses in the Summer School in lieu of the entrance examinations
in the same subject, provided that in his judgment the courses are
equivalent to those required for entrance to the University of Virginia,
and provided, that the certificates of courses completed be approved
by the University of Virginia professor concerned.

(c) The Dean of the College will accept certificates of completion
of summer courses in the University of Virginia, provided that such
summer courses be approved by the University of Virginia professor
concerned as the full equivalent in character and scope of the corresponding
courses in the University.

All courses numbered from 1 to 100 in this catalogue have been
approved by the professors concerned and will be accepted by the
Dean for such credit as is indicated in the description of each course.

(d) Students who satisfy entrance requirements will not only receive
credit at the University of Virginia for college courses taken in
the Summer School, but the summer school work is recognized by
standard colleges everywhere, so that students have no difficulty in
securing transfer of credits.

Honor System.—All examinations are held under the honor system
and the honor pledge required.


The Virginia certificates with which the courses of study at the
University Summer School are immediately concerned are the following:

First and Second Grade Certificates.

The Elementary Professional Certificate for either Primary or
Grammar Grades.

The Special Certificate—For High School Teachers.

The Collegiate Certificate—For High School Teachers.

The Collegiate Professional Certificate—For High School Teachers.

Courses will also be offered to meet the requirements of the Department
of Public Instruction for High School graduates, who wish
to obtain certificates.

There will also be courses preparing for the State Examinations
for first and second grade certificates and for extension of certificates.
Observation work will be provided by a well organized vacation


The applicant must be at least nineteen years old, must have
academic training equivalent to the first two years of high school
work, must have taught successfully at least nine months, and must
make a grade of not less than 85 per cent. on the state examination.
The subjects required for the First Grade Certificate and
value of each are as follows, the form for the applicant being included:


Page 13
Form giving information about applicant (writing and theory
and practice) 
Mathematics—arithmetic 10, elementary algebra to quadratics 5  15 
English—grammar and composition 10, English classics 5  15 
History—American and Virginian history 10, English history 5  15 
Geography 5, civics 5  10 
Science—Physical geography or general science 5, agriculture 5  10 
Physiology and hygiene 5, spelling 5  10 
Primary reading and methods 5, drawing 5  10 

"This certificate is valid for five years and renewable for a similar
period. It permits the holder to teach in the elementary grades.
An applicant who makes first grade averages but has not the requisite
experience or is not of required age, may receive a Second
Grade Certificate convertible into the First Grade when the above
requisites are met.


The applicant must be at least eighteen years old and must make
a grade of not less than 75 per cent. on the State examination, consisting
of the following subjects with the value of each:

Form by applicant (writing and theory and practice)  15 
Arithmetic  10 
English grammar and composition  10 
History—United States and Virginia  10 
Geography 5, civics 5  10 
Physiology and hygiene 
Primary reading and methods 5, spelling 5  10 

The minimum grade for a second grade certificate is 75% of 75,
or 56.25.

"This certificate is valid for two years and renewable for two.
The holder may teach in the elementary schools.

"As before stated graduates of four-year standard high schools
who have attended a summer normal or institute for six weeks must
receive a Second Grade Certificate."


Page 14


Complete courses, covering all of the requirements for the first
and second grade certificates, will be offered, beginning June 23rd
and ending with the State examinations July 25th and 26th. The
State Board of Education will renew the certificate of any teacher
attending for five weeks taking three courses, two of which must
be in Education.

For several summers this work has been given at Midway School
Building in Charlottesville, but this year all of the classes will be
held in the University.


Hour  Subject  Catalogue Title 
8:30  [1] Arithmetic  Math. R. 
Geography  Ed. 130. 
Writing  Writing 113a. 
Drawing  Drawing 123. 
9:30  [2] Grammar and Composition  Eng. R. 
Primary Reading and Methods  Ed. 133b & Ed. 133 R. 
Arithmetic  Ed. 138. 
Drawing  Drawing 122a. 
10:30  Grammar and Composition  Eng. 151. 
[3] American History  Hist. R. 
Writing  Writing 113b. 
12:15  [4] Virginia History and Civics  Va. Hist. & Civ. R. 
Physical Geography  P. Geog. R. 
Primary Reading & Methods  Ed. 132. 
Writing  Writing 113c. 
English History  History 166. 
2:30  Geography  Geog. R. 
Drawing  Drawing 122b. 
[5] Theory and Practice  Ed. 15, Ed. 17. 
3:30  [6] English History  Eng. Hist. R. 
United States History  History 167. 
Physical Geography  Geog. 159. 
Agriculture  Ag. 106. 
Arithmetic  Ed. 137. 
4:30  Hygiene  Ed. 12. 
[7] Algebra  Math. 325. 

Courses marked "R" are special review courses for the State Examination.

Students, however, can choose any of the other courses designated,
if they prefer to do so.

As many classes in each subject will be formed as the attendance

The classes at Midway School are open for observation from 8:30
to 1 o'clock each day and teachers are urged to avail themselves of
the opportunity thus afforded.


Subjects starred are those on which examination will be required
for provisional certificate.


Subjects starred are those on which examination will be required
for provisional certificate.


Subjects starred are those on which examination will be required
for provisional certificate.


Subjects starred are those on which examination will be required
for provisional certificate.


Subjects starred are those on which examination will be required
for provisional certificate.


Subjects starred are those on which examination will be required
for provisional certificate.


Subjects starred are those on which examination will be required
for provisional certificate.


Page 15


Subject  Courses and Hours 
[8] U. S. History  Hist. R; 10:30, C. H. 4. 
Hist. 167; 3:30, C. H. 3. 
[9] Grammar and Composition  Eng. R; 9:30, C. H. 4. 
Eng. 151; 10:30, C. H. 5. 
[10] Physical Geography  Phys. Geog. R; 12:15, P. L. 1. 
Geog. 159; 3:30, P. H. 1. 
Primary Reading & Methods  Ed. 133, R; 9:30, P. L. 2. 
Ed. 133b; 9:30, P. H. 2. 
Ed. 132; 12:15, P. H. 5. 
[11] Agriculture  Ag. 106; 3:30, W. R. L. 
[12] Writing  Writing 113; 8:30, 10:30 & 12:15,
L. B. 5. 
[13] Arithmetic  Math. R; 8:30, C. H. 5. 
Ed. 138; 9:30, C. H. 5. 
Ed. 137; 3:30, C. H. 5. 
Geography  Geog. R; 2:30, C. H. 5. 
Ed. 130; 8:30, P. H. 1. 
[14] Virginia History & Civics  Va. Hist. R; 12:15, P. L. 1. 
Drawing  Draw. 122a; 9:30; 122b, 2:30; 123,
8:30, M. L. 1. 
Hygiene  Ed. 12; 4:30, C. L. 30. 
[15] Theory and Practice  Ed. 15; 2:30, P. H. 3. 
Ed. 17; 2:30, P. H. 1. 
[16] [17] English History  Eng. Hist. R; 3:30, C. H. 5. 
Hist. 166; 12:15, C. H. 3. 
[18] [19] Elementary Algebra  Math. 325, R; 4:30, C. H. 7. 
Spelling—No Regular Classes. 
Observation  8:30 to 1—Midway School. 

Examination on all subjects required for full first grade certificate.


Examination on subjects marked * required for provisional first
grade certificate.


Examination on subjects marked * required for provisional first
grade certificate.


Examination on subjects marked † not required for second grade


Examination on subjects marked † not required for second grade


Examination on subjects marked * required for provisional first
grade certificate.


Examination on subjects marked * required for provisional first
grade certificate.


Examination on subjects marked * required for provisional first
grade certificate.


Examination on subjects marked * required for provisional first
grade certificate.


Examination on subjects marked † not required for second grade


Examination on subjects marked * required for provisional first
grade certificate.


Examination on subjects marked † not required for second grade


Examination on subjects marked * required for provisional first
grade certificate.


For the first time in its history the Summer School will this year
continue for two terms; the first term beginning June 23rd and ending
August 2nd, and the second term beginning August 4th and
ending September 6th, making a full Summer Quarter. Students
may enter for either one or both terms, the work of each term being
arranged as a complete unit in itself. In each term all of the
courses, leading to the elementary professional certificate, will be
offered. Students may secure this certificate by attending the Summer
School for three sessions of six weeks each, but those students
who prefer to attend a summer session two quarters of twelve weeks
in separate summers in lieu of the courses for three years, as outlined,
may do so provided they secure teaching experience of at
least seven months between the two summers. The work for the
first summer of this arrangement will embrace the work of the first
year of the three years' course, as outlined, plus six weeks of additional


Page 16
related work and the work of the second summer will include
the outlined courses required for the second and third summers
of the regular three year course. Teachers who remain for
the second term, which will continue five weeks with lectures six
times a week, can do so at less expense than during the first

The following is the regulation of the State Board of Education
in regard to elementary professional certificates. The elementary
professional certificate is issued to applicants who complete one
year of professional work at a standard normal school, based on a
standard high school course or its equivalent, or who completed
work required in summer courses at some university, college, or
normal school, the summer courses of which are approved by the
State Board of Education.


Graduates of standard four year high schools, who attend a summer
normal for one term of six weeks each, taking five classes, three
of which must deal with methods of teaching, may be granted a second
grade certificate. Graduates of standard four year high schools
who attend a summer normal for two years of six weeks each shall
be given a provisional first grade certificate to be converted into a
regular first grade after seven months of successful experience, or in
the event of required experience, shall be given at once a first grade
certificate. Graduates of standard high schools who attend for three
summers of six weeks each taking a prescribed course will be
awarded the elementary professional certificate. Graduates of High
School Normal Training Departments within the last five years will
receive credit for one-third of the Summer School requirements for
the elementary professional certificate, provided they have had at
least seven months teaching experience.

The course may be taken at this school in either the first term or
the second term this summer, the same credit be allowed in the
second term.


Outline for Primary Grades.

First Year Offered Both First and Second Terms.

Elementary Education—Education 129a, 2:30  30 periods 
Methods in Reading I—Education 132, 12:15  30 periods 
Songs and Games—Physical Education 193, 9:30  30 periods 
School Hygiene and Sanitation—Education 12, 4:30  30 periods 
Methods in Language I—Education 142, 8:30  30 periods 

Second Year Offered Both Terms.

Principles of Teaching and Studying—Education 13, 12:15  30 periods 
Methods in Reading II—Education 133a, 8:30 to 10:30 and
133b, 9:30 
30 periods 
Methods in Language and Spelling—Education 134, 10:30  30 periods 
Public School Music—Music 232, 8:30  30 periods 
Hygiene and Sanitation—Education 12, 4:30  30 periods 


Page 17

Third Year Offered Both Terms.

Methods and Management—Education 15, 2:30  30 periods 
Drawing 122a, 9:30; or 122b, 2:30  30 periods 
Nature Study and Home Geography—Education 110, 10:30  30 periods 
Primary Industrial Work—10:30 and 12:15; 2:30 to 4:30  30 periods 
Child Literature and History Stories—Education 111, 12:15  30 periods 
Observation, 8:30 to 12:15, Midway School  20 periods 

Outline for Grammar Grades.

First Year Offered Both First and Second Terms.

Elementary Education—Education 129b, 10:30  30 periods 
Methods in Language and Spelling—Education 143, 9:30  30 periods 
School Hygiene and Sanitation—Education 12, 4:30  30 periods 
Arithmetic and Methods—Education 137, 3:30  30 periods 
Songs and Games—Physical Education 192, 8:30  30 periods 

Second Year Offered Both Terms.

Principles of Teaching and Studying—Education 17, 2:30  30 periods 
Methods in Language and Grammar—English 151, 10:30  30 periods 
Methods in Arithmetic II—Education 138, 9:30  30 periods 
Public School Music—Music 237 or 232, 8:30  30 periods 
Agriculture 106, 3:30  30 periods 

Third Year Offered Both Terms.

Methods and Management—Education 15, 2:30  30 periods 
Methods in Literature and Reading—Education 144, 10:30  30 periods 
Methods in Geography—Education 130, 8:30  30 periods 
Drawing or Industrial Work or Home Economics, 3:30 to
60 periods 
Observation 8:30 to 12:15, Midway Vacation School  20 periods 

(If drawing or industrial work is taken in the third year an elective
will also be required.)

Summer School Professional Certificate—For High School Grades
—Minimum Entrance Requirement.
—The holder of a Virginia First
Grade High School Diploma or the holder of a Virginia First Grade
Certificate who presents satisfactory evidence of having completed
the equivalent of a standard four-year high school course, shall be
granted a Summer School Professional Certificate—For High School
Grades, under the terms and conditions hereinafter stated.

The certificate and other credentials which entitle the applicant
to enter upon and pursue the course of study herein outlined must
be presented to and approved by the director of the summer school
before the applicant can be registered and admitted to classes.

This certificate entitles the holder to teach only the high school
branches named in the certificate.

All advance courses given the first term, and if a sufficient number
of students apply, many will be continued both terms. By July first
announcement will be made of all courses for second term.

General Requirements.—The courses prescribed in any of the


Page 18
branches hereinafter stated for the Summer School Special Certificate—For
High School Grades, must embrace no work unless
it be of College Grade, requiring minimum recitation periods of sixty
minutes each. These courses must be taken in a summer school at
a registered college or university and must be completed within a
period of three years from the date of beginning. This certificate
shall continue in force for seven years, and may be renewed for a
similar period from time to time.

The following "Content Table" gives the number of hours or recitation
periods required in each branch, and in addition thereto the
applicant must complete a course of thirty hours in Education.


Agriculture, 90 hours.

Botany, 60 hours, or Botany 30 hours and Human Biology, 30 hours.

Chemistry, 150 hours, of which 60 hours must be laboratory work.

Drawing, 90 hours.

English, 120 hours, including 30 hours in English Grammar, 30
hours in Rhetoric and Composition, and 60 hours in English and
American Literature.

Domestic Science, 90 hours.

French, 90 hours.

German, 90 hours.

History, 120 hours, including 30 hours in Modern European History,
30 hours in English History, and 30 hours in American History
and Civics. Sociology 197, may be included.

Latin, 90 hours, including a review of Cæsar, Cicero and Virgil.

Manual Training, 90 hours.

Mathematics, 120 hours, including Algebra, Plane and Solid Geometry,
and Plane Trigonometry.

Music, 90 hours.

Physics, 150 hours, of which 60 hours shall be laboratory work.

Physical Geography, 60 hours, or General Science, 30 hours and
Economic Geography, 30 hours.

Spanish, 90 hours.

Zoölogy, 60 hours, or General Science, 30 hours and Human Biology,
30 hours.

N. B.—This course must not be given at any school in Virginia
unless it is specially mentioned and advertised in its literature; no
supposedly equal course at any other than a designated summer
school will be recognized or accepted by the State Board of Education.


Representatives of the State Board of Health will give to the students
of the Summer School, a course of lectures on preventive
medicine and the State Board of Education is desirous that as many
teachers as possible take the course.

Applicants for first and second grade certificates will be given a
bonus of two points for the successful completion of the course, and
applicants for the Summer School Professional Certificate will be
credited with ten points on any one subject.


Page 19


The following abbreviations used in connection with the courses
indicate the buildings in which the classes are held:

L. B.—Law Building (Minor Hall); C. H.—Cabell Hall; F. G.—
Fayerweather Gymnasium; M. H.—Madison Hall; M. L.—Mechanical
Laboratory; P. H.— Peabody Hall (Education Building); P. L.—
Physical Laboratory (Rouss); O. L.—Organic Laboratory; R.—Rotunda;
W. R. L.—West Range Laboratory; C. B.—Chemical Building.

The Courses of Instructions are designated as follows:

Courses numbered less than 100 may be credited toward the bachelor's
degree in the University of Virginia.

Courses numbered from 100 to 299 are courses for which college
credit is recommended, though not given in the University of Virginia
because corresponding work is not offered in this University
during the regular session. These courses are, however, accepted
by other standard colleges which offer similar work, and in which
transfer of credit may be obtained.

Courses numbered from 300 to 399 are courses for which degree
credit is not recommended.

The amount of credit for each course is indicated in connection
with that course and is expressed in semester hours. Credit accepted
by the University of Virginia is also expressed in session-hours, two
semester hours being equivalent to one session-hour. Two hours
of laboratory work, as a general rule, are equal to one hour of lecture
or recitation.

Courses which are credited by the Department of Public Instruction
of Virginia toward certificates, will in addition to the numerals,
be designated as follows:

C—Courses credited toward Collegiate Professional or Collegiate
Certificates, entitling the holder to teach high school subjects.

E—Courses credited toward Elementary Professional Certificates,
entitling the holder to teach in both primary and grammar grades.


Agriculture 106, 107, or the equivalent should be taken preliminary
to, or parallel with, the more advanced courses, which may be taken
in any order. Six pupils are required to form a class in the advanced

Agriculture 100. C. E. Laboratory Materials and Problems in Agriculture.—W.
R. L. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Scott. Hours to be

For upper grades and high schools. Course 106 or 107 or equivalent should be
taken prior to or with this course.

Agriculture 101. C. E. Soils and Fertilizers.—12:15; W. R. L.
Credit, 2 hours. Mr. —.

Soils: fertilizers; composition; home manufactured mixtures; how to buy and use
fertilizers. Text-Book.—Snyder's Soils and Fertilizers.

Agriculture 102. C. Horticulture.—3:30; W. R. L. Credit, 2 hours.
Mr. Scott.

Fruit growing. Soils: preparation of the land; propagation; planting; cultivation;
fertilization; pruning; spraying; picking and marketing; varieties; insect and fungous
diseases. Market gardening. Text-Book.—Waugh's Apple Orchard.


Page 20

Agriculture 104. C. Animal Husbandry.—8:30; W. R. L. Credit,
2 hours. Mr. Scott. Given in 1920.

Embraces a study of the principal breeds of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and
chickens; the care, feeding, and breeding of these classes of live stock; the production
of clean milk; the making and handling of good butter; and the handling of chickens
at a profit. Wherever possible, the students will be given practical work.

Agriculture 106. E. General Agriculture.—3:30; W. R. L. Credit,
2 hours. Mr. —.

This course is intended for new students, and will be of a practical nature, planned
to fit directly school-room needs. The work of the Food Administration will be discussed.
Text-Book.—"Warren's Elements of Agriculture."

Agriculture 107. E. Nature Study.—10.30; P. H. 1. Credit, 2 hours.

Planned for elementary grades. The lectures deal with the principles of plant and
animal life, the more common wild flowers, grasses, weeds, and trees, insects, birds,
and other animals; their identification and other facts about them of interest and
value to children. Special attention will be given to methods of study and presentation.
See Education 110.

Agriculture 108. F. Bird Study.—4:30; P. H. 10. Credit, 2 hours.
Mr. — and Mr. Scott.

Given in cooperation with the National Association of Audubon Societies. Lectures
and Field trips. Students should bring field or opera glasses for use on trips.

Agriculture 109. C. E. Rural Sociology.—4:30; P. H. 10. Credit,
2 hours. Mr. —. Given in 1920.

Intended especially for rural school principals and supervisors, rural ministers, club
leaders, and others who wish a better appreciation of the forces shaping rural life
and rural institutions. Each member of the class will be expected to make a special
study of some community in which he is interested. A number of State and United
States Government reports will be available for use in this study.

Agriculture 110. Market Gardening.—Credit, 2 hours. Hours to be

This course will include a study of the general problems of market gardening, as
well as the preparation of the soil, methods of fertilization, planting, culture and harvesting
of the crop; methods of protection from insects and disease of the common
market garden crops.

Agriculture 111. Land Army Workers' Course.—Credit, 2 hours.
Hours to be arranged.

This will consist of practical field work in plowing, harrowing, preparation of garden
land, laying out of garden; tillage, planting and transplanting; harnessing and
handling of horses, and other problems related to the methods of farming. It will
consist of lectures in the field, and demonstrations. An effort will be made to have
each student acquire some skill in the operations involved. Time to be arranged.

Agriculture 112. Poultry Raising.—Credit, 2 hours. Hours to be

A lecture and laboratory course in poultry work, dealing with the problems of
hatching by natural and artificial means; brooding, care of chicks and adults; construction
of poultry houses and yards, as well as other problems connected with poultry

Note.—Additional instructors in Agriculture will be supplied.

fewer than 10 apply.

Woman's Land Army Training Camp.

The Virginia Division of the Woman's Land Army will have a training camp for
women agriculturists in connection with the Summer School consisting of short
Workers' Courses of two weeks each, and a short course in Agriculture from July
1st to August 1st. The training camp will occupy the Barracks erected for the S. A.
T. C., and the management of the camp will be under a trained director. The fee for
the two weeks course, including board is $10.00; four weeks course, $25.00


Art III. H. A. The School of Art.—9:30; M. L. 2 hours. Mr.

The School of Art was founded under the direction of the famous
illustrator and alumnus of the University of Virginia, Mr. F. Graham


Page 21
Cootes. The classes will be two in number, one in the morning
from 9:30 to 1 o'clock, and one in the afternoon, in which the pupils
work out of doors from nature. In the morning the pupils draw
and paint from a model in costume, in any medium. The course is
designed for pupils interested in illustration, cartooning, posterwork,
portrait, landscape or decorative painting, and for those who
desire it as an aid in teaching.

The class in Composition meets on Saturday.

At the end of the term an exhibition of the work done by the students
is held in Peabody Hall. No other school of art can advance
the pupil so rapidly, as the students have daily criticism, instead of
the usual one or two a week, and more personal attention and interest
on the part of the instructor than in other art schools.

The term is that of the Summer School, six weeks, June 19th to
August 2nd.

Rates: $10 per month, half day; $15 per month, full day; $15 per
term (6 weeks), half day; $20 per term (6 weeks), full day. An initiation
fee of $2 will be required of new students.

The term may be extended four weeks longer, making ten weeks,
if a sufficient number so desire at the following rates: $20 per term
of ten weeks, half day; $30 per term of ten weeks, full day.

For further particulars address Mr. Charles Smith, instructor and
director, Hyattsville, Md.


Astronomy 1. The Earth.—8:30; P. L. Upper Floor. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Graham.

Moulton's Introduction to Astronomy, Chapters I to VI. Covers the work of the
fall term of Astronomy B, regular session.

Astronomy 2. The Solar System.—9:30; P. L. Upper Floor. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Graham.

Moulton's Introduction to Astronomy, Chapters VII to X. Covers the winter
term of Astronomy B1, regular session.

Astronomy 3. The Sun and Stars.—9:30; P. L. Upper Floor. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Graham.

Moulton's Introduction to Astronomy, Chapters XI to end. Covers the spring
term of Astronomy B1, regular session.

Note.—Course 1 will be offered in 1919, and either Course 2 or 3, according to the
demand. If a sufficient number of students desire it, both 2 and 3 may be given.
If only two courses are offered, the third may be taken in regular session or in another
summer term.

Each Monday and Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, if the weather is clear, parties
will be conducted by Mr. Graham from Cabell Hall to McCormick Observatory for
observation through the large telescope.


Biblical Literature 35. C. The Literature of the New Testament.
12:15; C. H. 5. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Forrest.

A study of the writers and writings of the New Testament with reference to literary
features and characteristic teaching. Credit for one term Biblical History or Literature.

Note.—The daily lectures will be open to all who desire to attend. Only those
wishing credit need take the examination.


Page 22


These courses have been so constructed as to meet the needs of
teachers who are working in secondary schools, and to enable premedical
students to fulfill the medical entrance requirements as prescribed
by the American Medical Association.

Pre-medical students must take Courses 4, 5 and 6 in order to
meet their full entrance requirements. These three courses are
equivalent to two terms' work of Biology B1, regular session.

Biology 4. C. Botany.—Lecture 8:30; Laboratory 9:30 to 11:30;
C. H. 12. Credit, 4 hours (2 session-hours). Laboratory fee for
teachers $1,00, for others $5.00. Mr. Kepner and Mr. Whitlock.

Deals with the structures of plants and their vital phenomena. Introduction to the
systematic study of ferns and flowering plants. No text. Biology 4 and 6 are equivalent
to one terms' work in Biology B1 regular session.

Biology 5. C. Zoölogy.—Lecture 2:30; Laboratory 3:30 to 5:30;
C. H. 12. Credit, 4 hours (2 session-hours). Laboratory fee for
teachers $1.00, for others $5.00. Mr. Kepner and Mr. Whitlock.

Deals with the structure of animals and their vital phenomena. No text-book.
Biology 5 and 6 are equivalent to one terms' work in Biology B1, regular session.

Biology 6. C. Experimental Biology.—11:30; C. H. 12. Laboratory
fee $5.00 to those not registered in Biology 4 or 5. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Kepner and Mr. Whitlock.

A presentation of experimental work on the physiology of plants and animals.
The work of this course will be suggestive and helpful to teachers and supplements
the pre-medical student's work in Courses 4 and 5.

Biology 7-C. Advanced Zoölogy.—Lecture 11:30; Laboratory 8:30
to 10:30. C. H. 12. Credit First term of Biology C-1, regular
session. Mr. Kepner.

A comparative study of the morphology and physiology of the uni-cellular animals.
Laboratory fee $15.00. Not offered if less than five enroll in the class.

Human Biology 112. C. H. 12.—3:30. Mr. Kepner.

Course based upon Peabody and Hunt's Elementary Biology, the text-book that the
State Department will require to be taught in all rural and small town high schools.
Demonstrations and text-book work. Course will not be given if less than 20 enroll.


Field Botany 114. C. E.—5:30; R. 1. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Lambeth.

The outline projected is intended to give to the student a systematized course of
study, making it an easy and agreeable task for him to identify the various plant
families in his locality and acquire methods of study by which children may identify
and become familiar with the individual plants of their neighborhood.

The course will be of a practical character and performed in the fields and forests
near the University where the plant life is diversified and rich in both indigenous
and imported varieties.

Each student will, under direction, collect, identify, mount and preserve characteristic
types, so that he will have commenced the accumulation of an herbarium for
use in his teaching, and to which he can continually add specimens from his own
locality or that in which he is teaching. Text-Book.—Gray's Manual of Botany.


Chemistry 7. C. The Principles of General Chemistry.—12:15; C.
L. 28. Chemistry 7 and 8 combined. Credit, 6 hours (1½ session-hours).
Mr. Carter.

This course is offered especially for those who desire University credit in general
chemistry, or who are preparing to enter some medical school requiring chemistry
for entrance.


Page 23

Chemistry 8. C. Laboratory Course.—8:30 to 12:15 for advanced
laboratory work and 10:30 to 12:15 for others; C. L. Fee $10.00.
Deposit $5.00. Mr. Carter.

The facilities of the new laboratory and library are offered to those who wish
to do special work in general chemistry. The instruction in this course will be
such as to meet the needs of the following groups of students: those who contemplate
taking a civil service examination in chemistry and who wish additional
laboratory instruction; those who need additional laboratory experience in order to
meet the entrance requirements of professional schools; those who desire to apply
for University credit.

Chemistry 9. C. Organic Chemistry.—8:30; Laboratory 9:30 to
11:30; C. L. 28. Credit, 4 hours (2 session-hours). Fee $10.00.
Deposit $5.00. Mr. Bird.

This course is designed to cover the ground taken up by the first term during
the regular session. There will be one lecture and about 3 hours' laboratory work
a day.

Chemistry 10. C. Analytical Chemistry.—9:30 to 11:30; C. L.
Credit, 2 hours. Fee $10.00. Deposit $5.00. Mr. Bird.

This course is nominally a course in qualitative analysis, requiring about three
hours a day. The nature of the work may be modified to meet the needs of the
individual students and may include work in quantitative analysis.

Note.—In addition to the regular fee for Course 116, all except Virginia high
school teachers will be charged a laboratory fee of three dollars, and everyone must
deposit two dollars to cover breakage. Such portion as is not consumed will be refunded.
In Courses 8, 9 and 10 a laboratory fee of ten dollars and a breakage deposit
of five dollars will be required of every one.

Chemistry 115. C. General Chemistry for High School Teachers.
10:30; C. L. 28. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Carter.

A daily discussion of the elementary principles of the science will be held and
simple lecture table demonstrations made.

Chemistry 116. C. Laboratory Course for High School Teachers.
—8:30 to 10:30; C. L. Credit, 2 hours. Fee $3.00 (except Virginia
teachers). Deposit $2.00. Mr. Carter.

The sole object of this course is to train each member of the class to give laboratory
instruction in secondary schools.

Chemistry 117. C. Household Chemistry.—8:30; laboratory hours
to be arranged; C. L. 28. Credit, 2 hours. Deposit $2.00. Fee
(except Virginia teachers) $3.00. Mr. Bird and Mr. Carter.

Given in connection with the work in Household Arts. The lectures will consider
the chemistry of air, water, food and sanitation, with reference to the processes
that go on in the home, so far as the previous training of the student will
The laboratory work will consume about two hours a day. Not offered if
lower than 10 apply.

Special Methods of Teaching Chemistry.—Once a week—Friday at

A special conference on Methods of Teaching Chemistry in the high school will
be rendered by Dr. Bird and Dr. Carter. This conference will be valuable not only
to teachers of chemistry but to principals and supervisors as well.


High school courses, junior high school courses, and courses for
specialists in decorative arts will be offered on a fee basis by Mr.
Frank G. Spear, Head of the Department of Drawing and Applied
Design, Johns Marshall High School, Richmond, Virginia. Fee,
$10.00 for any number of courses.

Interior Decoration—Study of historic styles. Rendering of interiors
in color.


Page 24

Furniture Design—Study of period styles in furniture. Design of

Architectural Drawing—Building details. Design of simple homes.
Plans and elevations.

Dress Design—Study of period styles in costume. Design and
rendering of modern dress.

Pottery—Hand built pottery for the grades and high schools.

Modeling—Low and high relief.

The classroom in M. L. will be open to students from 8:30 till 12 and from 1:30
till 4:30 daily except Sunday.

The instructor will be in attendance during those hours and at such other times as
any group of pupils may elect.


Drawing 122a. Section I, First and Second Grade.—9:30; M. L.
Credit, 2 hours. Miss Pollitzer.

Drawing 122b. Section II, Third and Fourth Grades.—2:30; M. L.
1. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Odend'hal.

Study of the fundamental principles of art, with special emphasis on problems to be
carried out by children in the first four grades. The course includes—Study of the
principles we deal with in teaching art to children; How to give the art lesson to
children; Simple art projects to be carried out in grades.

Drawing 123.—8:30; M. L. 1. Credit, 2 hours. For teachers' grades
5 to 8. Miss Pollitzer.

Open to teachers who have had drawing 122a or 122b or equivalent. Course conducted
in the same manner, with emphasis placed on more advanced problems and
type of lessons suitable in grades 5 to 8.

Drawing 124.—9:30; M. L. 2. Credit, 2 hours. For teachers of High
and Normal Schools. Miss Odend'hal.

Study in line, dark and light and color of designs for textiles, rugs, wood block
printing, stenciling, problems which can be carried out in the High and Normal
Schools. Course open only to those who have had drawing 122a or equivalent.

Drawing 125. Method of Supervision.—3:30 to 5:30 Monday and
Wednesday; M. L. 1. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Pollitzer.

For teachers of drawing. Open only to those who have had experience in teaching
or previous work in drawing and who are also registered for drawing 122a, 122b or
123c. Course deals with presentation of the art lesson, selection of material and arrangement
of the course of study.

Drawing 126. Costume Design.—10:30; M. L. 1. Credit, 2 hours.
Studio fee, 50 cents. Miss Odend'hal.

Course for teachers of fine and domestic arts. Planning of simple costumes in line,
dark and light and color. Brief history of costume and making of original costume

Drawing 127. Interior Decoration.—12:15; M. L. 1. Credit, 2 hours.
Studio fee, 50 cents. Miss Odend'hal.

Course for teachers of fine art or domestic science. Study of designs for furniture,
textiles and interiors. Brief history of periods.


Education 12. C. E. Hygiene and Sanitation.—4:30; C. L. 30.
Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Johnson and Assistants.

This course deals with practical applications to local conditions of the hygiene
of posture, nutrition, ventilation, nose and throat, ears, eyes, nervous system, and


Page 25
sleep, and the prevention of contagious diseases. The last week is devoted to the
hygiene organization of the teacher's life and work. Assigned readings will be made
and reports required. Text-Books.—Terman's Hygiene of the School Child, and Teacher's
Health, and the Bulletins of the Virginia Board of Health.

Education 13. C. School Administration.—10:30; P. H. 4. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Manahan.

For superintendents, principals and teachers. Will consider contemporary tendencies
and problems in school organization and administration in state, county and city;
the duties and powers of central and local educational authorities, with special reference
to conditions in Virginia and the South.

Education 14. C. Educational Surveys and Tests.—9:30; P. H. 4.
M. A. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Manahan.

For teachers and supervisory officers interested in the scientific measurement of
educational products.

Education 15. C. E. Methods and Management (Third Year Elementary
Professional Course relative to one and two teacher
—2:30; P. H. 3. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr.

Aim, habit, first day in school; daily program; relative value of subjects; types of
teaching; order and discipline; text-book instruction; duties of teachers; ethical principles.
Suggested text: The Teaching Process—Strayer; School Management—

Education 16. C. E. Educational Psychology.—9:30; P. H. 5.
Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Ferguson.

Corresponds to the first term of Education B5 in the regular session. The course
will be an introductory survey of the subject, emphasizing its relationship to genetic
psychology on the one hand, and to education on the other. It will primarily consist
of a study of the main stages of mental development in the child and the proper
adaptation of school life work to the needs of these stages.

Education 17. C. E. Principles of Teaching and Studying. Second
Year Grammar Grade Professional Course.
—2:30; P. H. 1.
Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Ferguson.

Corresponds to the first term of Education B6 in the regular session and treats
of the educational value of the modern program of studies and the psychology of
school studies.

Education 19. C. History of Education.—3:30; P. H. 4. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Clark.

Corresponds to the first term of Education B9 in the regular session.

This course gives a historical background for the study of present educational
systems in Europe and America. Text-Books.—Grave's History of Education before
the Middle Ages and History of Education during the Middle Ages and the Transition
to Modern Times.

Education 20. C. High School Administration.—12:15; P. H. 1.
Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Clark.

Place of the high school in education; legal status of the high schools; organization
and government, including such problems as (a) the junior high school (b)
supervised study (c) the selective and advisory function (d) the informal life of the
school; selection and employment of teachers; school attendance and school records.

Education 21. C. Matter and Method in the High School.—8:30; P.
H. 4. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Clark.

Will deal with materials of high school education and the technic involved in the
instructional work.

Note.—A special conference of all high school teachers will be held once a week,
conducted by Mr. Clark.

Education 110. E. Nature Study and Home Geography. Second


Page 26
Year Primary Professional Summer School Professional Course.
10:30; P. H. 1. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Hayes.

Part I. Aims in nature study; relation to agriculture; principles of nature study;
outline by grade and seasons; typical lesson plans; suggestions for rural schools;
the school garden; treatment of topics.

Part II. What is Home Geography? Topics determined by pupils; units included
in Home Geography; social units; earth units; method of approach; sequence of
topics; definitions. Suggested tests: Practical Nature Study—Coulter & Patterson;
The Teaching of Geography in Elementary Schools—Dodge & Kirchwey.

Education 111. E. Child Literature and History Stories. Third
Year Primary Grades.
—12:15; P. H. 3. Credit, 2 hours. Miss

In this course a study is made of literature appropriate for the first four grades,
with discussions of the principles underlying the selection and presentation of stories
of children. The course aims to prevent a broad range of material which will give
a good basis for the appreciation and selection of stories suitable to children of
different ages. Classification is worked out with regard to sources and stories adapted
to various ages and purposes. The opportunity for individual presentation of stories
to children is provided for.

Education 129a. E. Elementary Education. First Year Primary
Summer School Professional Course.
—2:30; Section I, Primary
Grades. P. H. 4. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Shoninger.

Education 129b. E. Elementary Education. First Year Grammar
Grade Summer School Professional Course.
—10:30; Section II,
Grammar Grades. P. H. 5. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Barrett.

These courses are planned for the first year's work for primary and grammar
grade teachers and will include some general principles of education and elementary
processes in human behavior. Text-Book.—Thorndike's Education, Supplemented.

Education 130. E. Methods in Geography. Third Year Grammar
—8:30; P. H. 1. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Smith.

Aims, values, development of lesson types; motivation of Geography study; correlation
with other subjects; visual aids; how to use the text; arranging the course
of study.

Education 131. E. Child Study. Second Year Primary Summer
School Professional Course.
—12:15; P. H. 2. Credit, 2 hours.
Miss Ferguson.

This course presents the problems of child study; physical growth of the child;
native movements; instincts and their education; education of the senses; imagination;
early development of the child; play, imitation and curiosity as factors in the
learning process. Text.—Kirkpatrick's Fundamentals of Child Study.

Education 132. E. Methods in Reading 1. First Year Primary
Summer School Professional Course.
—12:15; P. H. 5. Credit,
2 hours. Miss Rogers.

Aims: practical work with class in oral reading; standards for each grade, second,
third, fourth; methods of teaching reading; types of reading lessons; critical
study of State adopted books; selection of library for these grades.

Education 133a. E. Methods in Reading 2. Second Year Primary
Summer School Professional Course.
—8:30 to 10:30; Midway
School. Credit, 2 hours.

Demonstration lessons in Methods of Teaching Reading. Demonstrations will be
given daily from 8:30 to 10:30 at Midway School Building in the regular organized
vacation school.

Education 133b. E. The Teaching of Reading 2. Second Year Primary
Summer School Professional Course.
—9:30; P. H. 2.
Credit, 2 hours. Miss Rogers.


Page 27

Education 133c. R. Primary Reading and Methods for State Examinations.—9:30;
P. L. 2. Miss Meek.

Education 134. E. Methods in Languages and Spelling. Second
Year Primary Summer School Professional Course.
—10:30; P.
H. 3. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Shoninger.

Language methods; course of study for the first four grades.

Education 135. E. Hygiene and Sanitation. Second Year Primary
Summer School Professional Course.
—Credit, 2 hours. See Education
12. Mr. Johnson.

Hygiene of the school will receive major emphasis.

Education 137. E. Arithmetic and Methods. First Year Grammar
Grade Summer School Professional Course.
—3:30; C. H. 5.
Credit 2 hours. Mr. Smith.

Text required.—Smith's Modern Advanced Arithmetic.

Education 138. E. Grammar Grade Methods in Arithmetic 2. Second
Year Grammar Grade Summer School Professional Course.

—9:30; C. H. 5. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Krebs.

Text required.—Smith's Modern Advanced Arithmetic.

Education 140. E. Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education for
Kindergarten and Primary Teachers.
—9:30 to 11:30; Washington
Hall. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Mix and Miss Herring.

The aim of the Course is to find the basic principles of early education in the
Kindergarten and Pre-School years. The children's natural methods of learning are
considered. The course of study for the Kindergarten and Primary Grades is
planned, based on the needs and stages of development of the Kindergarten and Primary
Child. Observation in the Kindergarten and Primary Demonstration Classes is
required as a part of the Course.

Education 141. Constructive Handwork for Kindergarten and Primary
—12:15; Washington Hall. Fee $1.50. Miss Mix.

A Course showing the relation of the Child's constructive activity to the Kindergarten
and Primary Course of study.

Practical work will be done with paper, crayola, textiles and clay. Problems of
food, clothing and shelter will be developed with simple materials, to enrich the
course of study and meet the child's play needs.

Education 142. E. Methods in Language I. First Year Primary
Summer School Professional Course.
—8:30; P. H. 3. Credit,
2 hours. Miss Barrett.

Three weeks of this course will be devoted to a review of English and Composition
to insure a foundation upon which to build up the course of study and methods
in the first four grades. The last three weeks will be devoted to language methods.

Education 143. E. Methods in Language and Spelling. First Year
Grammar Grade Summer School Professional Certificate.
H. 1; 9:30. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Summy.

Aim; spelling, subject matter, methods; language, oral, written; tests.

Education 144. E. Methods in Literature and Reading. Third
Year Grammer Grades.
—10:30; P. H. 2. Credit, 2 hours. Miss

Reading—relative value; material; kinds of reading; mechanics of oral reading;
silent reading; reading tests.

Literature—relation to reading; material; literary appreciation; outline of methods;
memory work; dramatization; parallel reading; biography of authors.


Page 28

Education 331. Medical Inspection and First Aid.

This course will be conducted by representatives from the State Board of Health,
who are specialists in their respective fields, assisted by members of the Summer
School Faculty.

Vacation School and Demonstration Classes.

A very important and helpful feature of the work in elementary education will
be a regular vacation school for observation purposes. The city of Charlottesville
will conduct a vacation school for work in all the grades, which will be in charge
of trained expert teachers. Arrangements have been made for daily observation
work, and classes have been scheduled to avoid conflict. The work will be done
under the supervision of a critic teacher.

Note.—A series of Round Table Conferences in Education will be arranged to
meet once or twice a week. Separate conferences for high school teachers, grammar
grade teachers and primary teachers will be held.


English 25. C. Rhetoric and Composition.—9:30; L. B. 2. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Shewmake.

Corresponds to the first term of English Literature A1 or A2 of the regular session.
Designed for these who seek University credit or desire to improve their

English 27. C. Survey of English Literature (first course).—10:30;
L. B. 1. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Sledd.

Corresponds to the second term of English Literature A1 of the regular session.
A survey of English literature from the Anglo-Saxon Period to the death of Pope.

English 28. C. Survey of American Literature.—8:30; L. B. 2.
Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Metcalf.

Corresponds to the second term of English Literature A2 of the regular session.
A general survey of the development of American literature with special emphasis
on the periods from about 1819 to 1870.

Note.—Students who complete satisfactorily the work of any three of the above
courses will be given credit for English Literature A1 or A2 of the regular session.

English 29. C. Eighteenth-Century Prose.—9:30; C. L. 28. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Sledd.

Corresponds to the third term of English Literature B1 of the regular session.
(English Literature A1 or A2 or A3 or the equivalent prerequisite for credit in the
University of Virginia.) A study of representative works of Addison, Swift, Johnson,
and Burke.

English 30. C. Victorian Prose.—2:30; L. B. 3. Credit, 2 hours
(one session-hour). Mr. Shewmake.

Corresponds to the first term of English Literature B2 of the regular session.
(English Literature A1 or A2 or A3 or the equivalent prerequisite for credit in the
University of Virginia.) Studies in the essays of Arnold, Ruskin, Newman, and

English 31. C. Tennyson and Browning.—3:30; L. B. 2. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Sledd.

Corresponds to the second term of English Literature B2 of the regular session.
(English Literature A1 or A2 or A3 or the equivalent prerequisite for credit in the
University of Virginia.) The time is divided about equally between the two greatest
Victorian poets. M. A. credit may be given to properly qualified students who
do certain additional work in this course.

English 33. C. Contemporary English Drama.—9:30; C. L. 29.
Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Metcalf.

This course is regarded as the equivaelnt of the third term of English Literature
B2 of the regular session. (English Literature A1 or A2 or A3 or the equivalent
prerequisite for credit in the University of Virginia.)

A survey of the modern drama, the most vital, social, and artistic literary movement


Page 29
of the century. Representative plays of Ibsen as the pioneer of the new dramatic
school, Sir Arthur Pinero, George Bernard Shaw, Henry Arthur Jones, John
Galsworthy, Sir James Barrie and the Irish dramatists, William Butler Yeats,
John Millington Synge and Lady Augusta Gregory will be read and discussed. M.A.
credit may be given to properly quailfied students who do certain additional work
in this course.

English 34. C. Shakespeare.—8:30; C. L. 29. Credit, 2 hours (one
session-hour). Mr. Wauchope.

Corresponds to the first term of English Literature B1 of the regular session.
(English Literature A1 or A2 or A3 or the equivalent prerequisite for credit in the
University of Virginia.) Shakespeare as a dramatic artist. Twelve or fifteen plays
are discussed in lectures and others are read as parallel.—M. A. credit may be given
to properly qualified students who do certain additional work in this course.

English. Seventeenth-Century Literature.—(Not given in 1919.)

Corresponds to the second term of English Literature B1 of the regular session.
(English Literature A1 or A2 or A3 or the equivalent prerequisite for credit in the
University of Virginia.) Milton and Dryden receive chief attention in this course.

English 35. H. A. Biblical Literature. The Origin, Characteristics,
and Influence of the Bible as a Book of Literature.
—12:15; C.
H. 8. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Forrest.

See Biblical Literature.

Review of English Grammar, R.—9:30; C. H. 4. Miss Hoyt. See
page 15.

English 36. C. Survey of English Literature (second course).
(Not given in 1919.)

Corresponds to the third term of English Literature A1 of the regular session.
A survey of English literature from the beginning of the Romantic Revival to the
present time.

English 145. C. Advanced English Grammar.—12:15; C. H. 4.
Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Wauchope.

Designed especially for high school teachers. No subject in the curriculum is
more unsettled than that of grammar, which is now in a transition stage. The
multiplication of high schools in the South has called attention afresh to the importance
of English, but there is still little uniformity in methods of teaching it.
An attempt will be made to suggest a new method and a different standard of instruction
in grammar. Text-Book.—Joynes's Notes on the Teaching of English
Grammar. (University of S. C. Press.)

English 146. C. The Teaching of English in the High School.
10:30; L. B. 3. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Shewmake.

This course is designed for high school teachers, supervisors, and principals. The
purpose of the lectures will be to familiarize the members of the class with the
subject matter, the structure, and the meaning of each of the more difficult selections
in the list of works required for college entrance, and to make practical suggestions
in regard to the main problems that confront teachers of composition. A
notebook plan will be outlined.

English 151. E. Methods in Language and Grammar. Second Year
Summer School Professional Course, Grammar Grade.
C. H. 5. Credit, 2 hours. Mrs. Matthews.

Review of Emerson and Bender's Modern English, Book II. A. Review of subject
matter. B. Review of methods.

English 332. The New Poetry.—4:30; P. H. 5. Mr. Metcalf.

A series of six lectures, one a week, on contemporary English and American
poets. Open to all members of the Summer School. No credit.

English 333. Jewish Literature and History.—12:15; C. H. Auditorium.
Rabbi Lefkowitz. June 30th to July 15th.


Page 30

English 333. Self Expression.—Hours to be arranged. July 7th to
18th. Fee $10.00 Mr. Brown.

A short comprehensive course in the laws and practice of speech, voice, interpretation,
play presentation, monologue, for individual use and teaching. Classes limited
to ten. Opportunity will be given for individual instruction in addition to class
room work. Several sections will be formed if necessary.


Note.—These courses are not free to any teacher. A fee of $5 for any one course
will be charged, or a fee of $10 for any two or more courses.

In order to accommodate the needs of business men who may wish to avail themselves
of these courses, a section of the courses described may be offered in the late
afternoon, probably from 5:50 to 6:30.

Commerce 116. Federal Tax Law Procedure and Practice.—Hours
to be arranged.

This course is designed to offer a thorough training in the correct legal interpretation
and accounting procedure of all Federal taxes, including income, excess profs
corporation, capital stock, inheritance, and other taxes.

Commerce 119. Political Economy.—4:30; C. H. 4. Credit, 2 hours.
Fee $5.00. Mr. Juchhoff.

A brief survey of economic history followed by a study of the production, distribution,
and consumption of wealth, and the theory of value and price. Text and
assigned readings and reports.

Commerce 117. Corporation Finance.—Hours to be arranged.

A study of the business corporation and its function in the present industrial and
financial structure. Among the topics treated will be the nature and characteristics
of the corporation; promotion and organization, underwriting and syndicates; classes
of securities; sources of corporate funds. Sinking funds. Reorganizations. Mergers,
consolidations, and holding companies. Trusts.

Commerce 305. Bookkeeping.—8:30; Jefferson Hall. Fee $5.00. Mr.
Webb and Miss Sullivan.

This course is outlined to give the student a working knowledge of the principles
and methods of bookkeeping in as short a time as is consistent with thoroughness.

Commerce 306. Shorthand.—2:30; Jefferson Hall. Fee $5.00. Mr.

The entire manual of Gregg shorthand is covered. Those who finish this course
should be able, with additional speed practice on their part, to do office work.

Commerce 307. Typewriting.—Hours to be arranged. Jefferson Hall.
Fee $5.00. Mr. Webb and Miss Sullivan.

The Touch System of typewriting is taught. Personal attention will be given
each student.

Commerce 308. Commercial Arithmetic.—9:30; Jefferson Hall. Fee
$5.00. Miss Sullivan.

Moore and Miner's Commercial Arithmetic. This class will not be conducted unless
at least eight students apply for the work.

Commerce 309. Business Law.—12:15; C. H. 6. Credit, 2 hours.
Fee $5.00. Mr. Juchhoff.

A course in the fundamental principles of law as applied to business. Contracts,
Agency, Sales, Partnership, Corporations, Bills and Notes, etc. Text and cases.

Commerce 310. Accountancy.—10:30; C. H. —. Credit, 2 hours.
Fee $5.00. Mr. Juchhoff.

Designed for teachers of commercial branches in high schools, business men, and
persons preparing for the C. P. A. certificate. Includes accounts of partnerships
and corporations, balance sheets, executors, statements of affairs, realization and
liquidation accounts, etc. Text.—Klein's Elements of Accounting. Hatfield, Modern


Page 31

Commerce 311. Principles and Methods of Commercial Education.

The commercial course in the public high schools; methods of teaching bookkeeping,
stenography, typewriting, etc. Correlation of the school and the business
office. Text and assigned readings and reports.

This coursee may be offered if a sufficient number apply for it.

Commerce 312. School of Accountancy—C. H.—Hours to be arranged.
Mr. Juchhoff and Assistants.

Will provide the technical training to prepare men for public accountancy in this
state and to pass the examinations prescribed by the Virginia State Board of Accountancy,
created by Act of the General Assembly of Virginia, Chapter 158, approved
March 14, 1910.

As a preliminary training, students should have a good knowledge of the principles
of bookkeeping, or in commerce 305.

Candidates for the state certificate of C. P. A., expecting to complete the courses
in two summers should expect to give their entire time to this work; persons not employed
in business offices should be prepared to follow a course of assigned readings
during the year.

Course of Study: First Summer, principles of accountancy, auditing, commercial
law; Second Summer, advanced accountancy, cost accounting, C. P. A. Review.


French 70. C. Intermediate French.—9:30 to 11:30; R. 1. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Graham.

Open to all students having one year of French. Fraser and Squair's French
Grammar; further study of irregular verbs; attention to pronunciation; exercises;
dictation; such texts as Colomba; Monte Christo.

French 71. C. Advanced French.—12:15; R. 1. Credit, 2 hours
(one session-hour). Mr. Graham.

Open to students who have had two yeas of French. Special attention to the uses
of the Subjunctive and Infinitive; exercises; dictation; conducted largely in French
if so desired; reading of such texts as Athalie, Zaire.

French 155. C. Elementary French.—8:30; R. 1. Credit, 2 hours.
Miss Holt.

Open to students having no knowledge of French. Grammar through regular
verbs; the more important irregular verbs; translation; written exercises; dictation.
Fraser and Squair's Shorter Course and Le Francais et Sa. Patrie.

French 315. French Conversation.—4:30; R. 1. Miss Holt.

Open to all students of French. Daily practice in French conversation. Persons
who are not regular students of the Summer School may register for this course
by a payment of a fee of $5.00. Text.—Causeries en France. Patton. (Heath & Co.)


General Science.—235. C.—An Introduction to Science.—2:30; P.
H. 2. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Smith.

This course is designed to prepare students to teach General Science in the first
year of the high school as will be required by the new course of study. It may be
combined with High School Geography, or with Human Biology, for a certificate.
Text.—An Introduction to Science—Clark. (American Book Company.)


Geography 159. C. High School Geography.—3:30; P. H. 1. Credit,
2 hours. Mr. Krebs.

This course is designed to take the place of the old type of course usually given
in Physical Geography, and to fulfill the requirements of the new high school course


Page 32
of study. It will cover physical, economic and regional geography. Text.—Dryer's
High School Geography. (American Book Co.)

Geography. Methods in Geography.—See Education 130.

Geography, Review R.—2:30; C. H. 5. Miss Meek. See page 15.

Physical Geography, R.—12:15; P. L. 2. Mr. Dobbins. See page 15.


German 39. C. German C. Advanced.—8:30; P. H. 10. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Faulkner.

Reading of about two hundred pages of modern German literary prose, with conversational
exercises and composition work in free reproduction, based on the texts
read in class. Equivalent to one term of German B1. Text-Books.—To be announced.

German 163. Elementary German A. and B.—9:30 to 11:30; P. H.
10. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Faulkner.

Double Course. Two hours daily. For beginners and for students wishing a thorough
review of elementary German. Equivalent to the first term of German 1.
Text-Book.—Curme: A First German Grammar.


History 40. C. Ancient History.—9:30; C. H. 3. Credit, 2 hours
(one session-hour). Mr. Dabney.

A study of the foundations upon which the life of all Europe and America rests.
Corresponds to one term of History B regular session.

History 41. C. The Modern Age (Course I).—2:30; C. H. 3. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. McConnell.

European History from 1450 to 1789. A study of the Renaissance, the Protestant
Revolution and the Causes of the French Revolution. Text-Books.—Seebohm's
Protestant Revolution; Myers' The Modern Age; Dabney's Causes of the French

Accepted for one term of History B2 regular session.

History 165. C. The Middle Age.—8:30; C. H. 3. Credit, 2 hours.
Mr. McConnell.

A study of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire to the 15th Century.
All the great movements and institutions of his period will be taken up. Text-Book.—
Myers' The Middle Age; Robinson's Readings in European History, Vol. 1.

History 166. C. Modern English History.—12:15; C. H. 3. Credit,
2 hours. Mr. McConnell.

Stress will be laid on such topics as the Growth of Parliament, England's Colonial
Empire and Policy, Cabinet Government, the Era of Reform in the Nineteenth Century,
and Foreign Policy.

History 167. C. United States History and Civics.—3:30; C. H. 3.
Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Snavely.

This course is intended to cover the constitutional history and government of the
United States. The lectures, discussions, and assigned readings will bear mainly on
constitutional and political development.

History 168. C. The Modern Age (Course II).—10:30; C. H. 3.
Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Dabney.

European History during the half Century preceding the outbreak of the world
war, with special reference to the Causes of the Great Struggle. Text-Book.—The
Roots of the War, by W. S. Davis and others.

War of the Nations. Text-Books.—Robinson and Beard's Development of Modern
Europe, Vol. 2; Gibbons' The New Map of Europe.


Page 33

Virginia History and Course R.—12:15; P. L. 1. Mr. Snavely. See
page 15.

Review of United States History, R.—10:30; C. H. 4. Mr. Lemon.
See page 15.

Review of English History, R.—3:30; C. H. 5. Mr. Lemon. See
page 15.


Note.—Each student should bring a white apron made by Butterick pattern 5162.

It is recommended that students wishing to specialize in household economy take
Hygiene and Chemistry as these courses are planned with special reference to the
work in household economy.

Teachers applying for a high school grade certificate in cooking or in sewing and
the study of textiles must take two courses in each of these subjects.

Household Arts 169a. E. C. Study of Foods.—Section I, 8:30 to
10:30; P. H. Domestic Science Laboratory. Credit, 2 hours.
Laboratory Fee $2.50. Miss Pilcher.

A study of the production and composition of raw food materials; the physical
and chemical changes caused by cooking and the relation of these matters to the
processes of digestion and nutrition.

Laboratory Work: Two hours daily. Practice is given in selecting and combining
food materials, also in the planning and serving of meals at specified cost. Text-Book.—Forster
and Weighley, Foods and Sanitation.

Household Arts 170. E. C. Home Management.—10:30; P. H.
Three weeks—June 23-July 14. Credit, ½ hour. Mrs. Avery.

Principles of successful and efficient housekeeping. It includes such topics as
house sanitation, drainage, water supply, plumbing, heating, lighting, ventilation,
disposal of waste, house furnishing and decoration, floors and walls, finishes and
coverings, suitable furnishing for various rooms, household expenditure, need of
system, proper division of income, prevention of waste, home care of the sick, baths,
care of the room, care of the patient, emergencies, study of special diseases and
simple ailments.

Household Arts 171. E. C. Home Cooking and Table Service.—9:30
to 11:30; P. H. Domestic Science Laboratory. Credit, 2 hours.
Laboratory Fee $2.50.

169a prerequisite. Includes the further study of the principles involved in cooking
and their application. The methods of presenting the subject of foods in rural elementary
and high schools are developed, also practice in demonstrating the art of

Household Arts 172a. E. C. Theory and Practice of Teaching
—12:15; P. H. 12. Three weeks—July 14-Aug. 2.
Credit, ½ hour. Mrs. Avery.

Special attention will be given to planning courses of study, choice of equipment,
methods, etc., for various schools according to the needs of the community
and available funds, demonstration lessons and practice teaching.

Household Arts 172b. E. C. Theory and Practice of Teaching
—12:15; W. R. L. Three weeks—July 14-Aug 2. Credit,
½ hour. Miss Horner and Miss Pilcher.

Special attention will be given to planning courses of study, choice of equipment,
methods, etc., for various schools according to the needs of the community
and available funds, demonstration lessons and practice teaching.

Household Arts 173. E. C. Dietetics.—2:30 to 4:30; P. H. Credit,
2 hours. Laboratory Fee $2.50. Mrs. Avery.

169a prerequisite—and household chemistry strongly advised. Presents the fundamental
principles of human nutrition and their application to the feeding of individuals,


Page 34
families and large groups under varying conditions. It includes a study
of the chemistry and physiology of digestion; metabolism of protein, carbohydrates
and fats; the 100 caloric portion as a unit; feeding of children and invalids; balanced
rations—menu making, etc.

Household Arts 174. E. C. Sewing and Study of Textiles, Elementary.—8:30
to 10:30; W. R. L. Credit, 2 hours. Fee $2.50.
Miss Horner.

Designed for those preparing to teach sewing in elementary grades, and to furnish
a working knowledge of plain sewing.

Discussions of Domesticc Art in relation to the school girl.

Work required—models and garments suitable to introduce in elementary sewing.
Use of the sewing machine and its attachments. Care and repair of clothing.

Household Arts 175. E. C. Elementary Dress Making. Intermediate.—2:30
to 4:30; W. R. L. Credit, 2 hours. Fee $2.50. Miss

H. A. 174, or equivalent prerequisites. Hygiene of clothing. Use of Cemmercial
Patterns. Budgets. The making of lingerie blouse, wash dress, or tailored shirt and
skirt. Discussion of sewing courses for upper grades.

Household Arts 176. E. C. Sewing and Study of Textiles. Advanced.—2:30
to 4:30; W. R. L. Credit, 2 hours. Fee $2.50.
Miss Pilcher.

For those who intend teaching sewing in elementary and high schools. 174 and
175 prerequisites. Drafting. Making of an inexpensive dress form. Courses of
study, and lesson plans. Demonstrations and illustrative materials. Conservation
problems. Such garments made as seem necessary for the students.

Household Arts—Millinery.—A class may be organized if a sufficient
number apply.


Latin 46. C. Vergil's Aeneid VII-XII.—9:30; C. H. 1. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. FitzHugh and Mr. Bishop.

Offered for teachers in colleges, for college students, and for students of Latin at
large. This course is identical with the second term of A1 in the winter session.
College grammar and prose composition on Wednesdays and Fridays. Reading of
authors on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. For college credit parallel reading
is required in addition to the work of the classroom. Text-Books.—Gildersleeve-Lodge,
Larger Grammar, and Moulton-Collar, Preparatory Latin Composition; Vergil,
Aeneid VII-XII.

Latin 47. C. Horace's Odes and Epodes.—10:30; Ch. H. 1. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. FitzHugh and Mr. McLemore.

Offered for teachers in colleges, for college students, and for students of Latin at
large. This course is identical with the second term of B2 in the winter session.
College grammar and prose composition on Wednesdays and Fridays. Reading of
authors on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. For college credit parallel reading
is required in addition to the work of the classroom. Text-Books.—Gildersleeve-Lodge,
Larger Grammar, and Prose Composition; Horace, Odes and Epodes.

Latin 178. C. Teachers High School Training Course.—10:30; C.
H. 1. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. FitzHugh and Mr. McLemore.

Illustrating the method of conducting classes in the high school. Review of Beginners
Latin, High School Grammar and Prose Composition, Caesar, Cicero, and
Vergil. Grammar and prose composition on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading of
authors on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Text-Books.—Those appointed by
the State Board of Education.

Credit for this course is conditioned on the completion of the four years of high
school Latin, or of courses corresponding to them below:

Latin 318. C. Beginners Latin.—8:30; C. H. 1. Mr. Bishop.

For teachers in high schools and academics, for college preparation, and for students
of Latin at large. Roman pronunciation, accent and quantity, study of forms,


Page 35
syntax, and prose composition, and preparation for Caesar. Text-Book.—Pearson,
Essentials of Latin.

Latin 319. C. Caesar.—12:15; C. H. 1. Mr. McLemore and Mr.

Offered for teachers in high schools and academics, for college preparation, and
for students of Latin at large. High School grammar and prose composition on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading of Caesar on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Text-Books.—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Barss' Writing Latin (Book I);
Caesar's Gallic War.

Latin 320. C. Cicero.—8:30; C. H. 1. Mr. McLemore.

Offered for teachers in high schools and academies, for college preparation, and
for students of Latin at large. High School grammar and prose composition on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading of Cicero on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Text-Books.—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Barss' Writing Latin (Book II); Cicero's

Latin 321. C. Vergil I-VI.—9:30; C. H. 1. Mr. FitzHugh and Mr.

Offered for teachers in high schools and academies, for college preparation, and
for students of Latin at large. High School grammar and prose composition on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reading of Vergil on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Text-Books.—Bennett's Latin Grammar and Nutting's Supplementary Latin
Composition; Vergil's Aeneid I-VI.


The courses in Library Economy are designed especially for persons
wishing to prepare for library positions, and for teachers.

Library Economy 179. C. E. Cataloguing, Classification, Administration.—9:30;
R. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Patton.

Lectures and practice work based on A. L. A. Catalogue Rules; A. L. A. List
of Subject Headings for use in dictionary catalogues; 3rd ed.; Rules for a Dictionary
Catalogue by C. A. Cutter, and the Decimal Classification by Melvil Dewey.

The administration of university and college libraries, with practical demonstration
of methods of charging books, recording statistics, etc.

Library Economy 180. C. E. Reference Work, Bibliography, Government
—8:30; R. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Dinwiddie.

Lectures and problems will be given as follows: Reference books; encyclopedias;
dictionaries; biography; indexes to periodicals; annuals; how to run down quotations;
collection of reference material, etc.

General and national bibliography, American, English, French, German, etc.; the
making of a bibliography; bibliographies of special subjects; Federal and State public
documents, their acquisition, arrangement, and use as reference material.


Manual Arts 181. C. E. Wood-Working for High Schools.—10:30
and 12:15; Manual Training Room, P. H. Basement. Credit,
2 hours. Fee $2.50. Mr. Houchens and Assistants.

This course will deal with the selection and construction of typical projects suitable
for high school students.

Methods of milling, seasoning, and finishing of wood will be considered as will,
also, the tools, their uses and care. Some previous training in wood-working is required
of students entering this course.

Manual Arts 183. E. Industrial Art for Grammar Grades.—3:30
to 5:30; Manual Training Room, P. H. Credit, 2 hours. Fee
$2.50. Mr. Houchens and Assistant.

This course is especially designed for teachers who desire experience in the use
of various materials suitable for handwork in the upper grades of the elementary


Page 36
schools. As instruction in this course will be as far as possible individual, teachers
either with or without previous training will be admitted.

Manual Arts 185a. E. Primary Industrial Art.—Section I, 9:30
and 11:30. 185b.—Section II, 2:30 to 4:30; Manual Training
Room, P. H. Credit, 2 hours. Fee $2.50. Miss Eisenbise and

This course consists of practical work, related subject matter, and discussion of
processes. A simple, logical course for the first four grades, in paper, card board
construction, weaving, etc., will be given, with the purpose of bringing the child into
proper relationship with the larger world.

Manual Arts 186. E. Wood-Working for Grammar Grades.—8:30
to 10:30; Manual Training Room, P. H. Credit, 2 hours. Fee
$2.50. Mr. Houchens and Assistant.

The work of this course will consist of a series of well-graded projects arranged
and presented with a view of teaching constructive and decorative design, the use
and care of tools, and technical processes of wood-working.

Lectures will be given on materials and methods, and the adaptation of woodworking
to various types of schools.

Manual Arts 187. C. E. Mechanical Drawing.—Time and place to
be arranged. Credit, 2 hours. Fee $1.00. Mr. Houchens and

This course is designed for those who wish to teach mechanical drawing in grammar
and high schools and for those who feel a need of the subject in teaching shop-work.
The subject will be considered in relation to its purpose as a means of expression
and interpretation. Special attention will be given to the proper use of
instruments, lettering, orthographic projection, working drawings, and blueprinting.

Manual Arts 322. Observation Class.—9:30; Manual Training Room,
P. H. Mr. Houchens.

For boys of Charlottesville; most of the work will be wood work and mechanical
drawing. This class will serve as an observation class for teachers of manual and industrial
subjects. A like class for girls will be formed if there is sufficient demand
for it.


Mathematics 50. C. Advanced Algebra.—8:30; C. H. 6. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Page.

Quadratics and the progressions, the binomial formula, convergence and divergence
of series, with a special study of the binomial, exponential and logarithmic series.
The study of inequalities and determinants prepares for the theory of equations
with which the course is closed. A sufficient review will be given in the first of the
term to cover all the topics needed by the high school teacher.

Corresponds to third term of Math. A1 or second term of Math. A2, regular session.
Text.—Reitz and Crathorne's Treatise on Algebra.

Mathematics 51. C. Solid Geometry.—9:30; C. H. 8. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Echols.

The course presupposes a knowledge of Mathematics 188. Especial attention will
be given to the logical development of the subject and to the dependent relationship
between the propositions. The scientific and pedagogic aspects of the theory of limits
will be treated in detail. The problems of geometrical mensuration for space will be
carefully worked out to conclusions.

Corresponds to the second term of Mathematics A1, regular session. Text.—Venable's
Elements of Geometry.

Mathematics 52. C. Plane and Spherical Trigenometry.—9:30; C.
H. 6. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Page.

The course in plane trigonometry will begin with the definition of the six trigonometric
functions as ratios, and embrace all topics usually covered in the standard
text-books, including the use of logarithms. In spherical trigonometry the course
will end with the solution of oblique spherical triangles.


Page 37

Corresponds to first term of Mathematics, A1 or A2, regular session. Text.—
Conant's Plane Trigonometry; Murray's Spherical Trigonometry; Murray's Five-Place

Mathematics 53. C. Analytical Geometry.—4:30; C. H. 8. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Michie.

Elementary Analytical Geometry, beginning with the cartesian and polar systems
with numerous exercises in graphical representation of equations. Especial attention
is paid to the straight line, the circle and the general equation of the first
degree in two variables.

This course is intended to prepare for the study of the Analytical Geometry of the
conic sections. Text.—Fine and Thompson's Coördinate Geometry.

Mathematics 54. C. Differential Calculus.—9:30; C. H. 7. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Michie.

The differentiation of the elementary functions, with applications to the expansion
of functions in series, evaluation of illusory forms, maximum and minimum values;
the applications to geometry of curves in the problems of tangency, contact, and

Corresponds to second term of Mathematics B3, regular session. Text.—Osborne's
Differential and Integral Calculus.

Mathematics 55. C. Integral Calculus.—12:15; C. H. 7. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Michie.

The fundamental principles of integration will be studied with the usual application
to areas, lengths, surfaces, and volumes.

Corresponds to third term of Mathematics B3, regular session. Text.—Osborne's
Differential and Integral Calculus.

Mathematics 56. C. Coördinate Geometry.—10:30; C. H. 7. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Michie.

Analytical Geometry continued from the point reached in Course 53.

Corresponds to first term of Mathematics B3, regular session. Text.—Fine and
Thompson's Coödinate Geometry.

Mathematics 188. C. Plane Geometry.—10:30; C. H. 6. Credit, 2
hours. Mr. Echols.

Designed for students wishing to review this subject or to repair deficiencies, for
teachers and those who are preparing for college examinations. The lectures and
quizzes will be framed with the view of strengthening and harmonizing the knowledge
of plane geometry. There will be discussed for historical development the logical
connection of the theorems and processes of elementary geometry; the definitions
of the fundamental geometrical concepts; the axioms of geometry and the nature
of geometrical proof; the systematic study of the original solution and methods of
attack of geometrical problems; the theory of geometric graphical solution, and the
problems of quadrature of the circle.

Mathematics 189. C. Plane Geometry.—10:30; C. H. 8. Mr. Shackelford.

This course is designed for students wishing to review the subject and for teachers
desiring special methods. Special attention will be paid to the solution of original
exercises. Text.—Wentworth & Smith's Plane Geometry.

Mathematics 190. C. Solid Geometry.—3:30; C. H. 6. Mr. Shackelford.

This course is designed for students wishing to review the subject and for teachers
desiring special methods.

Mathematics 191. C. Differential Equations.—8:30; C. H. 7. Credit,
2 hours. Mr. Michie.

A study of the more common types of ordinary differential equations, especially
those of the first and second orders, with emphasis on geometrical interpretations and
applications to geometry, mechanics, and physics. Text.—Campbell's Differential


Page 38

Mathematics 324. C. Review of High School Algebra.—3:30; C. H.
8. Mr. Michie.

The subjects to be studied are graphs, simple equations, involution, evolution, exponents,
radicals, inequalities, quadratics, and the progressions. Text.—Wells and
Hart's High School Algebra (D. C. Heath & Co.).

Mathematics 325. Elementary Algebra. R.—4:30; C. H. 7. Credit, 2
hours. Miss Foster.

This course is intended for those who have not studied algebra or who desire a
review of beginners' algebra. Will not be organized with fewer than 10.

Mathematics—Review of Arithmetic. R.—8:30; C. H. 5. Mr. Dobbins.
See page 15.

Mathematics—Methods in Grammar Grade Arithmetic.—See Education
137 and 138.


Music 232. E. Material and Sight Singing—1A.—8:30; M. H.
Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Fillmore.

Consists of sight reading with Italian syllables, and with musical expression, the
music taught in the first four years of the public schools; and a knowledge of the
material for these grades.

Music 233. E. Study of Tone and Rhythm—1B.—9:30; M. H.
Credit, 2 hours. Miss Tennant.

This course embodies the careful development and mastery of all tonal, metric
and rhythmic problems of the first four years of the public schools, through the
medium of musical diction.

Music 234. E. Methods and Rote Songs—1C.—10:30; M. H. Credit,
2 hours. Miss Tennant.

This course is devoted to the discussion and presentation of correct teaching principles
of music for the first four years in the public schools. Students are required
to formulate detailed outlines embodying the preparation and presentation of lessons
for the classroom.

Music 235. E. Rudiments of Music and Melody Writing—1D.
12:15; M. H. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Wingfield.

The work in Rudiments of Music includes (1) the notation and terminology of
pitch, duration and volume; (2) pitch names; (3) the structure of the major scale;
application of all keys; (4) key signature; (5) elementary melody.

Music 236. E. Music History and Current Musical Events—1E.
3:30; M. H. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Tennant.

Students taking this course will be required to pass an examination covering the
most important facts relating to the classical and romantic composers and their
music. A working knowledge of eminent living composers and their works will be

Music 237. E. Material and Sight Singing—2A.—8:30; M. H.
Credit, 2 hours. Miss Wingfield.

Consists of sight-reading with Italian syllables or words music of the degree of
difficulty taught in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth years of the public schools.
A knowledge of the material for these grades is required. This course is open only
to students who have completed work or corresponding to work prescribed in
Music 232

Music 238. E. Study of Tone and Rhythm—2B.—9:30; M. H.
Credit, 2 hours. Miss Wingfield.

For students who have completed Music 233, or have completed work corresponding
to the work prescribed therein. Consideration is given to the principles of the
tonal and rhythmic problems of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth years of the
public schools.


Page 39

Music 239. E. Methods and Practice Teaching—2C.—10:30; M. H.
Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Fillmore.

This course is open to students who have completed the corresponding work prescribed
in Music 234. Each student will be required to prepare and submit lesson
plans in music for grades assigned, and to conduct lessons under the immediate supervision
of the instructor.

Music 240. E. Melody Writing and Elementary Harmony—2D.
12:15; M. H. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Fillmore.

A practical course in original melody writing in public schools. This Course includes
(1) the structure of the minor scale in all its forms, (2) elementary harmony;
intervals and triads; (3) melody writing. Written work daily is required.

Music 241. E. C. High and Normal School Music—F.—2:30; M.
H. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Fillmore.

All phases of a well-organized course of music in the high and normal school
are discussed.

Music 242—Vocal Production—C. H.—Hours to be arranged. Mr.
Calthrop. Fee for session $18; for two half-hour lessons per
week; $10 for one.

Old Italian method, including Concone, Vaccai, Garcia, Henschel. German, Italian
and English diction; oratorio and opera arias, German Lieder and ballad singing.

Music 243. Course in Piano Playing—C. H.—Hours to be arranged.
Mr. Rath.

Piano playing from the standpoint of pedagogy, designed for teachers.

Music 244. Course in Piano Technique and interpretation—C. H.
Hours to be arranged. Mr. Rath.

Music 245. Course in Sight Reading and Ensemble Playing—C. H.
—Hours to be arranged. Mr. Rath.

Music 246. Theoretical Course of Teaching Methods and Pedagogy
—C. H.
—Hours to be arranged. Mr. Rath.

Music 247. Course in Practical Church Music—C. H.—Hours to be
arranged. Mr. Rath.

Utilizing the splendid organ in Cabell Hall.

Music 248. Artistic Organ Playing.—Mr. Rath.

Fee for session in courses 243, 244, 245, 247 and 248, for two half-hour lessons
per week, $18; for one half-hour lesson per week, $10. Fee in course 246, one hour
per week, $10.

Music 249. Elementary Violin Playing—C. H.—Hours to be arranged.
Mr. Fuchs.

Deals with notation, correct position of holding violin bow. Correct intonation.
Development of rhythm and elementary technique. Progress based on student's
ability and aptitude.

Music 250. Intermediate Violin Playing—C. H.—Hours to be arranged.
Mr. Fuchs.

Study of positions; scales; ability to memorize; development of singing tone.

Music 251. Advanced Violin Playing—C. H.—Hours to be arranged.
Mr. Fuchs.

Embraces studies of Kreuzer, Gavinies; of standard concerts.

Note.—Fee for session in courses 249, 250 and 251, is $18 for two half-hour
lessons a week; $10 for one half-hour lesson per week.


Page 40

Music 252. History and Appreciation of Music—C. H.—Hours to be
arranged. Mr. Fuchs.

Deals with music from Palestrina to death of Beethoven. The course is illustrated
with suitable selections upon the violin and piano; and is further enhanced
by judicious use of a Victrola. No previous knowledge of music is required for
the course.

Music 253. Ear-Training and Preparatory Harmony—C. H.—Hours
to be arranged. Mr. Fuchs.

Designed for those students who wish to prepare for the study of harmony. No
previous knowledge of music required.

Music 254. Advanced Harmony—C. H.—Hours to be arranged. Mr.

A continuation of Music 253. Fee $10 for the session.

Note.—A small extra fee will be charged for use of pianos and organs in practice.

Note.—This session special attention will be paid to community singing, and different
members of the faculty in music will assist in the conduct of a Community
Singing Club. Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 8:15 will be devoted to
story telling and community singing.


Philosophy 57. C. Deductive Logic.—9:30 and 1215, first three
weeks; P. H. 7. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Lefevre
and Mr. Balz.

After an introductory discussion of the standpoint, problems, and methods of logic
and a brief survey of the historical development of the science, the class will be
engaged with a detailed study of deduction or the logic of proof.

Equivalent to first term Philosophy B1, regular session. Text.—Creighton's Introductory

Philosophy 58. C. Inductive Logic.—9:30 and 12:15, last three
weeks; P. H. 7. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Lefevre
and Mr. Balz.

This course will be devoted to a study of inductive methods of reasoning.

Equivalent to second term Philosophy B1, regular session. Text.—Creighton's Introductory

Philosophy 59. C. Logic.—10:30; P. H. 7. Credit, 2 hours (one session-hour).
Mr. Lefevre and Mr. Balz.

A critical exposition of different theories of knowledge.

Credit for third term of Philosophy B1.


Physical Education 192. E. Grammar Grades.—Daily at 8:30; F.
G. Credit, 2 hours. Fee 75c. Misses Pohl, Smith and McCormick.

Open to all students. Includes work for grades 5 to 8. Formal gymnastics, gymnastic
games, folk and aesthetic dancing, and elementary games.

Physical Education 193. E. Primary Grades.—Daily 9:30; F. G.
Credit, 2 hours. Fee 75c. Misses Pohl, Smith and McCormick.

Open to all students. Aims to develop through self-activity the play-spirit in all
activities. It will include informal gymnastics, singing and dramatic games, simple
folk dances, rhythmic exercises and marches.

Physical Education 194. E. C. High School.—Daily 10:30; F. G.
Credit, 2 hours. Fee 75c. Misses Pohl, Smith and McCormick.

Open to all students. Formal gymnastics, gymnastic and aesthetic games, track
athletics, military marching, folk and aesthetic dancing.


Page 41

Physical Education 195. E. C. Folk and Classic Dancing, Advanced.—Daily
2:30; F. G. Credit, 2 hours. Fee 75c. Misses
Pohl, Smith and McCormick.

Open to all students who have had previous training in folk and aesthetic dancing.
Course designed to give practice in national and classic dances, which may
be used, if desired, for dance pageants. This course suitable for high school, college
or private work, includes group and solo dances (taken from the Gilbert and
Chalif Schools) and technique of dancing.

Note.—Gymnasium suits and slippers are required in all classes.

Physical Education 196. E. Folk and Athletic Dancing for Beginners.—Daily,
hours to be arranged; F. G. Credit, 2 hours.
Fee 75c. Misses Pohl, Smith and McCormick.

Open to all students. No previous training necessary.

Physical Education 232. Plays and Games on the Lawn three evenings
a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 to 8:15 p. m.
Misses Pohl, Smith and McCormick.

Open to all students. No registration necessary for this course. The play-hour
is designed to furnish recreation for the student and to give instruction in play and
games suitable for adult community life as well as that of the children.


Physics 60. C. Mechanics and Heat.—12:15; P. L. 20. Credit, 2
hours (one session-hour). Mr. Ball and Mr. Wiltshire.

Text-Book.—Carhart's College Physics.

Physics 60a. C. Laboratory Course.—8:30 to 10:30. Credit, 2 hours
(one session-hour). Fee $2.00.

To accompany Course 60, with which it must be taken to obtain University credit.
A portion of the time is devoted to problem drill.

Laboratory Manual: Ames & Bliss.

Physics 60.1. C. Course for Medical Entrance Requirements.—11
to 1; P. L. 20. Credit, 4 hours. Mr. —.

Equivalent of a four hour general college course. Fulfils the medical entrance requirements
as prescribed by the American Medical Association. Special fee $25.00.
Laboratory fee $2.00.

Physics 60.1a. C. Laboratory to Accompany 60.1.—8 to 10, and 2
to 4 except Wednesday. Laboratory Fee, $2.00.

Physics 197. C. Mechanics and Heat for High School Teachers.
8:30; P. L. 20. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Ball.

Text-Book.—Millikan and Gales First Course in Physics.

Physics 197a. C. Laboratory Course.—2:30 to 4:30; P. L. 21.
Credit, 2 hours. Fee $2.00. Mr. Ball and Mr. Wiltshire.

To accompany Courses 197 and 198. In addition to the laboratory work a portion
of the time is devoted to problem drill. Text-Book.—Millikan & Gales Laboratory
Course in Physics.

Physics 198. C. Magnetism, Electricity, Sound and Light for High
School Teachers.
—9:30; P. L. 20. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Ball.

Text-Book.—Millikan and Gales First Course in Physics.


Psychology 63. C. General Psychology.—8:30; P. H. 7. Credit,
2 hours (one session-hour). Mr. Balz.

This course will deal with some of the fundamental processes, such at attention,


Page 42
perception, imagination, reasoning, volition. There will be introductory lectures
on neural action and habit.

Psychology 64. C. Introductory Course in Social Psychology.
10:30; P. H. 6. Credit, 2 hours (one sssion-hour). Mr. Balz.

This course will deal with the development of original nature in social experience.
Instinct and emotion, play, suggestion and imitation, the sentiments, the development
of the self, the influence of custom and tradition, and the relation of the individual
and society will be the primary topics for consideration.

The above courses are especially adapted to meet the needs of teachers.

Students completing Psychology 63 and 64 and Education 16 will be given credit
for three session-hours toward the B.A. or B.S. degree of the University.

Educational Psychology.—See Education 16.


The following Red Cross Courses will be given by qualified Red
Cross Instructors, according to latest directions from National Headquarters:

Red Cross 336. Elementary Hygiene and Home Care of the Sick.
—P. H. 6. Mrs. Brown.

As many sections as will be necessary will be formed. There will be two terms of
fifteen lessons each—one beginning June 23rd and the other July 14. Text-Book
50 cents. Tuition free to any person registered in the Summer School.

Red Cross 338. First Aid to Injured.

A course of fifteen lessons from July 1st to July 15th, given by an authorized Red
Cross physician from National Headquarters of the American Red Cross. Tuition
free to students of Summer School.

This course is designed to instruct teachers in first aid principles sufficiently well
to permit them to give the course in their schools. A Red Cross First Aid Certificate
will be granted to all students who successfully pass the examination.


Sociology 199. C.—4:30; P. H. 2. Credit, 2 hours. Mr. Snavely.

An elementary course in the study of social life, and its problems of development,
organization and control. One half of the course will be devoted to a study of Elementary
Economics based on Ely and Wicker's text, and one half on American Social
problems based on Towne's Social Problems. It is intended to prepare for
teaching the fourth year of history required by the new high school course of study.


Spanish 65. C. Elementary Spanish.—12:15; C. H. 2. Credit, 2
hours. Miss Holt.

Beginners may take this course: Pronunciation, elementary grammar, reading and
composition. Texts.—First Spanish Course. Hills and Ford (Heath & Co.) Lecturas
Fáciles.—Wilkins & Luria (Silver, Burdett & Co.)

Spanish 67. C. Advanced Spanish Translation.—8:30; P. H. 2.
Credit, 2 hours (1 session-hour). Mr. Bardin.

Students taking this course must have had at least one year's work in Spanish, or
its equivalent. A detailed study will be made of one or more of the classical dramas
of the Spanish Theatre. Text-Books.—Calderón's "El Alcalde de Zalamea" (Henry
Holt & Co.); Nunez del Arce's "El Haz de Lena" (D. C. Heath & Co.)


Page 43

Spanish 68. C. Translation.—9:30; C. H. 2. Credit, 2 hours. Mr.

Designed to teach the students how to read ordinary Spanish prose, and to work
out the ordinary peculiarities of idioms and syntax taught in detail in Spanish 65
and 66.


Writing 113a. G. P. Muscular Movement Writing. Section I.
Locker Method.
—8:30; L. B. 5. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Barnette.

Writing 113b. P. B. Muscular Movement Writing. Section II.
Locker Method.
—10:30; L. B. 5. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Barnette.

Writing 113c. G. P. Muscular Movement Writing. Section III.
Palmer Method.
—12:15; L. B. 5. Credit, 2 hours. Miss Barnette.

This subject will be taught in accordance with the latest approved pedagogical methods:
good posture, muscular relaxation, the development of the right motive power,
penholding and easy movement drills; use of muscular movement in all written work;
visualization and good form automatically accomplished in all informal writing. Lectures
will be given covering every phase of the subject. The Locker Method and
the Palmer Method both will be taught.