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The early poems of John Clare

1804-1822: General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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[Where art thou wandering little child]

Where art thou wandering little child
I said to one I met to day
She pusht her bonnet up & smild
‘Im going upon the green to play
‘Folks tell me that the mays in flower
‘That cowslap peeps are fit to pull
‘& Ive got leave to spend an hour
‘To get this little basket full’
—& thourt got leave to spend an hour
My heart repeated—she was gone
—& thou hast heard the thorns in flower
& childhoods bliss is urging on
Ah happy child thou makst me sigh
This once as happy heart of mine
Woud nature wi the boon comply
How glad Id chang't away for thine