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Now Jack was a caution!
What d'ye think! he tuk a notion
He'd have the law of her! “Isn' there laws
Agin wutches?” says Jack, “I'll trim her claws;
I'll go and see Kinley aburrit at once.”
He might as well have gone to France.
Says Kinley—“Do you think I'm a d---d fool?”
Says Jack, “Well, no, sir, not of a rule—
But isn' it law for a wutch to be rowlin'
Down a brew in a barrel, and bumpin' and bowlin'
Over the rocks, and nails that teases
And rags and cuts her all to pieces—
Pintin' innards? Lek they done at Slieu Whallion
Afore now. Well, we've got an ould rapscallion
At Laxdale. . . .” But Kinley got despard impatien'—
“Well then, would it be suffayshin'
To burn her?” says Jack. “Be off, you brute!”
Says Kinley, “you donkey! you thundh'rin' toot!”
“Is that your 'pinion? and what are ye chargin'?”
Says Jack. My gough! you may aisy imargin
Ould Kinley! and turns to the clerks, and he roors—
“Pack this bumpkin out of doors!”
And bundled out like a sack o' potatis—
Says Jack—“I've gor a 'pinion gratis.”

About it.


A mountain near Peel, in the Isle of Man; the legend referred to is well known.

