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[Where but at his Saviour's feet]

There came a leper to Him, beseeching Him, &c. —i. 40.

Where but at his Saviour's feet
Should a guilty sinner lie?
Languishing Thy touch to meet,
Jesus, for Thy help I cry,
Sin's inveterate leprosy
Humbly here expose to Thee.
Loathsome, foul, and self-abhorr'd,
Most unholy, most impure,


From the pity of my Lord
May I not expect a cure?
Trusting in Thy power to heal,
Need I doubt Thy gracious will?
No I cannot doubt Thy love,
Love in every age the same;
Still my Saviour's bowels move,
While I invocate Thy name,
Humbly in Thy love confide,
Wait for Thy deserts applied.
Thou in Thy humanity
Instrument of grace Divine,
Dost apply Thyself to me,
Holiness to sinners join,
If I can believe that Thou
Willing art to cleanse me now.
Lord, I can, I do believe
Sin retires at Thy command:
Now the word almighty give,
Now extend Thy healing hand,
Bid my leprosy depart,
Touch, and purify my heart.