University of Virginia Library


On the Birth Day of Mrs M. O. like her self fair & serene

Sept. 24th.
Hail to this fair Propitius Day
on which was Lovely M--- Born
Let Nature all that's Sweet display
and joy the Circling hours adorn
Still are the Roaring winds that Raise
Tempest and Terrour on the main
Bright are the Blythsome Beams that Blaze
and Scater Sweets oer evry plain
While Nature thus in Jovial Mood
Appears well pleasd with M--- Birth
Let Bachus warm our Ravisht Blood
and Love and Transport Raise our Mirth
Descend ye Graces from above
Come Venus with thy Smiling Gang
of Youth & Sport and Joy & Love
and animate the Chearfull Thrang
Who now with Sparkling Cups Resolve
to celebrate her Birth and fame
Whose witt and sweetness can desolve
and set the flintyest heart on flame