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[The power is on the Man bestow'd]

All power is given unto Me in heaven, &c. —xxviii. 18.

The power is on the Man bestow'd,
Not on the one eternal God:
And every messenger from Thee,
Clothed with Thy own authority,
Proclaims the world through Thee forgiven,
Thee, the great Lord of earth and heaven.
Fulness of power in heaven is Thine
Who giv'st the Comforter Divine:


Thy Spirit on our earth bestow'd
Descends to witness with the blood,
To fill us with Thy purity,
And draw Thy members up to Thee.
Our mighty Intercessor there,
For us Thou dost the place prepare,
Thine own redeem'd possession claim,
And mark a mansion with my name,
And purchased for Thy ransom'd ones
Thy hand shall fix us on our thrones.
Fulness of power in earth is Thine,
Who canst the sinful heart incline,
The virtue of Thy cross display
And bow the nations to Thy sway,
Make every soul of man submit,
And fall, and kiss Thy bleeding feet.
Thou by Thy energy of grace
Canst sanctify Thy chosen race,
Protect Thy little flock below,
And wash and keep us white as snow,
Thy love's omnipotence make known
By perfecting Thy saints in one.
God over all and Judge supreme,
Thou canst absolve us or condemn;
Thou wilt Thy dreadful power declare,
And doom the wicked at Thy bar,
Consign to flames unquenchable,
And seal them up with fiends in hell.
Jesus Thy saving power employ,
My evil nature to destroy,
Exterminate Thy foe in me,
And set my heart at liberty


To serve Thee, like Thy hosts above,
With perfect holiness and love.
O that with all Thy people I
Might prove Thy power in earth and sky!
Now by Thy power with God obtain
His Spirit in my heart to reign;
And with Thine heavenly Father come,
And claim Thine everlasting home.