University of Virginia Library

[Translation of Horace: Book I, Ode VI]

Harmonious Pope wha made th'Inspired Greek
in British phrase his winsome Iliad speak
shoud Son'rous sing what Bairns unborn shall Read
O Great Argyle ilk martial doughty deed
of thine in a' thy Conduct and Carreer
in Closet Schems & Rieking fields of wier
Campbells Brave Chief we mensfowly decline
to sing the Heroes of King ffergus' line
Corbredus Gald in feght unkend to tire
or Caractatus shogan Rome's Empire
A blateness shoars me sair that I wad tine
my sell and spill a subject sae divine
if I should mint aboon my sphere to flee
and sing the Glorys of Cround heads & Thee.
Wha can descrive the pusiant God of War
in's adamantine Coat & Brasen Car
drawn by fierce Lyons throu Ten thousand ffaes
garing their heart strings crack wher e'er he gaes
wha can at Bannockburn Bauld Bruce display
or Thee at Mallplackae forcing thy Way


Enough for me to draw a Countrey dance
and how Blyth Gossips drink the young wifes hans
with Ourlies Clean how Tam & me fou feat
wad Rin an wrestle Round the Rucks wi' Kate