University of Virginia Library


Was born in Accomack county, Virginia, Sept. 7, 1849, a son of
Arthur and Margaret L. (Williams) Mears; both parents are now
deceased. Captain Mears was educated in the schools of his native
county, and at the age of 17 years he started out in business for himself,
first embarking in the oyster and freight business, continuing in
that trade up to nine years ago, when he engaged in farming and


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merchandise, under the firm name of James and Mears, near Savageville.
He was captain of several different vessels during his seafaring
life. He belongs to the order of A. F. and A. M., and is a highly
esteemed and useful citizen. Captain Mears was married to Mary E.
James in Accomack county, on Nov. 27, 1879, and they have had
born to them two children: Beulah J., and Harry T. His postoffice
address is Savageville, Va.