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[Death and the grave can never cool]

As it began to dawn . . . came Mary Magdalene, &c. —xxviii. 1.

Death and the grave can never cool
The zeal of a believing soul:
With love to her Redeemer fired,
With earnest holy haste inspired,


Led to the cross who mourn'd to see
Her Saviour breathless on the tree,
Shall first at Jesus' sepulchre,
With joy behold her Lord appear.


[Omnipotence alone]

Behold, there was a great earthquake, &c. —xxviii. 2–4.

Omnipotence alone
Can roll away the stone,
The mountain-bar remove,
The obstacle to love,
The rock of infidelity,
And let my Lord arise in me.
O that this earth might quake,
And all the keepers shake!
O might I feel the fear
Which speaks my Saviour near!
Let nature now as dead become,
While Jesus rises from the tomb.
Even now a sketch I see
Of Jesus' victory,
My rising Lord I feel,
Who shakes both earth and hell,
His foes as slaves, aghast, submit,
And death expires beneath His feet!


[Reader of the trembling heart]

Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, &c. —xxviii. 5.

Reader of the trembling heart
Those who seek the Crucified,
Bid our every fear depart,
Bid us in Thy death abide,
Waiting at Thy tomb to see,
See, and share Thy victory.


Thee to seek by Thee inclined,
On Thy promise we depend
“Every one that seeks shall find,”
Shall out of Thy grave ascend,
To true holiness restored
Quicken'd with our rising Lord.
Thee we cannot trust in vain:
Thou wilt every bar remove,
Show Thyself alive again,
Show to us the life of love,
Fill our drooping hearts with peace,
Raise us up Thy witnesses.


[Who seek the Crucified]

He is not here: for He is risen, as He said, &c. —xxviii. 6.

Who seek the Crucified,
Dismiss your needless fear:
He once for sinners died,
But lives no longer here:
This is the third triumphant day:
Come see the place where Jesus lay.
Among the dead in vain
Ye seek your heavenly Lord:
He lives, He lives again
According to His word!
Receive the power His life imparts,
And find Him risen in your hearts.


[With Magdalene and me]

Go quickly, and tell His disciples that He is, &c. —xxviii. 7.

With Magdalene and me
Let every mourner come,
By faith behold and see
His late deserted tomb,


And swift to His disciples fly,
The joyful truth to testify.
Who now lament and grieve
As Christ would ne'er appear,
His witnesses believe,
And cast away your fear:
Him we have seen to life restored:
Rejoice in our immortal Lord.
No longer weep and mourn,
The Lord is risen indeed!
By faith to Jesus turn,
By Jesus' Spirit led,
With us to Galilee repair,
And see your living Saviour there.


[Joy unmix'd I would not know]

They departed quickly from the sepulchre, &c. —xxviii. 8.

Joy unmix'd I would not know:
When Thou dost to me appear,
Guard the joy Thou dost bestow,
Moderate it with humble fear;
Fear of my unworthiness,
Fear lest I Thy grace should hide,
Fear of nature's fond excess,
Fear of losing it by pride.


[To carry Thy disciples word]

As they went to tell His disciples, behold, &c. —xxviii. 9.

To carry Thy disciples word,
With trembling haste I move:
O come, and meet Thy servant, Lord,
And turn my fear to love:
The servile, base, tormenting dread
Is scatter'd by Thy voice,
Which bids me circumspectly tread,
And reverently rejoice.



[My Saviour lost if I have found]

My Saviour lost if I have found,
Again reveal'd in me,
Sent forth to spread the gospel-sound
O may I cleave to Thee:
I live to testify and praise
Thy goodness, truth, and power:
But let me still Thy feet embrace,
Thy majesty adore.


[Wilt Thou as such the cowards own]

Go tell My brethren. —xxviii. 10.

Wilt Thou as such the cowards own,
All who deserted Thee?
Then I am of Thy brethren one,
And mercy is for me.


[Whom Christ His brethren owns]

Whom Christ His brethren owns,
Are God's adopted sons:
Jesus with His brethren shares
All that God to Him hath given;
Join'd with Him, the sons are heirs,
Heirs to pompous thrones in heaven.
'Tis then we soon shall find
The joy for us design'd,
That inheritance receive
Purchased by our Brother's blood,
All His image bear, and live,
One with Christ, as Christ with God.


[They always, Lord, who money love]

So they took the money, and did as they, &c. —xxviii. 15.

They always, Lord, who money love
Thy bitterest persecutors prove:
The Pharisees Thy life pursued,
The traitor bargain'd for Thy blood:


The soldiers to conceal Thy rise,
For money sold their current lies;
And worldly priests their malice spend
On Thee and Thine, till time shall end.


[Jesus when by faith we see]

When they saw Him, they worshipped Him. —xxviii. 17.

Jesus when by faith we see,
His Father we confess,
Fulness of the Deity
Shines glorious in His face:
Open now my spirit's eyes,
And I Thy worshipper shall prove,
Bless the Lord of earth and skies,
And never doubt Thy love.


[Had they no true faith received]

But some doubted. —xxviii. 17.

Had they no true faith received,
Because they wanted more?
Have not I, O Lord, believed
Who groan for larger power,
Trust Thee, that my latest doubt
Thou wilt at Pentecost remove,
Cast, and keep the tempter out
By perfect peace and love?


[The power is on the Man bestow'd]

All power is given unto Me in heaven, &c. —xxviii. 18.

The power is on the Man bestow'd,
Not on the one eternal God:
And every messenger from Thee,
Clothed with Thy own authority,
Proclaims the world through Thee forgiven,
Thee, the great Lord of earth and heaven.
Fulness of power in heaven is Thine
Who giv'st the Comforter Divine:


Thy Spirit on our earth bestow'd
Descends to witness with the blood,
To fill us with Thy purity,
And draw Thy members up to Thee.
Our mighty Intercessor there,
For us Thou dost the place prepare,
Thine own redeem'd possession claim,
And mark a mansion with my name,
And purchased for Thy ransom'd ones
Thy hand shall fix us on our thrones.
Fulness of power in earth is Thine,
Who canst the sinful heart incline,
The virtue of Thy cross display
And bow the nations to Thy sway,
Make every soul of man submit,
And fall, and kiss Thy bleeding feet.
Thou by Thy energy of grace
Canst sanctify Thy chosen race,
Protect Thy little flock below,
And wash and keep us white as snow,
Thy love's omnipotence make known
By perfecting Thy saints in one.
God over all and Judge supreme,
Thou canst absolve us or condemn;
Thou wilt Thy dreadful power declare,
And doom the wicked at Thy bar,
Consign to flames unquenchable,
And seal them up with fiends in hell.
Jesus Thy saving power employ,
My evil nature to destroy,
Exterminate Thy foe in me,
And set my heart at liberty


To serve Thee, like Thy hosts above,
With perfect holiness and love.
O that with all Thy people I
Might prove Thy power in earth and sky!
Now by Thy power with God obtain
His Spirit in my heart to reign;
And with Thine heavenly Father come,
And claim Thine everlasting home.


[Great triune God, Thy servants own]

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, &c. —xxviii. 19.

Great triune God, Thy servants own,
And while they make Thy nature known,
Let them Thy promised presence find,
Sent to baptize into Thy name,
Sent a lost world for Thine to claim,
Sent to disciple all mankind:
With signs their high commission seal,
In every ordinance reveal
Thyself, and shed Thy love abroad,
Their apostolic labours crown,
Come Father, Son, and Spirit down,
And fill our universe with God.


[Adopted by the Father's grace]

Adopted by the Father's grace,
Incorporated with the Son,
Fill'd with the Spirit of holiness,
God One in Three, and Three in One,
Christians throughout their lives proclaim,
And bear the great Jehovah's name.
Partakers of His nature pure,
They all His words with joy receive,
His church, they labour and endure,
His saints, for God alone they live,


His host they see the glittering prize,
And fight their passage to the skies.


[No preachers of Thy gospel they]

Teaching them to observe all things, &c. —xxviii. 20.

No preachers of Thy gospel they,
Who teach believe, but not obey;
The faithful servants of their Lord
Enforce Thy every sacred word,
By precept and example press
True, universal righteousness.
Themselves instructed from above
Who preach the law of faith and love,
Whate'er they at Thy mouth receive
Who freely to Thy people give,
Thy Spirit owns their ministry,
Thy presence proves them sent by Thee.


[This is the word in every age]

And, lo, I am with you alway, even unto, &c. —xxviii. 20.

This is the word in every age
Which doth support and keep
From sin, the world, and Satan's rage,
The shepherds and the sheep:
Thy ministers and people too
On this alone depend,
Thou said'st “I always am with you,
Till time and death shall end.”
Jesus I faithfully receive
The promise made to me,
And happy in Thy service live,
To gather souls for Thee:
I trust Thy truth and love and power,
Thy messenger to bless,
Till brought through every fiery hour
Thou bidd'st me die in peace.