University of Virginia Library

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Sec. 454. Library board — election — term of office —

(1) There shall be a Library Board of Charlottesville consisting
of five members to be elected by the Council. Said Board
shall be elected as of the first day of September, 1932. Their
terms of office shall be as follows: One for one year, one for two
years, one for three years, one for four years and one for five
years. Each member elected to said Board after the first day of
September, 1932, shall be so elected for a term of five years except
when expressly elected to fill an unexpired term. All vacancies
in said Board shall be filled by the Council.

(2) There shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and
any other officer deemed necessary.

(3) The Board shall have power to conduct and maintain the
Public Library and shall have authority to appoint committees
and in selecting the members of any committee it need not be restricted
to its own membership but may appoint any citizen of

(4) The Library Board shall appoint a librarian and assistant
librarian and such aids as may be essential to an efficient administration
of the affairs of the library, and shall fix the compensation
for each appointee, subject to the approval of the Council.