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[Who comprehends the reason why]

My God, My God, why hast Thou, &c. —xxvii. 46.

Who comprehends the reason why,
Must God's whole mystery explain,
Must know how all in Adam die,
That all may live in Christ again;
Must God's eternal purpose see,
(A secret to His host above,)
And sound the depths of Deity,
The wisdom, righteousness, and love.
Hast Thou forgot, Thou Man of woe,
The end of all Thy sorrows here,
For whom Thou didst Thy heaven forego,
For whom in mortal flesh appear?
Didst Thou not thirst to drink the cup,
To' accomplish Thy great sacrifice,
And yield Thy spotless spirit up,
And draw us after to the skies?
'Tis not for sin which Thou hast done,
Thine angry Father hides His face,
But on Thine innocence is shown
The vengeance due to Adam's race;


Thou all our sin and curse hast took,
That we may bless'd and holy be;
Thou by Thy Father art forsook,
That God may ne'er abandon me.