University of Virginia Library

[149] Salem Village march = 17-11/10

The Inhabitanse of this Village are hereby Required In her magesty nam to meete together at there Ui-usall plase of meeting one tusday next it being the sixth of This Instant march at teene of ye Clock In the fore nune to Chouse a comity for the yeare Insuing and to give Them Instructions and also to make Chouse of sume meete person to keepe our book of Record and also what shall be don about the ministry house for mr Greene time being out Which we agread for the Reparing of it and also to Chouse sume meete persons to sea whether the propriters Joying unto our ministry pastor have don ther prepotion of fense and also to Chuse sume meete persons to petision to the towne of Salem for sume money for a scule amungst us and also to consider whether We shall have agramer scule amungst us and also to Consider whether it wount be a good thing for us to gite abeell for our meeting house
By order of ye Comity
Israell Porter Clark