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The subject of this sketch, is perhaps the youngest
City Clerk and Auditor in the State of Virginia. He
was born in Meadow Creek Valley, Craig County,
Virginia, August 9th,
illustration 1879, his parents being
David and Martha
(Givens) Craft. He received
his early education
in the common and
high schools of his native
county, and in 1896-97
took a combined course
in the commercial and
shorthand departments
of the National Business
College of Roanoke from
which institution he
graduated. He soon received
an appointment
with the Norfolk
& Western Railway and
was afterwards promoted
to the position of
Private Secretary to W. B. Bevill, General Passenger
Agent. This position he later resigned to become
Secretary and Store Manager for the Logan Coal Company
at Logan, West Virginia. Relinquishing that
position, he returned to Roanoke where he again
accepted a position with the Norfolk & Western Railway.

On October 1st, 1908, he was elected Assistant City
Clerk and Auditor of the city, which position he filled
until June 14th, 1909, when he was promoted by
Council to that of City Clerk and Auditor, which he now

He was married August 7th, 1907, to Miss Fannie
Davis Peters, of Roanoke. He is a member of the
Roanoke Lodge No. 197 Benevolent Protective Order
of Elks, and is Secretary and Treasurer of the Union
Home Land Company of Roanoke.