University of Virginia Library

June 12-18

At Grace Church and hear Mr. Boyden.... Great excitement about the Raiders on the 12th. They fought us near Travilians in Louisa and we whipped them well. Anxious times for us poor women. All the men in the neighborhood have gone to the fight and we can get no news of anything. All we can hear and see is the heavy cannonading and the thick black smoke which tells us the vandals are at work. There are no news either up or down and we hear such wild rumors that I begin to feel troubled about home and its inmates. However we gradually quiet down. On Wednesday General [Jubal A.] Early's corps passes up the road. A party of us go up to the Shop to see it, the Army, pass. We have a very pleasant time. Major General [S. Dodson] Ramseur introduced himself and his staff to us and who should be of it but my old acquaintance, Mr. Tom Taliaferro. He recognized me. We had quite a pleasant chat of the old times and the people who were then young. General Ramseur was very agreeable, also his subs. Through Major Douglas the General gave me a S.C. button off the coat in which he was wounded. Altogether I had a very pleasant day. Made quite a number of visits while down .... Sam Minor comes one day this week. Says the Yanks came in too fast in Western Virginia and did not give him a chance to get out. However, he hopes to do so yet.