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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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William Rufus. An. Dom. 1087.

William the cruell Conquerours second Sonne,
With ease, got what his Fathers paines had won,
Oppressed England he opprest and prest,
And great Exactions wrongfully did wrest.
For Symony, and base corrupting gold,
The King most Churches and Church-liuings sold,
And more, (his Subiects vilely to abuse)
Against them he in armes did arme the Iewes,
And swore if they the victory did gaine,
That he their faithlesse faith would entertaine.
Vpon his eldest brother hee raysd warres,
His youngest brother troubled him with iarres.
At London, such a furious winde did blow,
Which did sixe hundred houses ouerthrow.
The City Gloster was by Welshmen sack'd.
Northumberland was by King William wrack'd:
William de Oue, and William de Aluery.
In cruell torments dyed at Salisbury.
Duke Robert laid all Normandy to gage
Vnto the King, warres with the Turkes to wage.
Westminster Hall was built, the Danes came in,
And th'Orchades, and the Ile of Man did win,
But as the King was hunting in Hampshire,
Sir Walter Tirrill shooting at a Deere,
The Arrow glauncing 'gainst a Tree by chance,
Th'vnhappy King kild, by the haplesse Glaunce.
A Colliers Cart to Winchester did bring
The Corps, where vnbemoand they laid the King.