University of Virginia Library

Epistle XVIII. To Mauricus.

by the Same. [Mr. Henley]


On the Choice of a Master for Children.

WHAT command could you lay upon me more delightful, than to enquire for a Master to your Brother's Children? My return


to the School is your Favour: I almost resume that agreeable Stage of Life; I sit, according to Custom, among the young Scholars, and experience the Authority I have among them, on the Merit of my Studies, For lately, in a full Auditory, when many of our Patrician Rank were conversing aloud with one another in an open Manner; as soon as I enter'd, they were silent; which I would not relate, if it did not tend more to their Credit than my own; and if I was not fond to give you Hopes that your Kinsmen are likely to make a good Proficiency in Learning. As to what remains, as soon as I hear all that pretend to the Muses there, I will write to you my Sentiments about them: and will endeavour to perswade you, that you have already heard them your self, as far as an Epistle can represent it. For I owe this Concern on so great an Affair; I owe this Duty to your self, and to the Memory of your Brother. For what can be of more Importance to you, than to make the children (I would call them yours, if on this Occasion you did not love them better than your own) worthy of him their Father, and of you their Uncle? This is a Care I would have challenged, if you had not entrusted me with it. Nor am I ignorant that Offence must be risqu'd in the Choice of a Master; but I ought not only to hazard an Offence, but a Pique, in behalf of these young Gentlemen, with equal Satisfaction, as Parents are willing to bear it for their own Children.