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The later poems of John Clare

1837-1864 ... General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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the Lord He Has Triumphed His People Are Free
The Horse & The Tyrant Are Whelmed In The Sea

[In Jacob he hath not seen evil or guile]

In Jacob he hath not seen evil or guile
Nor in Israel perversness his truth to defile
Their Lord & their God these good tidings doth bring
& behold in their camps are the shouts of a king
God brought them from Egypt from bondage & ill
& he is as strong as a unicorn still
There is no enchantment can Jacob alarm
& Israel there's no divinations to harm
Of Jacob & Israel said it shall be
What hath God wrought that his people are free
Behold like a lion the people shall rise
& like a young lion the nations surprise
He shall not lie down till he eat of the prey
& drink of the blood of the slain in his way
Balak said unto Balaam I see they are free
Neither curse them nor bless them but hearken to me


Balaam answered Balak have I not swore
That what the Lord said I must do & no more?
Then Balak to Balaam—come with me I pray thee
Peradventure 't'will please God to curse them for thee
Then he took him toward Jeshimon, to the top of mount peor
& built seven altars as wont' said the seer
Seven bullocks & rams for the Lord are requir'd
& Balak did all that the prophet desired



& when Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord well
To bless them—he sought not enchantment or spell
But he turned to the wilderness loved in his youth
Where nature & God live in silence & truth
& Balaam he cast up his eyes & again
Saw Israel abideing in tents on the plain
& the spirit of God came upon him like dew
& his parable then did the prophet pursue
Balaam hath said the offspring of Beor
& the man whose eyes have been open'd saith here
Who heard in the words of the Lord & who saw
Visions of th'almighty in tremblings & awe


Who fell in a trance but his eyes where unclosed
How goodly thy tents are O Jacob disposed
As beautifull valleys spread forth far & wide
As gardens like eden by th'rivers green side
As trees of lign aloes which God as the giver
Did plant—& as cedars beside the green river
He shall pour water out of his buckets—his seed
Shall be in the waters to flourish & speed
His king shall be higher then Agag in power
& his kingdom exalted in glory & dower
God brought him from Egypt—he hath as it were
The strength of a unicorn—terror & fear
Shall eat up the nations—his enemies all
Break their bones & with arrows pierced through they shall fall
He couched—he lay down as a lion at lair
As a great lion who shall compeat with him there
He who so blesseth Gods people is blest
& cursed is he who shall injure their rest
Then Balak being wrath with the Seer of the Lord
Smote both hands together in anger unawed
Saying I called thee to curse them through nations & climes
& behold thou hast blessed them three seperate times
Now flee thee therefore to thy place from this hour
I thought to promote thee to honour & power
But thy God keeps thee back from all honours desert
So flye to his refuge & quickly depart
Then Balaam to Balak spoke fearless in thrall
Did I not say to thy messengers all
If Balak would let me his riches behold
& give me his house full of silver & gold
I cannot so wrong the commands of the Lord
To do good or ill of my feeble accord
But what the Lord showeth me that will I seek
& what my God biddeth me that will I speak


& now lo! I go to my people again
Come & I'll show thee—then language more plain
What this people here which my blessings must praise
Shall do to thy people in strifes latter days
& he took up his parable justly & clear
Saying Balaam the prophet the offspring of Beor
Who fell in a trance & yet having his eyes
Open to visions that gleamed in the skies
Do I not speak the most high in my voice
Are they not the almighty's his chosen & choice
I shall see him anon but not now with my eyes
& I shall behold him anon but not nigh
Out of Jacob a star shall illumine the skies
A Sceptre from Israel shall flourish & rise
& smite all the corners of moab with strife
& destroy all the childern of Sheth to the life
& Edom shall be a possesion & Seir
Shall be a possesion for enemies near
& Israel shall do valiant deeds for their dower
Out of Jacob comes he with dominion & power
To destroy him that yet in the city remains
& prosper the freedom of mountains & plains
& when he had looked over Amaleck—he
Took up his parable justly & free
Amaleck first of all nations—the giver
Of life dooms thy end that thou perish forever
& he looked on the Kenites not caring to mock
Saying strong is thy place like a nest in the rock
Nevertheless Kenites shall fail in that day


& Ashur shall carry them captives away
& he took up his parable—nothing to miss
Alas who shall live when my God doeth this
Ships come from Chittim in islet & river
T'affect Ashur—& Ebor shall perish for ever
& Balaam arose to his place on that day
& Balak he also sojourned on his way


In The War Days Of Shamgar Of Anath & Jael
When The High Ways Were Leveled & Hamlets Laid Low
& Every Heart Seemed In Its Courage To Fail
& Sought Out The Bye Ways In Fear Of The Foe
The Inhabitants Ceased In Each Village To Dwell
Desolation Drove Comfort From Mountain & Plain
Till I Even Deborah Rose To Foretell
That God Would Unite With His Chosen Again


They Chose Them New Gods With Presumption Elate
Forty Thousand In Israel Without Shield Or Spear
Their False Hearted Foemen Hurled War At The Gates
& The Gods Of Their Choice Were Unable To Hear
With The Rulers Of Israel My Heart Would Agree
Who Offered To Serve In The Troops Of The Lord
& Joined With The People To Fall Or Be Free
They Blessed The True God & Met Truth In His Word
Bless Ye The Lord Who Brought Comfort & Peace
Speak Ye That Ride On White Asses & Say
How The God Of Our Sires Brought His People Release
Yet Sit Down in Judgement To Show The Right Way
Now They're Delivered From Archers & War
At The Wells Where The Joyous Draw Water & sing
Where Fear Heard The Noise Of The Archers Afar
& Death Often Crimsoned The Clear Flowing Spring
There Shall They Sing In The Praise Of The Lord
There Shall They Herd & Draw Water In Peace
Each Village Agen Shall Its Comforts Afford
& War In The Valleys Of Israel Shall Cease
The People Of God Shall Go down To The Gate
Awake Awake Deborah Waken & Sing
Lead Captivity Captive Thou Barak Too Great
Is Israel For Chuseing The Lord For Their King
Then Him That Remaineth right constant & true
He Made Have Dominion Oer Nobles & peers
The Lord He Made Me Have dominion & Shew
To Govern the Mighty nor hearken to Fears


Out Of Ephraim was there even a root
Went out against Amalek faceing the foe
After Benjamin Thou That wert swifter of foot
& Thy People to join were not tardy Or slow
Out of Machir Came Governers ready to Serve
Out of Zebulun they that could handle the Pen
The princes of Issacah They That Deserve
The protection of God & the praises of men
Barak went down To The valley on foot
While Deborah led forward & cheared on the fray
But for Reuben's divisions the soldiers was smote
There was great thought of heart on that terrible day
Why abide in the sheepfold to hear the flocks bleat
For Reubens divisions looks searched in the heart
None breathed a word or a wish to retreat
Would Israel from God in her troubles depart
Gilead abode beyond Jordan away
Why did Dan in his ships on the ocean retire
On the seashore there Asher continued to stay
& abode in his breeches
But Zebulim Naphtali people of might
They jeoperded life unto Death on that day
In all the high places & field of the fight
They fought like the tiger devouring the prey
The Kings came & fought in the strength of his word
Kings of Canaan in Taanach arose like the sun
They took gain nor money in wars of the Lord
By the waters [of] Megiddo battled & won


Heaven fought in the cause whom the wicked disdain
The stars in their courses—the water & flood
All fought against Sisera—tempest & rain
& God drowned His anger in slaughter & blood
The old stream of Kishon it swept them away
That ancient of streams all its banks overflowed
O my soul thou hast trodden down strength on that day
For the strongest hearts quail in the strength of the Lord
The horse hoofs were broken with pranceing & maimed
The pranceings of mighty ones foiled in their toils
Their strength was exhausted their swiftness was lamed
& the Lord oer his people in victory smiles
Then the Angel of God in his vengance & ire
Uttered curses on Meroz & dwellers therein
Curse Meroz he said in a language of fire
Curse ye bitterly Meroz because of their sin
They fought not nor came to the help of the Lord
Where numbers & strength would his people oppose
To the Lord they would aid or assistance afford
When the pride of the mighty came down as their foes
But blessed be Jael & the kindred of Jael
Wife of Heber the Kenite whose courage was true
For blest above women—her heart did not fail
When the foe of the [OMITTED] lay [OMITTED]
He asked for water—she offered him milk
& brought him forth butter & bade him to eat
Sleep fell oer his weariness softer then silk
& eden seemed spreading her rest at his feet


But her hand she put forth to the hammer & nail
& pierced the proud head of her foe to the earth
At Her feet he bowed down & in death he turned pale
& lay like a shade without being or breath
The Mother of Sisera looked from her tower
& cried through the lattice ‘Where, where can he stay
Why tarry the wheels of his chariots & power
Have they not sped & divided the prey
Her wise Ladies answered her eagerness—yea
She answered herself in the heaves of her heart
Have they not sped & divided the prey
To each man of spoils & of maidens a part
A prey of rich needlework took in the spoils
To Sisera the chief of the army—my son
A prey of rich colours rewarding the toils
& meet for the necks of the victors who won
Let all that love God be as bright as the sun
In the might of the morn & in goodness accord
Forty years the land rested when freedom was won—
So let all thine enemies perish O Lord


The Beauty Of Israel Is Fallen Away,
Her Walls Are In Ruins, Her Heroes Are Slain!
Her Lands Are Become To The Spoiler A Prey
& Her Daughters May Weep For The Mighty In Vain


Tell Not The Defeat In The City Of Gath
In The Streets Of Proud Askelon Breathe Not The Name
Philistia's Fair Daughters Will Triumph In Mirth
& Bring The Pale Daughters of Judah To Shame
Let Not The Uncircumcised Triumph Aloud
Let No Dews On Thy Mountains Gilboa Be Shed
Nor The Rain On Thy Herbage Descend From The Cloud
Since The King & His People Are Fallen & Dead
Saul Fell In His Strength Like A Weed By The Way
As Though He Had Ne'er Been Anointed To Reign
Yet Jonathan's Bow Turned Not Back From The Fray
& Sauls Sword Was Red With The Blood Of The Slain
Saul & Jonathan They Were Both Lovely & Strong
They Were Pleasant In Life In Defeat They Were Brave
More Swift Than the Eagles Then Lions More Strong
& In Death Undivided Both Went To The Grave
Weep Daughters Of Israel Weep Over Saul
Who Cloathed You In Scarlet Most Fair To Behold
With Other Delights That Your Loves May Recall
& Enriched Your Apparel With Silver & Gold
The Mighty Are Fallen The Battle Is Oer
O Jonathan Thou In Thy Places Was Slain
I'm Distressed For Thee Brother But All Is No More
& Mourning The Fallen Is Weeping In Vain
Thy Talk Was So Pleasant When Friendship Was Won
Thy Faith E'en The Love Of All Women Surpassed
But The Mighty Are Fallen The Battle Is Done
& The Weapons Of War Even Perished At Last



Who am I my God & my Lord
& what is my house in thy eye
Thou hast brought me here of thy sovereign accord
& cloathed me in majesty
Yet this was a trifling thing unto thee
Thou hast spoke of thy servant whose house is to last
Like a man of estate & of noble degree
O God though in lowness his lot hath been cast
What can David speak more unto thee
For the honour of thy servant—or need
For thou knowest thy servant was of humble degree
& exaltest him highly indeed
O Lord for thy servants sake only
Hath thou done all this greatness to me
According to thy own heart thou blessed me once lonely
For all these great things are of thee
O Lord there is none beside thee
No other God living but thou
According to all that we hear or we see
From our beings beginning 'till now
There is no God but one—on the land or the sea
According to all we have heard with our ears
What nation is like to thy people now free
Israel redeemed of the Lord in their fears


God went to redeem them & make them a name
Of greatness & terribleness—even like thee
Driveing out nations from before them like flame
The redeemed from proud Egypt—who conquored the sea
For Israel thy people thou madest thine own
& thou Lord became their own God e'en as mine
Let the thing thou hast spoke of thy servant be done
& his house be established forever as thine
Do as thou hast said—be of goodness the giver
Let it even be established o Lord as thy will
That thy name may be magnified now & forever
& the true God be God of all Israel still
& a God to all Israel now & for aye
& the house of king David be established of thee
For thou o my God told thy servant that day
Thou wouldst build him a house—even so let it be
Therefore thy servant hath found in his heart
To pray before thee—& he knows from his soul
Thou art God & has promised thy love to impart
To thy servant as long as the seasons shall roll
The house of thy servant let it please thee to bless
That it may be before thee the boon & the giver
All nature & life doth thy bounty confess
& all that thou blesseth—is blessed & forever



Then said Solomon the Lord hath made known
He would dwell in thick darkness with nature alone
But I've built an house where faith bows the knee
& built up a grand habitation for thee
& made thee a place for thy dwelling forever
There thy mercey may rest & thy love never sever
& the king turned his face & blessed while he turned
The whole congregation that hither sojourned
He blest them forever for God & his good
& the whole congregation of Israel stood
& he said blessed be God of Israel the Lord
Who hath with his hands fullfilled his own word
That he spake unto David my father & said
‘Since the day that I brought forth my people from dread
‘From Egypt & bondage no city was named
‘In the tribes of all Israel no dwelling proclaimed
‘To build me an house that my name might be there
‘Nor chose I a king for their comfort or care
‘But my name now shall dwell in fair Jerusalem
‘& David I've chosen as king over them’
Now it was in the heart of my father to raise
A house for the Lord whom all Israel should praise
But the Lord to my Father this thing did proclaim
As it was in thy heart to build an house to my name
As it was in thine heart to do so thou didst well
But thou shalt not build the house where my mercey shall dwell
Yet my mercey shall live & the thing shall be done
By the offspring that comes from thy loins & thy son
So the Lord hath performed all the words he hath spoken
& fulfilled all he vowed to my Father unbroken


For I'm set up as King upon Davids high throne
& have built up a house to Jehovah alone
& the ark of the covenant stands in its shade
Which God with the childern of Israel made
By the alter of God in thy presence Israel
He spread forth his hands in true worship & zeal
A scaffold of brass made King Solomon there
The height three cubits & five cubits square
In the midst of the court great Jehovah to please
& upon it he stood & then kneeled on his knees
Before the whole congregation whom God had forgiven
& spread forth his hands in the presence of heaven
& said O Lord God of all Israel—forgiven
There is no God like thee in the earth or the heaven
Who keepests thy covenant truth as thy own
& still to thy servants thy mercey is shown
While still they will walk with their whole hearts before thee
Thou who crownest David my Father with glory
Thou promised my Father & made it to stand
& spak'st with thy mouth & fullfilled with thy hand
Thou hast kept every promise nor took none away
But all are fullfilled as it is on this day
Now therefore God almighty of Israel the Lord
Still keep with David my father thy word
The promise thou made him saying that which is right
& ‘there shall not fail thee a man in my sight
To sit over Israels great people & throne
So thy childern take heed to the law as my own
To walk in the way as I've laid before thee
In my law as thou hitherto hast before me
Now then God of Israel their being & Lord
Verifye that thou hast spoken—thy word
With David thy servant—O speak it agen
But will God in deed make his dwelling with men
On the earth will our prayers & petitions so gain thee
When the heaven of heavens hath not room to contain thee
How much less this temple which now I have built
Though the earth with thy love & thy glory is gilt


Therefore have respect to thy servant his prayer
Let not supplications be vapour & air
O Lord God almighty do list to the cry
Of thy servant who prays to his maker on high
Thou God of all Israel before thee I pray
That thy eyes may look over this house night & day
On the place of Jehovah the glory of fame
On the place thou hast chose as the house of thy name
& harken & heed as a symbol of grace
To the prayer which thy servant now prays to this place
Hear thou from thy dwelling place even in heaven
& hearing O Lord let our sins be forgiven
If a man sin against his neighbour—almighty forbear
& an oath be laid on him to make him to swear
& the oath to this house on thy alter they bring
Then hear thou from heaven & do the just thing
By requiteing the wicked doing justice to all
On his own head let the wickeds own reccompense fall
Justifying the righteous—his ways to approve
& giving his righteousness—mercey & love
If Israel get worse & from enemies flee
Because they have sinned against goodness & thee
& again shall confess thy great name & return
& make in this house supplication & mourn
Then hear thou from heaven & evil forgive
In Israel thy people that mercey may live
& bring them again like a wreck to the strand
To the place which thou gav'st them their fathers own land
When the heavens shut up have no season of rain
Because they have sinned against thee—once again
Yet if they turn toward this place & pray
& confess thy great name & return from their way
When thou dost afflict them—in mercy believe
Then hear thou from heaven o Lord & forgive


The sins of thy people & Israel shall know
The good way wherein thou hast taught them to go
On their land of inheritance scatter thy rain
& the land & thy people shall flourish again
If there be pestilence blastings & dearth
& mildews & locusts spreading deserts oer earth
If their enemies come & lay cities in thrall
& sickness & sores threaten death over all
Then what prayer soever by man shall be made
Or of thy people Israel when wronged & affraid
When every one knows his own grief to proclaim
& spreads forth his hands in this house to thy name
Then hear thou from heaven thy own dwelling place
& render to every man blessings & grace
According to truth do thou raise them agen
For thou knowest the hearts of the childern of men
Which thou gave to our fathers our birthright to be—
That they may fear thee & walk in thy ways
So long as they live in the land of thy praise
Moreover conscerning the stranger with thee
Which is not of Israel but come from afar
For thy great name & justice in peace or in war
For thy hand that's almighty & outstre[tc]hed arm
If they pray in this house—do thou keep them from harm
Then hear from the heavens thy dwelling on high
To the strangers petition do thou heed & reply
Though a stranger may plead do thou grant his request
That the people of earth may believe thee as best
As Israel doth know of thy goodness & fame
& may know that this temple is called by thy name
If thy people go out to thy enemies far
In the way that thy guideance shall send them to war
& their prayers unto thee towards this city proclaim
Towards the place & the house I have built for thy name


Then hear from the heavens—petitions & prayers
& mentain thy own cause in thy peoples affairs
If they should sin against goodness & thee
For there is not a man that from sin is all free
& thou in thy anger sends strifes roughest waves
& deliver'st them up to their foemen as slaves
& they carry them captives in terror & fear
To lands & strange countrys far off or near
Yet should they bethink them whose childern they are
While they are captives & pray to thee there
In the midst of captivity saying aright
‘That we have dealt wickedly Lord in thy sight’
If to thee they return with their soul & their heart
In the land of captivity—thither thou art
Although they are captives let them pray towards their land
& the citys to stay the dread wrath of thy hand
The land of their fathers great Lord & thy fame
& toward the house I have built for thy name
Then hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place—hear
Their prayers, supplications, & terrible fear
Forgive thy own people & dwell in their cause
& bring them once more to their land & thy laws
& though they have sinned before thee let them live
The erring restore before thee &—forgive
Let thine eyes Lord be open in mercey & grace
& attend to the prayer that is made in this place
Arise o Lord God in thy resting place—thou
Let thy priests o Lord God as before thee they bow
Be cloathed with salvation thy mercies to prove
& thy saints all rejoice in thy goodness & love
From th'face of thine anointed Lord turn not away
But remember the mercies of David for aye


JOB—38th CHAP: 1st PART

Then God half angered ansered Job aright
Out of the wirlwind & the darkening storm
‘Who darkeneth counsil thus & argues wrong
‘By words without all knowledge vague & void
‘Gird up thy loins now like a man—for I
‘Demand of thee—& answer me aright
‘Where wast thou mortal when I formed & laid
‘Foundations of the earth & sea—declare
‘If thou hast understanding think & speak
‘Who hath the measures laid & knowest thou
‘Or who hath stretched the line upon its base
‘Whereon are earths foundations fastened—say
‘Or who hath planned & laid the corner stone
When all the morning stars together sang
& all the sons of God did shout for joy
Or who as if with doors shut up the sea
When it break forth as issuing from the womb
When I made its garments of the racking clouds
& wrapt thick darkness as its swaddling bands
& brake up for it my decreed abode
& set up bars & doors to keep it staid
& said here shalt thou come not further
& here shalt thy proud waves be staid
Hast thou commanded morning since thy days
& caused the bright day spring to know its place
That it might hold on earths extreemest ends
& the wicked might be shaken out therefrom
It is turned as clay into the seal


& they stand as garments cloathing it with light
Their light from wickedness is still withheld
& the high arm is broken in its might
Hast thou entered in the ocean springs
Or walked in search of the unfathomed deeps
Hath death his gates e'er opened unto thee
Or shown the shadows of eternal sleep
Hast thou percieved the breadth of earth or space
If thou knowest all or part thereof—declare
Where is the way wherein the light may dwell
& as for darkness where doth it repose
That thou should'st take it to the bound thereof
& know the paths that leadeth to its home
Knowest thou as much because thou wast then born
Or since because thy numbered days was great
Hast thou entered the palace of the snow
Or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail
Which for the time of trouble I reserve
Against the day of battle & of war
By what way is light parted—knowest thou
Which scattereth oer the earth the eastern wind
For the overflow of waters who divides
A channel & a course that it may speed
Who guides forked lightenings through the sultry sky
& gives the thunder terrors shuddering voice
To cause the rain on spots where no man is
On wildered wastes where no man cares to dwell
To satisfy the waste & desolate ground
& cause the bud to blossom there in spring
Hath the rain a father—silence—speak
Or who begets the drops of morning dew
Out of whose womb cometh the chilly ice
& the heavens hoar frost who gendered can[s]t thou tell
The waters are hidden as beneath a stone
& the face of the deep is frozen like a rock
The influences of Pleiades canst thou bind
Or loosen Orions belt—canst thou bring forth
Nazzaroth in his season or yet guide


Arcturus with his sons—man knowest thou
The ordinances of heaven—canst thou set
The dominion thereof in earth—let silence speak
Canst thou lift up thy voice to clouds & sky
& bid the rain in waters cover thee
Canst thou send lightenings forth that they may go
& answer ‘here we are’—say who hath put
Wisdom in the inward parts & who hath given
Prime understanding to the beating heart
Who can number in wisdom heavens host of clouds
Or the bottles of heaven who can stay
When the clods cleave fast together & the dust
Groweth hard as a rock—can mortals hunt
Prey for the Lion or the lions whelps
When hid in dens or in the coverts couched
They lie in wait for prey—& who provides
The raven with his food—his young ones cry
To God & wander for the lack of meat


Knowest thou the time when wild goats breed
On rocks—or mark when the swift hinds calve
Canst thou number the months that they fulfill
Or know the time when they bring forth their young
They bow themselves in travail & bring forth


& cast out their fond sorrows on the hills
Their young ones are the image of themselves
They grow up with corn go forth & not return
Who hath sent out the wild ass free or who
Hath loosed his weary bonds—whose house I made
The wilderness—his home the barren land
The multitudes of citys are his scorn
Neither regardeth he the drivers cry
His free born pasture is the mountain range
His search is after every thing thats green
Will Unicorns thy slaving voice obey
Or by thy crib abide—or in the glebe
Bind him to trace the furrow—or will he
Harrow the fertile valley after thee
Wilt thou trust him because his strength is great
Or wilt thou leave thy labour to his will
Wilt thou trust him to garner up thy seed
& gather home thine harvest to the barn
Gavest thou the peacocks tail his purple gold
Or wings & feathers to the ostrich tribe
Who leaveth her eggs on the earth to hatch
Warming them in the dust—forgetting that
The foot may crush or wild beast break their shells
Against her young ones she is hard & strange
As though they were not hers—her labour is
In vain withouten fear—God hath deprived
Her heart of reason—understanding lacks
To aid her toils—yet when she soars on high
She scorns both horse & rider in her flight
Hast thou given the horse his strength or cloathed
His neck with thunder—canst thou make him fear
& flee like a grasshopper—the glory


Of his nostrils is fierce & terrible
He paweth the ground in strength rejoiceing
& goeth onward to meet the battle
He scorns to be affraid & mocks at fear
Neither turneth he away from the sword
Against him the loaded quiver rattles
The glittering spear & the burnished shield
& his untamed fierceness swallows the ground
Neither heeds he the sound of the trumpet
He drives among the trumpets & laugheth ah ah
& the rage of battle he smelleth afar
The thunder of captains & shoutings of war
Doth thy weak wisdom teach the hawk to flye
& stretch her wings toward the southern sky
At thy command doth eagles mount & make
Their nests on high—their erie is the rock
In the strong place & on the rocky crag
From thence their prey is noted & their eyes
Beholdeth far—her young ones suck up blood
& where the slain is—there the eagles flye


Moreover God answered Job & said
Shall he who contends with God instruct him
He that reproveth God—let man reprove
Then Job made answer Lord behold I'm vile
What shall I answer thee—my voice is dumb
I lay my hand upon my mouth & fear
Once have I spoken but I answer not


Nay twice—nor further dare I now proceed
Then out of the fierce whirlwind & the storm
The Lord he answered fearfull Job & spake
‘Gird up thy loins again & like a man—
I will demand of thee—declare & speak
Wilt thou my judgments disannul & me
Condemn as wrong—that thou mayst righteous be
Is thine the power—hast thou an arm like God
Or canst thou thunder with a voice like him
Thyself with excellence & majesty array
With glory & with beauty deck thyself
& cast abroad thy rage of viewless ire
Behold the proud abase him with thy wrath—
Around look on the proud & bring him low
Tread underfoot the wicked in their place
Together hide them in degrading dust
& bind their faces under secret thralls
Then will I also unto thee confess
That thy right hand & arm thy self can save
Behold Behemoth which I made with thee
He eateth grass as doth the ox—lo now
His strength is in his loins his force & power
Is in the navel of his belly—moving now
His tail like to a cedar—his sinewed stones
Are wrapt together—his bones are strong as brass
Aye firm unflinching all as iron bars
Chief of Gods ways is he—he that made him
Can make his sword to pierce him & destroy
The mountains surely bring him forth his food
Where all the beast o'th' field do herd & play
Coverts of shady trees do make his lair
In the reed forests of the untrodden fens
The shady trees doth cover him with shadow


& willow brooks encompass him with shade
Behold he drinks a river in his thirst
& trusts to swallow Jordan in his mouth
He takes it with his eyes in thirsty draughts
& his nose pierces through the hidden snares


Canst thou with hooks Leviathan draw out
Or with a chord let down amidst the deep
Canst thou put hooks into his mountain nose
Or bore his jaw through with a feeble thorn
Will he to thee a supplication make
Or speak soft words to make a friend of thee
Will he with thee make covenant—or thou
Make him for aye thy servant or thy slave
Wilt thou as with a bird play with his strength
Or bind him for thy maidens sportive smiles
Shall thy companions banquet on his flesh
Or part him among merchants for rich gain
Or canst thou fill his skin with barbed hooks
Or pierce his island of a head with spears
Lay thy hand on him & the battle fear
Remember thou the strife & do no more
Thy hopes of him behold are all in vain
Shall not one at his sight be soon cast down


To stir him up theres none so fierce to dare
Who then is able by my power to stand
Who hath prevented that I should repay
All under the whole heavens lives as mine
His parts & powers I will not consceal
His great proportions & his jiant powers
The facing of his garment who can see
Or with his double bridle tamper him
The doors of his face who can unlock
His teeth stand round as terrible as death
His scales they are his pride shut up secure
From mortal eye as is a closed seal
One to another joins the common air
Comes not between them—nor a passage finds
They stick & join & sundering is in vain
He neeses & a splendid light doth shine
His eyes are like the mornings bright & fair
Out of his mouth breath comes like burning lamps
& issuing sparks leap out as living fire
His nostrils as a boiling chaldron smokes
His breath is kindled coals—& terrors flames
Come issuing from his mouth in terrors play
In's neck like to a mountain strength remains
& sorrow before him is turned to joy
His flakes of flesh join firm within themselves
& fast as is the mountain cant be moved
His heart is like the stone of adamant
Nay as the nether mill stone firm & hard
When he is roiled the mighty are affraid
When he breaks forth they purifye themselves
The sword assailing him will never hold
The dark harbergeon or glittering spear
Iron is straw & brass as rotten wood
The arrow neither makes him fear or flee
Sling stones are stubble aiming at his power


Darts count as rotten straw & are no more
He laugheth at the shaking of a spear
Sharp stones are under him he heeds them not
He spreads sharp pointed things upon the mire
The sea beneath him like a chaldron boils
& like a pot of oil or ointment shines
& after him a path of light shines far
One thinks the sea all hoary where he swims
Earth owns nought like him made without a fear
High things are open to his mountain view
King over all the childern brutes of pride

[Pet. MS A62 version:]

Canot thou draw out Leveathon
With an hook or a chord
Which thou lettest down
—Like the breath of a word
Canst thou put a hook in his nose
Or bore through his jaw with a thorn
Will he supplicate unto thee
Man to him is as mist in the morn
Unto thee will he speak in soft words
Or a covenant make up with thee
To him seas scarce a lodging affords
Wilt thou take him thy servant to be
Wilt thou play with his strength as a bird
Or bind him thy maidens to please
Shall thy friends make a banquet of him
That monarch & king of the seas


Shall they sell him to merchants for gain
Whose life like an island moves on
Canst thou fill his head with fish spears on the main
Do but strike & thy strength it is gone
Lay on him thine hand do no more
Remember the battle & strife
Behold him thy hope is no more
The sight of him dangers thy life
None are so fierce that dare stir him to strife
This monster & king of the sea
Then how can a man the mere shadow of life
Be able to stand before me
Who hath served me with the justice & truth
That I should repay him with favours divine
Whatsoever exists upon earth & in sooth
The whole that the heavens containeth are mine


The heavens his wonderous works declare
The firmament his power
His handyworks are written there
Through every day & hour


Day unto day in language speaks
Night unto night will shine
In knowledge—& all language reads
& hears that voice divine
Their line & words through all the earth
Hath all the world oer run
His tabernacle there hath birth
A dwelling for the sun
As a bridegroom from his chamber comes
He shows his shineing face
Rejoiceing as the season blooms
As a strong man runs a race
His going forth is from the end
& to the end of heaven
His circuit shines on every land
Where his rays of life are given
The law of God a perfect law
Converts the soul & tries
Gods testimonies all are pure
& makes the simple wise
The statutes of the Lord are sure
The heart rejoiceing still
The Lords comandments they are pure
My eyes with love they fill


The fear of God is clean & pure
Endureing still forever
The judgments of the Lord are sure
& righteous as the giver
& more to be desired are they
Then gold can e'er become
More sweeter then the honey jar
Or e'en the honeycomb
Their stedfast truth thy servant warms
Their faith is his regard
In keeping them my being earns
A safe & sure reward
Who can his errors understand
Cleanse me from secret faults
Keep back thy servant in thy hands
That he nor fails nor halts
Let no presumtious sins e'er have
Dominion over me
Then shall I meet a welcome grave
Or live upright with thee
Of vile transgressions great & small
Lord keep me innoscent
Then shalt thou hear my conscience call
& know my good intent
The meditations of my heart
Lord keep them all with thee
Let all the words my thoughts impart
With thy own sanction be


Do thou accept me e'er I fall
By thy avenging rod
My strength my hope my life my all
& my redeeming God


He that dwelleth in the secret place
Of God the great & high
Beneath the shadow of his grace
In quiet peace shall lie
The Lord my lasting friend shall be
He is my refuge still
The fortress of my cares is he
& trust in God I will
Surely from the fowlers snare
He shall deliver thee
& from the noisesome pestilence
Still keep thee pure & free
His truth shall shield & buckler give
When hell its vengance flings
Beneath his feathers thou shalt live
& his defending wings
Nights terrors all shall flee away
Nor fears thy soul alarm
The arrows that are shot by day
Shall do thy life no harm


From pestilence that walks by night
Thy dwelling shall be free
Destruction that at noon shall blight
Shall never injure thee
A thousand by thy side shall fall
Ten thousand by thy hand
But nought shall bring thee into thrall
While God thy friend shall stand
Thou shalt behold it with thine eyes
The wicked's sure reward
Because the Lord thy refuge lies
Thy house is Gods regard
No evil thou shalt meet at large
No plague thy dwelling rase
For he shall give his angels charge
To keep thee all thy days
Thee they shall bear up in their hands
Nor leave thee all alone
Lest thou should'st dash in troubles lands
Thy foot against a stone
Thou shalt tread on the Lions main
& crush the adders crown
Young Lions by thy foot be slain
That tramples Dragons down
Because on me he sets his love
I'll keep his heart from shame
I'll set him high all foes above
Because he knows my name


On me his inward love shall call
In care I'll bring relief
I'll answer him in every thrall
& honour his belief
With length of life & honours too
Him I will satisfye
To him salvation will I shew
When troubles days are bye


The earth reigneth now earth is green in his smiles
Let gladness extend through her hundreds of isles
Clouds & darkness are round him almighty & lone
& truths righteous judgments inhabit his throne
A fire goes before him that never burns out
That burns up his enemies round & about
His thunders & lightenings blazon the world
The earth saw & trembled where ruin was hurled
Where the Lord of the earth in his majesty sped
Hills melted like wax in his presence & fled
The heavens his righteousness prove every hour
& all people see both his glory & power
Worship him all ye Gods & confounded be they
Who serve graven images beings of clay
Zion saw & was glad at the voice of his word
Judahs Daughters rejoiced in thy judgments O Lord
The Lord oer the earth is exalted & high


Far above all the Gods is his home in the sky
Hate evil ye people whose love is the Lord
He preserveth his saints by the truth of his word
He delivereth from evil & bondage & thrall
From the hand of the wicked he saveth them all
For the righteous the light of his mercey is sown
To the up right of heart all his gladness is shown
Ye righteous rejoice in the Lord all your days
To the memory of his holiness offer your praise

[Lord hear my prayer when trouble glooms]

Lord hear my prayer when trouble glooms
Let sorrow find a way
& when the day of trouble comes
Turn not thy face away
My bones like hearth stones burn away
My life like vapoury smoke decays
My heart is smitten like the grass
That withered lies & dead
& I so lost to what I was
Forget to eat my bread
My voice is groaning all the day
My bones prick through this skin of clay
The wildernesses pelican
The deserts lonely owl
I am their like a desert man
In ways as lone & foul
As sparrows on the cottage top
I wait till I with faintness drop


I bear my enemies reproach
All silently I mourn
They on my private peace encroach
Against me they are sworn
Ashes as bread my trouble shares
& mix my food with weeping cares
Yet not for them is sorrows toil
I fear no mortals frown
But thou hast held me up awhile
& thou hast cast me down
My days like shadows waste from view
I mourn like withered grass in dew
But thou Lord shalt endure forever
All generations through
Thou shalt to Zion be the giver
Of joy & mercey too
Her very stones are in their trust
Thy servants reverence her dust
Heathens shall hear & fear thy name
All kings of earth thy glory know
When thou shalt build up Zions fame
& live in glory there below
He'll not despise their prayers though mute
But still regard the destitute


[He harmonized darkness to night & repose]

He harmonized darkness to night & repose
When the beast of the forest creep forth as our foes
After their prey the young Lions are roaring
Seeking meat from the God of all nature's adoring
They gather together at rise of the sun
& hide in their dens when his bounty is won
Man goeth to work as the morning sun smiles
& labours till eve brings release to his toils
How manifold Lord are thy works & thy power
Thou has made all in wisdom both forest & flower
The earth it is full of thy riches & good
So is this great ocean & fathomless flood
Where small & great beasts of a wonderfull size
In numberless numbers our fancys surprise
Things creeping & swimming in harmonized strife
& there go the ships like to phantoms of life
& there's great leviathan spouting the spray
Which thou'st made in the depths of the ocean to play



Come down & sit in dust
Daughter of Babalon
Come on the ground ye must
Thy throne & power is gone
Daughter of the chaldeans thy race is oer
Thou art the tender & delicate no more
Take millstones & grind meal
Uncover thy fair locks
Bare legs & thighs reveal
For God thy treachery mocks
Pass oer the streams thy nakedness is seen
& shame is oer thee though thou art a queen
Thy inmost shame is seen
Reverse thy every plan
I'll vengance take nor mean
To meet thee as a man
As for our redeemer he feels shame
The holy one of Israel is his name
Sit there in silence now
& into darkness flye
Uncoronet thy brow
Chaldeans daughter sigh
For thou shalt never more be called
Lady of kingdoms thy base power enthralled


I with my people wrath
Did their heritage polute
& in thine hands left both
To make them destitute
Thou shewed no mercey but with heavy stroke
Upon the ancient hast thou laid the yoke
I'm a Lady & forever
Thou saidst it—so depart
Thou remembered not the giver
Nor laid these things to heart
No wickedness on earth can thee defend
Thou ne'er remembered once the latter end
Therefore hear thou this
Thou Lady to pleasures given
That dwelleth careless & amiss
& rests no hope on heaven
Saying ‘I am’ as there was none beside
‘& know no loss of childern in my pride’
‘Nor be a widow lone’
Yet these too mournfull things
Shall in a moment reach thy throne
With all that sorrow brings
For all thy devinations shall they come
& leave thy pomp all childless & no home
In wickedness thy trust
Hath said none seeth me
Thy wisdom & thy lust
It hath perverted thee
& thou hast said & felt it in thy heart
There's none beside me—sorsoress depart


Therefore shall evil come
From whence thou shalt not know
All powerless thou to shun the doom
Or to avert the blow
To sudden desolation shalt thou go
& to the ruin which thou shalt not know
With thy enchantments stand
That ever against the truth
The labours of thy sceptered hand
& even known from youth
If profit springs from each liscentious tale
If so be thou with wickedness prevail
With many counsils now
Thou'rt weak & weary grown
Astrollogers may bow
Around thy tottering throne
Stargazers soothesayers let them save or shun thee
From things that surely now shall come upon thee
Behold as stubble they
Before the fire shall burn
Themselves shall pass away
& know not where to turn
They shall not deliver themselves from the power
Of the flame which shall ignite consume & devour
In that desolate charm
There shall not be a fire
Or a coal left to warm
Though through cold they expire
Thus shall they be unto thee & ungrieved
With whom thou hast laboured & revelled & lived


Thy merchants from thy youth
They shall wander one & all
To his quarters & the truth
Shall leave thee more in thrall
Though slave dealers take thee though bondsmen enslave thee
There's none shall be able to shield thee or save thee


I am the man that affliction hath seen
By the rod of his wrath sorely scourged have I been
He hath turned against me like a vision of night
& led me to darkness & not into light
He turneth his hand against me all the day
My flesh & my skin he made old as a prey
He hath builded against me & broken my bones
I'm compassed with gall & travel & moans
He hath set me in places of darkness & cold
Like a being forgot as the dead are of old
He hath made my chain heavy & hedged me about
He hath shut out my prayer & I cannot get out
He hath enclosed all my ways with hewn heavy stone
& made all my paths both crooked & lone
He was unto me as a bear by the way
Or hideing in secret as a lion to slay
He pulled me in pieces my ways were all turned
Like a desolate being I sorrowed & mourned
I'm a mark for his arrow he bendeth his bow
& empties his quiver to pince me with woe


To my people I was a derision & prey
& their song was my sufferings all the long day
He hath filled me with bitterness trouble & thrall
& made me mad drunk both with wormwood & gall
With gravel stones also my teeth he hath broke
He hath covered me over with ashes & smoke
Thou took my souls peace in a desolate hour
I forgot my prosperity riches & power
& I said that my strength in the Lord now must sever
& my hopes in my God now are perished forever
Remembering mine afflictions my misery & thrall
Confinement persecution—the wormwood & gall
My soul hath them still in remembrance the pain
& is humbled within me to feel it again
This I recall to my mind & I sigh
Yet therefore have hope that the worst may be bye
It is of Gods mercies we are not consumed
Because his compassions fail not—yet entombed
His love seems to me in the desolate hours
Yet faith shall be new every morning like flowers
The Lord saith my soul is my portion & stay
Therefore he's my hope both by night & by day
The Lord he is good unto them that will wait
To the soul that will seek him both early & late
It is good that a man he should hope without friends
For the Lord of salvation to make him amends
It is good that a man bear the yoke of his youth
& endure persecution for the sake of the truth
He keepeth his silence & sitteth alone
Because he hath born it as a grief of his own
He hideth & putteth his mouth in the dust
If so that the Lord be his hope & his trust
He giveth his cheek to the smiter nor fears
He is filled with reproach at their insolent jeers
For his Lord & his God forsake him will never
& though he cause grief will not leave him for ever


He will have compassion—I am not affraid
For his mercies in multitudes come to our aid
He hurteth not willingly th'afflicted agen
Nor willingly grieveth the childern of men
To c[r]ush underfoot the imprisoned of earth
To turn aside the right of a man from his birth
To subvert a man in his cause or to blot
But his right the most high he approveth it not
Who saith & it cometh to pass in the sun
When the Lord he commandeth it not to be done
Out of Gods mouth it was ne'er understood
That mixture proceeded of evil & good
Wherefore doth a living man daily complain
When our sins they are punished rebukeing is vain
Let us search out our ways & to comfort accord
& turn us agen to the help of the Lord
Let us lift up our hearts & our hands unforgiven
Imploreing God the most high & the mercies of heaven
We have transgressed & rebelled against thee
Thou hast covered with anger—persecuted we flee
Thou hast not pardoned we seek thee again
Thou hast not pittied but smitten & slain
Thou hast covered thyself in the depth of a cloud
That our prayer should not pass or be heard uttered loud
In the midst of thy people—the great & the small
Thou hast made us the refuse offscouring of all
All enemies open their mouths to deride
Fear & snares are against us on every side
Desolation destruction hath left us no shore
With rivers of waters mine eyes runneth oer
For the destruction of the daughter of my people's renown
Without intermission my tears trickle down
Till the lord shall look down from the heavens & see
I mourn for my own citys daughters & me
Mine enemies chased me like a bird from its nest
My heart from its home & would give me no rest
They've cut off my life in the dungeon—to sever
& cast a stone on the door of my freedom forever


I said I'm cut off & my heart it felt dead
When waters & darkness flowed over mine head
From out the low dungeon I called on thy name
Thou heardest O Lord my petition & came
Hide not thine ear to my breathing & cry
Thou drawest near in the day that I thought I should die
‘Fear not’ was the voice when I called upon thee
Thou hast pleaded the cause of my soul & I'm free
Thou hast witnessed my wrongs & redeemed my life
Judge thou my cause thou hast witnessed the strife
Against me all their vengance thy wisdom hath seen
& thou knowest what their hidden immag[in]ings mean
The lips of all those who rose up in the fray
Their device against me is as clear as the day
Their reproaches thou hearest—when they sit down or rise
I am their music to scoff & despise
Render them Lord as their justice demands
A reccompence mete to the work of their hands
Give them sorrow of heart that may inly condemn
Be the hatred of heaven thy curse upon them
Persecute & destroy them as somthing abhored
From under the face of thy heaven O Lord



I heard thee O Lord & was stricken with fear
When the voice of thy wrath rung a knell to my ear
Revive thou thy work in the midst of my days
That my heart may rejoice in thy bounty & praise
O Lord ere thy vengance in fury come forth
Remember thy mercy in midst of thy wrath
Thou, Lord God of Temaan, thou most holy one
From the mountains of Paran thy presence was shown
Thy glory encircled the face of the sky
& the earth it was full of thy praise from on high
Thy brightness was glory the essence of light
& thy hands held the horns of thy power in my sight
Before thee pale famine & pestilence came
& coals at thy feet burnt & kindled to flame
He measured the earth in loud pealings of thunder
He beheld & the nations were driven asunder
The hills everlasting were shook in his scales
The perpetual mountains bowed down into vales
His power is eternal everlasting his ways
& earth air & heaven are full of his praise
The tents of all Cush in affliction I saw
& The Curtains of Midian did tremble in awe
Was thy wrath against rivers O Lord that they flee
Did thine anger swell mountains in calms of the sea
When thou rode on thy horses & chariots of fire
O Lord was the chosen's salvation thine Ire
Thy Bow was quite naked—Lord sheath up thy sword
According to the oaths of the tribes & thy word
Thou didst cleave earth with rivers that mightily sped
Mountains saw thee & trembled, yea, trembled & fled


Worlds of water broke loose & in thunder passed bye
The deep uttered voices & mounted on high
His brine in the clouds of the heaven was mixed
Sun & Moon in their grand habitation were fixed
These all wait on thee though high mountains in size
& their meat in due season thy bounty supplies
That thou givest they feed on as succour & food
Thou op'nest thy hand lo! it fills them with good
Thou hidest thy face they are troubled & cry
Thou takest their breath & in dust they all lie
Thou sendest thy spirit they start into birth
& again thou renewest the face of the earth
The glory of God is endureing for ever
The Lord shall rejoice in his works as the giver
Though thou lookest on earth & it quakes at thy stroke
Though he toucheth the hills in their pride & they smoke
I will sing while I live my creator to praise
I will sing praise to God to the end of my days
Meditation of him shall sweet comfort afford
& my heart shall be glad in the Love of the Lord
Let sinners consume from the face of the earth
Let the wicked no more have a being or birth
Bless thou the Lord o my heart & my soul
Praise ye the Lord long as seasons shall roll




When the son of man comes in his glory anew
& all holy angels surrounding him too
Then shall he sit upon glory his throne
& before him all nations be gathered as one
The one from the other he'll seperate then
The wise & the good from lascevious men
The sheep from the goats the good shepherds divide
As gold in the furnace is heated & tried
When his sheep are no longer of comfort bereft
Shall be placed on his right hand & the goats on his left
Come ye blessed of God bid to troubles adieu
& inherit the kingdom prepared for you
From the foundation of earth—the beginning of time
Come of every colour from every clime
For when I was hungered ye offered me meat
& when I was thirsty your water was sweet
Ye lodged me a stranger—forsaken of all
When naked ye cloathed me nor left me in thrall
I was in prison ye came to me there
& your talk made my bonds unconfined as the air
Then shall the righteous say when did we Lord
See then an hungered & offer thee food
Or thirsty to give thee of drink as a guest
A stranger to find thee a welcome & rest


Or naked & cloathed thee in part of our wealth
When saw we thee sick & restored thee to health
Or in prison came to thee to make thy bonds free
& the king shall make answer—ye did it to me
For verily I say unto you in as much
As ye've done it to the least of my brothers twas such
Ye have done it to me in the mind & the heart—
He shall say to the left now ye cursed depart
From me into hell everlasting & fire
With the devils own tortures & never expire
For I was an hungered & ye gave me no meat
& athirst but ye brought me no drink in my heat
I was a stranger ye offered no rest
Naked ye cloathed me not—sick & distrest
Ye visited not to give health or set free
Then shall they say Lord—whenever did we
See then an hungered or sick or athirst
Or naked or stranger or in bonds from the first
& did not administer comfort to thee
Then shall he answer them saying—as ye
Did it not to the poorest & least of my fold
Your friendship to me was as barren & cold
& these shall go away to the punishment due
But the righteous shall find joys eternity true


[I saw the lamb who opened the first seal]

I saw the lamb who opened the first seal
& heard a voice like thunder ‘Come & see’
From one of the four beast—then did reveal
The heaven a portion of its mystery
One sat on a white horse from thraldom free
A crown was given him who had the bow
& he was left as good & great shall be
Conquoring & to conquor—too & fro
& fame & victor of the world below
The second seal was opened & I heard
The second beast say ‘Come & see’ aloud
Another horse went out red as a pard
& power was given him to stir the crowd
& take peace from the earth & whom war bowed
& hell cried havoc bursting like a flood
With a hugh sword to murder & to slay
Rushed headlong hurrying from the hellish brood
While citys burned to flame & earth itself wept blood


REV. CHAP 21st

& I looked & I saw a new heaven
& earth on the bosom of day
For the first earth was fled with its deeds unforgiven
& its heaven had perished away
& the ocean was dry & no longer it ran
Which had rolled ever since the creation of man


& I John the most holy city descried
New Jerusalem coming from God to the living
Adorned for her husband prepared as a bride
& I heard a great voice speaking loud from the heaven
Behold the tabernacle of God is with men
& there he will dwell with his people agen
They shall be his people united & free
The choice of his love not the fear of his rod
& God shall dwell with them forever & be
Their soul keeping saviour redeemer & God
He shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes
There shall be no more death neither sorrows nor crys
Nor shall there be any more sickness or pain
For the world & their sickness is passed & away
& he that sat on the throne said again
In language as bright as meridian day
& he said to me write I make all things as new
& the words which I spake are both faithfull & true
& once more he said unto me—now it is done
I am Alpha—Omega—beginning & end
Their thirst shall have water as clear as the sun
For I am lifes fountain benefactor & friend
To him that oercometh all goodness is won
His God I will be then & he is my son
But the vain unbelieving & them that have fear
The abominable—murderers whoremongers & liars
Idolaters scorcerers mocking the seer
I leave in the lake of unquenchable fires
There burning forever their being & breath
& this is the second existance of death


One of the seven angels then came unto me
Which held the seven plagues in seven phials of strife
Saying come hither & I will show unto thee
The light of salvation the bride & lambs wife
& me in the spirit he carried away & won
To a great & high mountain that peered to the sun
Whose forhead looked green in the realms of the sky
Whose crags in the beams of eternity nod
& shewed me a city great glorious & high
New Jerusalem descending from heaven & God
Having Gods glory eternitys light
As precious as jasper as crystal more bright
& had a great wall shining spacious & high
& twelve gates about it that glittered like flames
& twelve angels watched from the realms of the sky
& written thereon were the tribes & their names
On the east & the north six gates I descried
& the south & the west three on every side
Twelve foundations the walls of the city upheld
& twelve names thereon—the apostles of God
& he that talked with me a golden reed held
An emblem of justice & truth not his rod
To measure the city the gates & the wall
In kindness & love doing equal by all
& the plan of the city it lieth foursquare
The breadth is as long as the height & the length
Twelve thousand furlongs his reed measured there
The contents of that city of glory & strength
The length & the breadth & the height of the plan
Are equal—like God in his mercey to man


& he measured the wall with the reed in his hand
Of cubits one hundred & forty & four
According to the measure of a man was the wand
That is of the angel who guarded the door
The walls was of jasper the city pure gold
As clear as a mirror of glass to behold
The walls of the city were garnished like fire
With all manner of sorts of rich precious stones
The first foundation was jasper the second sapphire
The third chalcedony more splendid then thrones
The fourth was an emerald green as the waves
Of the earth that was vanished with oceans & graves
The fifth was sardonix & sardius the sixth
The seventh was chrysolyte—yellow & green
& Beryl the eight[h] & of yellow unmixt
The ninth was a topaz—the rest they were seen
Chrysoparsus a jacinth an amethist—blue
As violets that in the old fallen world grew
The twelve gates were twelve pearls of delight to behold
Every gate was one pearl where no mortal could look
& the street of the city was paved with pure gold
Transparent as glass & the waves of a brook
& no temple there showed itself in my sight
For the Lord God himself was its temple & light


No need had the city of sun or the moon
To shine on its splendour—the builder & giver
Of its glory—was also its light & its boon
His sun shone upon it for ever & ever
There the nations of them that are saved meet a home
There the kings of the earth bring their glories & come
& its gates they shall never be closed by day
& night in that city shall never be known
The righteous shall there truth & glory display
& the honour of nations shall make it their own
No wickedness there shall destroy their abode
Or enemies poison the friendship of God
In no wise shall enter any thing to defile
& no abomination of evil come nigh
No wickedness working deception or guile
Nor any that forgeth or maketh a lie
But they which are written in Gods book of life
They shall live here forever from sorrow & strife



—REV. CHAP. 22

& he showed me a river in midst of the street
Of the water of life clear as chrystal & pure
Flowing out from the throne of the Lord—heaven sweet
The weary to bless & the feeble to care
& on each side the river like comfort in thrall
The tree of life grew as a blessing for all
Twelve manner of fruits did its branches supply
That every month ripened—so fertile the sod
& the leaves of the tree 'neath Jehovahs own eye
Held a cure for the nations who trusted in God
No curse shall there be in that endless of day
With the Lord—where his servants shall serve him for aye
& his name it shall be on their forheads of light
& they shall see his face—nor his majesty shun
No candle is needed where never was night
Neither is wanted the light of the sun
For the Lord God of light & of life is the giver
& they shall reign with him forever & ever
& he said unto me all these sayings are true
& faithfull—& now are as being begun
The God of the prophets sent his angel to shew
To his servants the things which must shortly be done
Behold I come quickly & blessed is he
Who keepeth the sayings of this prophecy


I John saw these things & heard while I saw
& when I had heard & had seen unforgot
I fell at the feet of the angel with awe
But he said unto me see thou do it not
For I'm thy fellow servant & worship aright
& of thy bretheren the prophets who live in his light
Of them which keep the sayings this book doth contain
Of which thou art witness what God doth reveal
Worship God—him alone—other worship is vain
These sayings he said unto me—never seal
Leave the prophecy open till all understand
For the kingdom is come & the time is at hand
& he thats unjust—unjust let him be
& he that is filthy live filthy at will
& he that is righteous—leave righteousness free
& he that is holy live holily still
Behold I come quickly my reward is with me
To give all men according as his work it shall be
I am Alpha Omega beginning & end
Time past as the present—the first & the last
They are blest that on all my commandments attend
The tree of life is their right—when lifes troubles is past
The gates are all open the passage is free
& the new golden city their dwelling shall be
For without the dogs growl & the sorcerers cheat
& murder that stabs with idolators bye
& whoremongers all their old deeds to repeat
& they whoso loveth & maketh a lie
I Jesus have sent my angel t'record
These things unto you & the church of the Lord


I am the offspring of David & root
& I am the bright & the morning star
& the bride & the spirit say come—eat the fruit
& let him that heareth say come from afar
& let him that parcheth with thirst come & drink
For the water of life ever flows to the brink
To every man living I now testify
That hears the words of this book—& yet doeth the sin
To add any thing unto this prophecy
God shall send him the plagues that are written therein
& if any man take from this book—dealing strife
God shall take out his part from the volume of life
& in the most holy city shall meet with no home
Nor share of the things in this volume of joy
He that testifieth this saitheth quickly I come
Even so come Lord Jesus all sin to destroy
The power of Gods love be with all—now—& then
& the grace of christ jesus be with you—Amen