University of Virginia Library



Once in my vernal days I stood.
In the green shadow of a wood,
Beneath the breeze and open sky,
And ever as the evening fell,
More darkly over heath and dell,
Saw the belated birds go by.
Ah, gentle birds! I said, your nest
Receives you soon to dewy rest;
Oh, fly, kind birds, into my hand!
Some darling bird with light-brown wings,
That solely for one darling sings,
And yet delights the listening land.
Oh, beat within this hand of mine,
Beat on my breast; and feeling thine,
O winged love, I'll rest content:
O wanderer wild, be tame with me,
As I am tame; and I shall be
Most happy and most innocent.


So in my vernal days I said,
With lifted hand and straining head,
That looked into the darkening sky.
But never, never bird would come;
Each found a fairer, dearer home,
And ever, ever hurried by.