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As canted by the Rev. Reel o' Bogie Ranters, at their Secret Non-Intrusion Meetings, held in the Presbyterian Close, Auld Reekie. Communicated, by an Ear-Witness, to

There's sour kail in Aberdeen,
And sourer in Strathbogie,
For ilka ane's contesting keen,
And a' about the Cogie;
The Cogie, lads, the Cogie, lads,
Our Kirk's capacious Cogie;
O dool and wae, baith frien' and fae
Are striving for her Cogie.


They're rugging here, they're tugging there,
Frae Irvine to Strathbogie,
And a' to get an orra share
O' kail frae out her Cogie;
Her Cogie, lads, her Cogie lads,
Her wally weel-filled Cogie;
Gude saff us, sirs, the vera girs
They're riving aff her Cogie.
She's nurst a set o' graceless loons,
Wha lang ha'e played the roguie,
And wi' their crookit carnal spoons,
Ha'e clautit at her Cogie.
Her Cogie, lads, her Cogie, lads,
Our darling dish—her Cogie;
Wi' clauting keen, they've scartit clean
A hole out through her Cogie.
They've rowed her into waters deep,
They've lair'd her in a bogie,
And left her there to wail and weep,
And howl about her Cogie.
Her Cogie, lads, her Cogie, lads,
Her dear time-hallowed Cogie;
The worldly knaves they'd ding in staves
Her State-begirded Cogie.


And there's your Voluntary crew,
Wi' minds sae dark and foggy,
They think that we should tamely boo,
And yield them up her Cogie.
Her Cogie lads, her Cogie lads,
Our staff and stay—her Cogie;
While we hae breath, we'll fecht till death,
Before we lose her Cogie.
Then let us smite the wicked jaws
O' ilk intruding roguie,
Wha'd daur wi' his unhallowed claws
To touch her sacred Cogie.
Her Cogie, lads, her Cogie lads,
Her precious dear-bought Cogie;
Let's form a ring, and lilt a spring,
And dance around her Cogie.
For we, her independent sons,
Despite ilk snarling doggie,
Maun fettle now our swords and guns,
And rally round her Cogie.
Her Cogie, lads, her Cogie, lads,
Our faith and hope—her Cogie;
Wi' hand on hilt, fye let us till't,
And loup our ‘Reel o' Bogie.’