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The Gospel Miracles

In A Series of Poetical Sketches: With Illustrative Conversations. By Richard Mant

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TO W--- B--- M--- AND F--- W--- M---

Brothers by blood, and by affection too,
Tho' many a league your persons now divide,
This far off floating on the ocean tide,
That bounding to domestick scenes his view:
Pleas'd I recall to mind, how, in the new
Day-spring of life, together side by side
Your sports and tasks with brothers' love ye plied,
And your first lore from lips parental drew.
And pleas'd I think, how through succeeding time
Each bosom still that early impress bears
Of love fraternal: while nor change of clime,
Pursuits, or habits; nor the joys and cares
Of life's still varying drama; nor the prime
Of active manhood, childhood's pledge impairs.
What different states has the great God assign'd
To you, my sons! To one, His hallow'd dome,
A priest, to serve; unfold His sacred tome;
His flock to pasture, and the wanderers find:
O'er the round world meanwhile the ardent mind
Of enterprise the other prompts to roam;
No spot of earth that he may call his home,
His dwelling with the billows and the wind.
Strange law of nature's Lord, which thus imprest
Fraternal minds with such discordant choice!
But kind as strange, which bids each brother's breast,
Of taste discordant, still to nature's voice
Respond; and still, caressing and carest,
Each with the other suffer and rejoice!


Brothers by blood, and by affection too,
It cheers your father's spirit to have view'd,
How on your souls that bond of brotherhood
Holds its firm grasp! Nor less that fondness due
Ye deal to others; chiefly her, for you
Who felt a mother's cares; and her who woo'd
With you life's dawning pleasures, and pursu'd
Each fresh delight that round your pathway flew!
Past are those scenes, the dream of yesterday!
But leave they no unpleasing trace behind,
Nor yet unfruitful; if the thoughts, that stray
Thro' memory's cells, to the deep yearnings join'd
Of inborn kindness, fix with firmer stay
Life's dear relations in each kindred mind.
Such scenes of childhood in your memories dwell,
(For oft I've heard 'mid graver talk prevail
The well-stor'd wonders of the nursery tale,)
Whence more perchance with love your bosoms swell,
Fraternal, filial: but whate'er the well,
Which pours such streams of gladness thro' the vale
Of life, with joy those gladdening streams I hail,
Which of my sons the strong attachment tell.
Have then your portion in these farewell lays,
A father's pray'r withal; that thou may'st go,
The Christian Pastor, in the Gospel's ways,
And to thy flock the paths of comfort show;
And thou, the Sailor, in the Gospel's rays,
The only polestar of thy safety know!