University of Virginia Library



[Almighty Father! in these lines, though brief]

“And I said, ‘This is my infirmity:’. but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High!”—Psalm lxxvii. 10.

Almighty Father! in these lines, though brief,
Of thy most hold word, how sweet to find
Meet consolation for a troubled mind,
Nor for the suffering body less relief!
When pain or doubt would, as a mighty thief,
Rob me of faith and hope, in Thee enshrined,
O be there to these blessed words assigned
Balm for each wound, a cure for every grief.
Yes! I will think of the eternal years
Of Thy right hand! the love, the ceaseless care,
The tender sympathy Thy works declare,
And Thy word seals; until misgiving fears,
Mournful disquietudes, and faithless tears,
Shall pass away as things which never were!