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by T. Westwood

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Hark! from yon old church tower,
Again the bell tolleth!
Onward thus, hour by hour,
Time ever rolleth.
Like to a silent sea,
Flowing unceasingly,
With a velocity
That nought controlleth.
Countless the barks that glide
O'er that dark ocean,


Borne on its hurrying tide,
With viewless motion!
Each to eternity
Beareth man's destiny,
From all life's changes free,
And life's emotion.
Still, though Time speed away
By God's decreeing,
It doth but lead the way
To brighter being;
To more enduring joy,
That no dark fears destroy,
Cares, that on earth annoy,
Far away fleeing.
Let us then strive to cope
With its endeavour,
Though it blight many a hope,
Many a tie sever.


When the grave's sleep is o'er,
It will have reach'd the shore
Whence it shall ebb no more,
But rest for ever!