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Ireland for the Irish

Rhymes and Reasons Against Landlordism with a Preface on Fenianism and Republicanism. By W. J. Linton, Formerly of the Irish "Nation"

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This land is ours,—God gave it us;
We will maintain our own:
This land is ours,—we will not starve
Where corn is grown:
We will not starve in harvest time because some alienborn
Would speculate in corn.
Our arms are strong, our sickles keen,—
We will not idly stand
While others reap the golden grain
On our own land:
We will not starve in the midst of bread that some few “noble-born”
May steal the peasants' corn.


O, by the strength of our despair,
Our unrequited toil,
By God who gave us choice of death
On our own soil,—
Reap! though our reaping-hooks be swords, and let the robber-born
Glean plenteously our scorn!
Our native land,—it shall be ours:
The land where we have sown
So many hopes—Fitzgerald's land—
We yet will own.
The spirit of Davis singeth clear over the ruddy corn,
Blessing our harvest morn.