University of Virginia Library


For Righteousness' Sake

Man that is born of a woman—
The creature of doom,
Who lives that the Shadow may summon
Men forth to the tomb;
Who knoweth not wages or earning,
Who sows not to reap,
Whose labour and passion and yearning
Must finish with sleep;
Who catches in vain at the glory;
Whose brightness is rust;
Whose days are a breath and a story;
Whose house is the dust;
Who lies, if he vaunt him of merit,
Whose tree bears no fruit,
Who quenches the spark of the spirit
With lusts of the brute;


Yet—standeth erect to the fighting
And whirlwind and flame,
And squanders himself for the smiting
Of Terror and Shame;
Who gathereth his weakness and brings it
Where furies move;
And loves the world so that he flings it
Away out of love;
Even though he were fashioned to perish
By ordinance grim,
The Sons of the Morning would cherish
Memories of him:
Who owing a debt went and paid it,
And kept with his blood
The Earth for the Wisdom who made it
And saw it was good.