University of Virginia Library



On Innisfallen's fairy isle,
Amid the blooming bushes,
We leant upon the lover's stile,
And listened to the thrushes;
When first I sighed to see her smile,
And smiled to see her blushes.
Her hair was bright as beaten gold,
And soft as spider's spinning;
Her cheek out-bloomed the apple old
That set our parents sinning;
And in her eyes you might behold
My joys and griefs beginning.
In Innisfallen's fairy grove
I hushed my happy wooing,
To listen to the brooding dove
Amid the branches cooing;
But oh! how short those hours of love,
How long their bitter rueing!


Poor cushat thy complaining breast
With woe like mine is heaving;
With thee I mourn a fruitless quest,
For ah! with art deceiving,
The cuckoo-bird has robbed my nest,
And left me wildly grieving.