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Ionè, fifteen years have o'er you passed,
And, taking nothing from you in their flight,
Have given you much. You look like one for whom


The day has morning only, time but Spring.
Your eyes are large and calm, your lips serene,
As if no Winter with your dreams commingled,
You that dream always, or that never dream!
Dear maid, you should have been a shepherdess—
But no: ill-tended then your flocks had strayed!
Young fawns you should have led; such fawns as once
The quivered Queen had spared to startle! Then
Within your hand a willow wand, your brow
Wreathed with red roses dabbled in warm rains,
How sweetly, with half-serious countenance,
Through the green alleys had you ta'en your way!
And they, your spotted train, how happily
Would they have gambolled by you—happiest she
The milk-white creature in the silver chain!
Ionè, lay the tapestry down: come forth:
No golden ringlet shall you add this morn
To bright Apollo: and poor Daphne there!
Without her verdant branches she must rest
Another day—a cruel tale, sweet girl!
You will not! Then farewell our loves for ever!
We are too far unlike; not Cyclops more
Unlike that Galatea whom he wooed.
I love the loud-resounding sea divine;
I love the wintry sunset, and the stress
Inexorable of wide-wasting storms;
I love the waste of foam-washed promontories;
The singing of the topmost mountain pines
In safety heard far down; the ringing sleet,
Thunder, and all portentous change that makes
The mind of mortals like to suns eclipsed


Waning in icy terrors. These to you
Are nothing. On the ivied banks you lie
In deep green valleys grey with noontide dew;
There bathe your feet in bubbling springs, your hands
Playing with the moist pansies near your face.
These bowers are musical with nightingales
Morning and noon and night. Among these rocks
A lovely life is that you lead; but I
Will make it lovelier with some pretty gift
If you are constant to me! Constant never
Was Nymphor Nereid:—like the waves they change—
O Nymph, so change not thou! A boat I'll make
Scooped from a pine: yourself shall learn to row it;
Swifter than winds or sounds can fleet; or else
Your scarf shall be the sail, and you shall glide,
While the stars drop their light upon the bay,
On like a bird between the double heaven!
Are these but trivial joys? Ah me! fresh leaves
Gladden the forests; but no second life
Invests our branches—feathers new make bright
The birds; but when our affluent locks desert us,
No Spring restores them. Dried-up streams once more
The laughing Nymphs replenish; but man's life,
By fate drawn down and smothered in the sands,
Never looks up. Alas! my sweet Ionè,
Alcæus also loved; but in his arms
Finds rest no more the song-full Lesbian maid,
Her breast all shaken by the storm of song,
Or thrills of song unborn!
The indignant hand attesting Gods and men
Achilles lifts no more: to dust is turned
His harp that glittered through the wild sea spray,


Though the black wave falls yet on Ilion's shore.
All things must die—the Songs themselves, except
The devout hymn of grateful love; or hers,
The wild swan's, chaunting her death melody.