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by Evelyn Douglas [i.e. J. E. Barlas]

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[Music and love are surely next of kin]

Music and love are surely next of kin;
For when by mystery of vague stars I hear
Love-song and lute-lay wafted o'er the mere
Timed by the plash of oars; or when begin
The thrilling pulses of the violin
To vibrate in the chamber of mine ear;
Then can I never check the rising tear,
And my hand misses thine to nestle in.
Yes, on the storm of orchestras, the might
Of the tempestuous plumes of choral song,
Thy form arises winged; an angel throng
Surrounds it, clouds beneath it: waves of light
Throb through the living air grown swift and strong
As sea-waves maddened with the storm's delight.