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Pearls of the Faith or Islam's Rosary

Being The Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of Allah (Asmca-El-Husnca): With Comments in Verse from Various Oriental Sources (As Made by an Indian Mussulman): By Edwin Arnold

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Allah-al-Rakîb! praise ye “the Watchful One,”
Who noteth what men do and leave undone.
The book of the wicked is in Sijjîn,
A close-writ book:
A book to be unfolded on the Awful Day,
The day whereto men would not look.
What Sijjîn is
Who shall make thee know?
The Black Gaol. Under Jehannum,
Under Lathâ, the “red glow,”
Under Hutamah, “the fires which split;”


Beneath Sa'hîr, the “Yellow Hell,”
And scorching Sakar, lieth it,
And Jahîm, where devils dwell:
Lower from light and bliss
Than Hâwiyeh, “the abyss:”
Sijjîn is this.
But the books of the righteous are in Hilliyûn,

Hilliyûn.” This means literally “exalted places.”

And what shall make thee see
The glory of that region, nigh to God,
Where those records be?
Joy shall make their portion: they shall lie
With the light of delight upon their faces,
On soft seats reclining
In peaceful places;
Drinking wine, pure wine, sealed wine,
Whose seal is musk and rose;


Allayed by the crystal waves that shine
In Tasmîn, which flows

Tasmîn.” A stream in Paradise, so called because it waters the highest regions there.

From the golden throne of God:—at its brink
Angels drink.
O “Watcher!” grant our names may be
In that Book lying near to Thee.

Cf. Korân, lxxxiii. chapter “Of Short Weight.”