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In Imitation of Hudibras

The Dissenting Hypocrite, or Occasional Conformist; with reflections On Two of the Ring-Leaders, &c. Viz. I. Their Works and Writings. II. Their Professions and Principles. III. Their Qualifications and Parts. IV. Their Persons and Practices [by Edward Ward]

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From hence he does Prognosticate
By Partridge's Foreboding Pate,
Or his own duller Hatching Brains,
There will be Arbitrary Reigns;
And so they fill the Nation's Ears
With spreading Jealousies and Fears:
For what says Oliverian Ra'pho?
Our Constitution is not Safe, ho!
The People are made Silly Fools,
Not Right in Church, nor State, nor Schools;
But must the Youth of their Perswasion
Put out to Foreign Education:
He means, to Prompt the next Invasion.