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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 34.

[Thou holy Son of God most high]

Col. 1. 18. He is the Head of the Body, the Church.

[The First Part.]

Thou holy Son of God most high,
'Tis thou who art the Head
Of Angels, whose great dignity
Most famously is spread.
Ye glorious Seraphims above,
And Principalities,
Most willingly do Christ adore,
In whom all fulness lyes.
Thou art the Head of human race,
The Head of every Man;
The Head too of thy Church also,
Thy glory no tongue can


Set forth according to thy worth,
Most great in dignity;
And of such high and noble birth,
All Beings dost outvie.
'Tis by thy glorious influence
The body is sustain'd;
As thou hast the preheminence,
Thou hast all glories gain'd.
Each member is supply'd by thee,
And held in sacred bonds;
And nourish'd are continually,
And under thy commands.
The governing part lyes in the head,
In it our glory lies;
And if the head be once strook off,
The body straitway dies.

Second Part.

And since thou livest evermore,
From hence also we know
Thy body and each member shall
For ever live also.
All praise and glory therefore we
Ascribe unto our Head;
All reverence belongs to thee,
By whom we're governed.
But one head can the body have,
And if it should have two,


It would a frightful monster be,
All mortal Creatures know.
Now cursed Babel, look thou to't,
And weigh it well therefore;
For since thou hast a new Head got,
Thou art an errant Whore.