University of Virginia Library



Astronomers, I know not why,
At pleasure parcel out the sky;
As if the whole ethereal way
Were theirs for ever and for aye;
And all the stars the heavens unfold,
But the mere stock of their free-hold.
Beside the lion, bull, and bear,
Some ladies in their favour share;
And one, with special kindness treated,
Is in a blaze of radiance seated:
Consult your globe, you'll find her there;
Cassiope, and eke her Chair!—


“Is it an Easy Chair?” you'll say;
We'll settle that some future day.
'Tis doubtless (to cut short all pother)
The easiest there—for there's no other.
—No other?—Then have I, 'tis clear,
No other business with the sphere:
Quit, Muse, the polar heights, and try
What Terra-firma will supply.
On most occasions here below,
Two old opponents, Aye, and No,
Like man and wife in couples go:
Ev'n so the Easy-Chair displays
Some ground for satire, some for praise;
And tho' on neither side I'm feed,
On both sides, with your leave, I'll plead.
First then for satire!—Do you seek
For hallow'd Ignorance, gross, and sleek?—


Where drones, by name of Monks, repair,
To yawn out psalms, and snore out pray'r,
She mounts an Abbot's Easy-Chair.
Dame Luxury ne'er so smacks her gills,
As when a Chairman's Seat she fills;
Wallows and swallows, stuffs and stares,
And trains Church-wardens up to May'rs.
See! where poor Indolence reclines!
Lolls, tumbles, stretches, sprawls, and pines!
Life has no pain, like that she feels:
A thousand racks, a thousand wheels,
In shape of Easy-Chairs, pursue
The wretch—who knows not what to do.
But let us turn the tables here;
And see what hints for praise appear.
Imprimis then, Disease will own
An Easy Chair excels a throne.


Give philosophical Conceit
Free leave to take the Scorner's seat:
But Wisdom will prefer, elsewhere,
Contentment, and an Easy Chair.
Ambition shakes the world sometimes,
As upward to her wish she climbs;
While every step she gains, declares
A Chair of State, a chair of cares:—
Let her, and welcome, take her choice;
Let me with simple mirth rejoice:
Mirth knows no care, except providing
An Easy Chair, to shake her side in.
The gravest moralists, one and all,
Old age a second childhood call;
For which this Easy Chair of mine,
A second cradle, I define.—
—To lull us in that last retreat
Speak, gentle Peace, thy tidings sweet!


Each pang may Resignation sooth!
And Conscience lay our pillow smooth!
While Hope, her eye to Heav'n addrest,
Enwraps us in her friendly vest,
And rocks us to Eternal Rest!