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The works of Alexander Pennecuik

of New-Hall, M.D.; containing the description of Tweeddale, and miscellaneous poems. A new edition, with copious notes, forming a complete history of the county to the present time. To which are prefixed, memoirs of Dr Pennecuik, and a map of the shire of Peebles, or Tweeddale

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Thus hath my weak and babbling pen been bold,
To play the wanton to thee as I could,
O'er whose defects and blemishes if thou
Will draw the curtain of thy cheerful brow,
I care not for the idle critic strain
Of any cracked or capricious brain:
No, no, it's to and for thee that those lines,
Th'abortive infant and the poor propines.
Oft weak my wit and naked skill do come,
They have more merit if you lend them room.
Nil temere uxori, de servis crede quærenti,
Sæpe et enim mulier quem conjunx diligit, odit.
Believe not rashly when thy wife complains
Of servants whom thy bounty entertains;
For often times the wife hates and reproves
That servant whom her husband chiefly loves.