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That monster oppression, behold how he stalks,
Keeps picking the bones of the poor as he walks,
There's not a mechanic throughout this whole land
But what more or less feels the weight of his hand;
That offspring of tyranny, baseness, and pride,
Our rights hath invaded and almost destroyed,
May that man be banished who villainy screens:
Or sides with big W---n with his thirteens.


And may the odd knife his great carcase dissect,
Lay open his vitals for men to inspect,
A heart full as black as the infernal gulph,
In that greedy, blood-sucking, bone-scraping wolf.


This wicked dissenter, expelled his own church,
Is rendered the subject of public reproach:
Since reprobate marks on his forehead appear'd,
We all have concluded his conscience is sear'd:
See mammon his God, and oppression his aim,
Hark! how the streets rings with his infamous name,
The boys at the playhouse exhibit strange scenes
Respecting big W---n with his thirteens.
And may, &c.
Like Pharoah for baseness, that type of the de'il,
He wants to flog journeymen with rods of steel,
And certainly would, had he got Pharoah's power,
His heart is as hard, and his temper as sour;
But justice repulsed him and set us all free,
Like bond-slaves of old in the year jubilee.
May those be transported or sent for marines
That works for big W---n at his thirteens.
And may, &c.


We claim as true Yorkshiremen leave to speak twice,
That no man should work for him at any price,
Since he has attempted our lives to enthral,
And mingle our liquor with wormwood and gall;
Come Beelzebub, take him with his ill-got pelf,
He's equally bad, if not worse than thyself;
So shall every cutler that honestly means
Cry “take away W---n with his thirteens.”
And may, &c.
But see foolish mortals! far worse than insane,
Three-fourths are returned into Egypt again;
Altho' Pharoah's hands they had fairly escaped,
Now they must submit for their bones to be scraped;
Whilst they give themselves and their all for a prey
Let us be unanimous and jointly say,
Success to our Sovereign who peaceably reigns,
But down with both W---n's twelves and thirteens.
Any may, &c.