University of Virginia Library



Where icy billows strew the plain,
Mid rattling hail, and sleety showers,
In realms of frost we spirits reign;
In varied sport consume the hours.
O'erwhelming weights of gather'd snow
Oft from the hoary mount we tear;
Deep-thundering down the vale below,
Or whirl'd in eddies thro' the air.
'Mid desart rocks, in regions drear,
Fantastic scenes our skill displays:
Their snow-built spires the cities rear,
The groves their chrystal branches raise.
Ætherial Elves unnumber'd beams
O'er all our wild creations throw,
Cold saphire radiance, emerald streams,
And blushing rays of ruby-glow.


What scenes of glory yet remain!
What secret wonders might we tell!
But, hark—our queen forbids the strain,
And calls us lingering to her cell.