University of Virginia Library

Causa monens ad opera misericordie

A general steryng be Crystys lyf and Resun
for to fulfylle þese werkys of mercy.
Furst men schuld wilfully fede pore hungry men and þrusty.
For in þat ; þey fede iesu Crist as he hym self sayþ in þe gospel.
And also Iesu crist gyfys body and sowle lyf and catel to vs for þis ende.
and fedis vs wyþ his flesch and his blod in þe sacrament of þe awter.


and gaf hys precious herte blod on þe cros
to bryng vs owt of Mischef of synnys and paynys.
þan resonnably ow we to ȝeue mete and drynke
to nedy men of his owne goodis.
For hys loue and reward of heuyn blysse. and more encrese of wordly goodys.
Also skylfully we owe to cloþe þe nakyd pore men
sethen crist gyfys gloþis to þis ende.
and he hym self was strepid nakyd.
and betyn. and suffryd moche cold for our nede.
And ȝif we do þis wel he wyle cloþe oure sowlys
with vertues and grace in body and sowle
with þe stole of vndedlynesse and blysse of heuyn.
And we owe wel to herberwe pore herberwȝles men for cristys loue.
sethyn crist for oure nede com doun fro heuyn
and leuyd in þis world pore lyf.
and had non hous of his owyn be worldly tytyl.
and offrid al hys body on þe cros.
and his herte to be pynyd and persyd with a spere.
for to bryng vs in-to þe hows of holy chirche.
and in-to þe hows of heuyn in blysse with-owtyn ende.
Be gret resoun owe we to vysite seke men
sethyn crist for oure nede deyd on þe cros.
to bryng vs out of seknesse and synne. and kepes vs out of bodily seknesse ;
for we schuld help oþer seke men. and be þis help deserue þe blyss of heuyn.
Also we owe be gret resun to comfort men in presoun.
Seþen crist was þre and thyrty ȝere in gret presoun and paynful in þis world.
and sparid not for no cold ne hungyr ne oþer peynys
to visyte vs. þat were in prisoun of synne.


ne sparid not to visite men þat were in helle for horrour of þat place.
Lord whi schuld venym or stynk lette vs to visite men in presun.
sythyn þey be many tymes presonyd for hate and for trewthe þat þey mayntene.
and many tymys for ensampyl of vs ; god suffrys hem þus to be pynyd
for we schuld drede gretter þe peynys of helle.
We owe to bery pore dede men in tyme of nede.
sythyn crist wilfully suffryd so hard deth
in þe mount of caluerye for oure synnys
And þese werkys of Mercy be vndon.
he schal dampne vs to helle with-outyn ende.
And yf we do hem trewly ; he wil bryng vs to heuyn with-outen ende.