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Seuen bookes of Epigrames written by T. B. [i.e. Thomas Bastard]

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[Thou which deluding raisest vp a fame]

Thou which deluding raisest vp a fame,
And hauing shewd the man concealst his name,
Which canst play earnest as it pleaseth thee,
And earnest turne to iest as neede shall be,
Whose good we praise, as being likt of all,
Whose ill we beare, as being naturall,
Thou which art made of vineger and gall,
Wormewood, and Aqua fortis mixt with all.
The worldes spie, all ages obseruer,
All mens feare, fewe mens flatterer,
Cease, write no more to agrauate thy sinne:
Or if thou wilt not leaue, now Ile beginne.