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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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[Puir, perjurd palliard, plaged wt the parls]

Puir, perjurd palliard, plaged wt the parls,
By quick repentance heavin's just wrath prevēts,
Of paine to come the gallouse is but arles,
Qlk for the gaips, and laiks but ones consent.
Thy epitaph sall then be putt in prent,
To blaize abroad how leudlie thou hath liued;
Religioun's foe, against thy brethren bent,
Quho one and all, (and not but cause), ar greeued
------the rape hath not thy lyfe berewed.
------thy calling, to the churche a curse
------thou thy birth had not survived
------no conscience for to fill thy purse.
Adieu till death; to die a slauchterd oxe
How punisht wt the palsie & the poxe.