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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Gif ȝe haue rissin from deid againe]

Gif ȝe haue rissin from deid againe,
With Christ our cheif and Soueraine,
Quhilk did the inward man renew,
Gloir not in eirdly thingis vaine,
Bot in the croce of Christ Iesew.
Seik thingis abufe that ar not seine,
Nor neuer sall with carnall eine.
Do diligence for till subdew
The flesche, the outward man I meine,
And gloir in the Croce of Christ Iesew.


Honour it with feruent desyre,
And I sall swa ȝour Spreit inspyre,
Ay quhen temptatioun dois ȝow persew
Of Lychorie sall slokkin the fyre,
And gloir in the Croce of Christ Iesew.
Quhen auarice, pryde, or ony sin,
Into ȝour memberis dois begin,
Than pray with feruent hart and trew,
That ȝe may be of Isackis kin
And gloir in the Croce of Christ Iesew.
And delf with deip into ȝour land
As Isak did, quhill that he fand
The water of lyfe, of heuinly hew,
Quhilk is now fillit with eird and sand
And gloir in the Croce of Christ Iesew.
Honour the Image of the Croce,
Not cryand out with curious voyce,
Bot in the Spreit, as it is dew:
His gudnes that restorit the lose,
And gloir in the Croce of Christ Iesew.
His Image is his word compleit,
Performit be the haly Spreit
Quhilk from the father sprang and grew
Thair is na Image half sa sweit.
As gloir in the Croce of Christ Iesew.
Gif ȝe lufe Christ, hait not his word
His leuing Image, it is na bourd,
Quha lichtleis it, sall not eschew


Of vengeance the abhominabill sword
And gloir in the Croce of Christ Iesew.
Siclyke of Iuda the Lyoun strang,
Upon the Croce, he grat and hang.
Quhen he was raisit he ouerthrew
The Serpent, and his vennemous stang
And gloird in the Croce of Christ Iesew.
The decreit and schairp hand write,
That stoppit vs fra the father quyte,
Furth of the myndes he withdrew,
And fixt it to the Croce perfite,
And gloird in the Croce of Christ Iesew.
Syne the Iewes that wer Legall,
And Gentiles that from adames fall,
Sa mony ȝeiris thair God misknew:
Maid baith ane body mysticall,
And gloiris in the Croce of Christ Iesew.
Let vs thairfoir with Paull now sing,
Away from vs all visibill thing
Sing to the Lord ane sang of new
Of laude, prais, and comforting,
And gloir in the Croce of Christ Iesew.
With spirituall lufe let vs proceid
Nocht lyke the Iewes with feir and dreid
Sing to the Lord ane sang richt trew,
That was borne of King Dauids seid,
And gloir in the Croce of Christ Iesew.