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Poems On several Choice and Various Subjects

Occasionally Composed By An Eminent Author. Collected and Published by Sergeant-Major P. F. [i.e. James Howell]

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Upon a Beutiful Valentine.

A Sonnet.

Could I charm the Queen of Loves
To lend a Quill of her white Doves,


Or one of Cupids pointed wings,
Dipt in the fair Castalian springs:
Then wold I write the All-divine
Perfections of my Valentine.
As mongst all flowers the Rose excels,
As Amber mongst the fragrant'st smells,
As mongst all Minerals the Gold,
As Marble mongst the finest Mold,
As Diamonds mongst Jewels bright,
As Cynthia mongst the lesser lights;
So mong the Northern Beauties shine,
So far excels my Valentine.
In Rome and Naples I did view
Faces of Cœlestial hue;
Venetian Dames I have seen many,
(I onely saw them, touch'd not any)
Of Spanish Beauties, Dutch and French
I have beheld the Quintessence;
Yet saw I none that could out-shine,
Or Parallel my Valentine.
Th' Italians they are coy and quaint,
But they grosly daub and paint;
The Spanish kind are apt to please,
But sav'ring of the same disease;


Of Dutch and French some few are comely,
The French are light, the Dutch are homely:
Let Tagus, Po, the Loire and Rhine
Then vail unto my Valentine.
Here may be seen pure white and red,
Not by feign'd Art, but Nature wed;
No simpering smiles, no mimic face,
Affected jesture, or forc'd face:
A fair-smooth front, free from least wrinkle,
Her eyes (Oy me) like Stars do twinkle.
Thus all perfections do combine
To beutifie my Valentine.