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Louring clouds a storm presages,
See the foaming surges rise;
Hark! how blust'ring Boreas rages;
Threat'ning waves approach the skies.
Lower your topsails, boys, be ready;
Strike the topmasts, brace the yards;
Scud before it, keep her steady;
Who this little gust regards?
Cheerly, lads, to fear a stranger;
Cut away the splinter'd mast:
Though surrounded thus by danger,
Boys, it blows too hard to last.


To windward see the clouds dispersing,
Now it lulls, the storm is o'er;
How pleasant, when the tale rehearsing
To your listening friends on shore,
To tell, how friends and home regretting,
You felt, as 'fore the gale she drove;
Then sink to rest, each care forgetting,
In the arms of faithful love.