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I had a vision last night, Mamma,
When the room was vague and still,
And the low gold moon fell peacefully
Behind the dead-black hill.
My eyes were open wide;
I am sure I did not sleep;
And the night was solemn round my bed,
And the silence very deep.
But suddenly it seemed, Mamma,
That near the window, there,
The dark was blossoming flower-wise
In bursts of sunny air.
And while I gazed and gazed,
Clear amid girding gloom,
I saw, white-raimented and fair,—
Can you not fancy whom?
Yes, sister Isabel, Mamma—
Lost, lovely Isabel!
And oh, the glory of her smile
I have not words to tell!


She faded from my sight
Before I dared to speak.
How much I would have given to leave
One kiss upon her cheek!
Pray, do not turn your head, Mamma,
But hold this pale, thin hand,
And promise to be brave when I
Pass to the Heavenly land.
God sent our Isabel
As messenger, last night.
Smiling, she spoke not, but I read
Her quiet smile aright.
Only a little while, Mamma,
And we shall meet once more,
To clasp white hands of welcoming
Upon the peaceful shore.
Weep but a few sad tears
Over my short farewell;
Remember that the amaranth blooms
After the asphodel!